Subeam EM7000 Twin Thermoblock espresso machine. Currently on clearance for $399 (rrp $949).
Also available in grey -… Grey sold out online. May still be available in store.
Subeam EM7000 Twin Thermoblock espresso machine. Currently on clearance for $399 (rrp $949).
Also available in grey -… Grey sold out online. May still be available in store.
Very good price, one worth considering for those entering into manual coffee machines,
How would you compare this with Nespresso terms of costs and tastes? I have a Nespresso at home and the coffee tastes great
This is cheaper per cup of coffee and a lot more customisable but less convenient and you would be waiting a while to pay it back.
Cool, thanks for the heads up, I might stick with my Nespresso then.
Whats a Nespresso?
Its a Capsule Coffee Machine. I am surprised you have not heard of it
Lol, I have - just taking the piss :)
Couple this with a halfway decent grinder (usually a few mentioned on OzB/WP/CoffeesNoobs) & some mad skillz (j/k) & the taste will be vastly superior to Nespresso.
As for costs, in the long term the ability to use the beans of your choice will allow you to make a better cuppa for the same price or less per cup! :)
Cheaper in the long run as to how many years? 2 - 3 years an educated guess?
Only you know how much you currently pay for Nespresso pods, and how much you're willing to pay for both beans & a grinder, so it's kind of a how long is a bit of string question…
That said, I've been using the Aldi $12/kg beans in my Saeco auto, which gets me about 120-150 cups, depending on how many are double shots…so if we take the lower figure of 120 to be safe, $12/120 = 10c per cup on average…I presume you're paying more than that for pods.
We have an Aldi pod machine in the office, it's a damn sight better than instant, but it doesn't compare to a real coffee! ;)
HUH? 1 kg of beans makes you 120 cups? What are you using? A thimble?
No way are you making that many coffee's out of 1kg.
From reading other sites 18 grams per coffee seems to be what this machine likes which would put it at about 55 cups per kilo or 22c per cup.
Harsh reply to a genuine concern.
At your quoted 7-8 grams per cup, most people's mileage will vary considerably from your weak blend. t_c's numbers look much more likely for the average coffee drinker.
Now have a coffee - you sound cranky!
I suppose you measure out each shot to be the typical "7-8" grams right have no wastage, etc?
Enjoy your "off" 4 month old coffee "chump"
@Piper, I just don't appreciate essentially being called a liar by someone who's mouthed off very obviously without thinking it through. Would you???
I suppose you measure out each shot to be the typical "7-8" grams right have no wastage, etc?
What part of "auto" do you not grasp mate??? It's on Saeco's default settings, I don't measure a thing, I press the button once I get one shot, I press it twice I get two…make of that what you will.
Enjoy your "off" 4 month old coffee "chump"
Hey, I'm clearly no coffee snob like you, so yes I do enjoy it just fine. I don't mind keeping my beans in the freezer & topping up the hopper as necessary. I'm not sure if you have much experience with automatic machines, but in combination with bloody supermarket beans it makes bugger all difference FFS! I don't mind a coffee, but I have little patience for people with your wanky coffee snob attitude to be truthful…it's just a frickin' drink, for goodness sake!
Do you think Aldi coffee isn't 4 months old before they sell it to you? What's another 4 months once it's already stale as hell?
I am not at all versed in the ins and outs of coffee making to be honest so grain of salt etc. But don't many 5 star restaurants use the Nespresso machines these days? Apparently they do if what I read is correct …
These are places that would be using a barista if the quality justified it.
I have also read of properly conducted taste testing (testing with the possibility of confirmation bias removed) where Nespresso was rated highly when compared to baristas. I imagine this may rub a certain type of coffee drinker the wrong way but there you go FWIW.
Not doubting you or anything (overtly); and we all know George Clooney is above reproach; but have you got some links to those articles? :)
I'd genuinely like to read them…
There are no 5 star restaurants, Michelin stops at 3.
You might find a Nespresso machine in your hotel room if you stay in 4 or 5 star hotels. I doubt they could supply one barista per room as an alternative, even if it made the coffee much better. ;-)
I thought a lot of them went package deals with bigger companies that essentially subsidised machine, beans and cups to get their names associated with the top restaurants.
Is there any chance these 5 star restaurants prefer to charge you $12 for a 50c cup of coffee than to pay someone $320 a day to stand there and make some steam come out of a pipe every so often?
I remember reading a Choice article a year or so ago where they tested capsule machines and I think the Nespresso rated either middle of the road or towards the bottom. I also wouldn't mind reading such an article that Diji1 refers to - just doesn't sound right - Nespresso beating baristas…
Do you have a source for that? From what ive read (and experienced), pod coffee is bland and total crap.
Love to see these independent taste test surveys to show that Pod coffee is really that highly regarded.
/edit, seems to me these restaurants are using Nesspresso simply because it save's them both space and money by not having to have a trained barrista.
Goes to show how Americans wouldn't know a decent cup of coffee if it "bit them on the ass".
I guess in USA, a typical restaurant - even a high-priced one - will have crappy stale burnt-tasting American drip-filter coffee. Offering an espresso-based coffee, fresh from the pod, is a step up. Getting close to real cafe-style coffee… like Starbucks. Bleugh.
No respectable restaurant in Australia would dare try serving Nespresso.
Long term, per cup, I'd say less than 1/3rd the price of a nespresso.
However, wife approval factor, for the nespresso wins ANY shootouts, taste tests, any sane arguments for / against go out of the window.
I loved my Rancilio Silvia (I'd considered the EM6900 at the time I bought that)….
Wife loves her nespresso.
You can guess which machine's in storage and which is in our apartment
I can wholeheartedly sympathise…hence my choice of the compromise, the auto!
Closest to meeting both criteria without a trip to the family law court! ;)
I'd be getting a new wife. Or put the machine in the garage and use it in secret.
Better off putting the wife and the nespresso machine in the garage
How much for the Silvia? You in Melbourne?
The cheapest one would cost $739 + shipping.
How much for the Silvia? You in Adelaide?
My wife knows what happens if I don't get REAL coffee.
Nespresso is to coffee what SPAM is to meat.
I think it really depends on how you are going to use your machine. If you buy this and just use preground beans or stale beans in an average grinder. You might as well keep the nespresso.
If you however get a decent grinder, and then buy fresh beans (Manna beans constantly have a deal for $30/kg). Then this will taste a hell of a lot better then Nespresso and will probably pay off in a year or two.
I've had friends give up nespresso after they tried a nice cuppa.
I personally don't think the trade off is worth it at all.
Even a hand grinder, and one of those round coffee makers/ or aeropress is going to make much better coffee then those horribly overpriced crap that is Nespresso
For lovers of Real Coffee.
There is a reason baristas don't just pop in a pod.
Does anyone know where these are made?
Java :P
Well Sunbeam is an Australian company, however I'm not guaranteeing they are actually made here.
Over a decade ago, Sunbeam moved its production to China. Local factories were closed down.
thanks, ordered!
nice find!
WOW, what a price. I have one of these and they are seriously good. Have had mine for the last year now and it makes the best coffee. Even better then the store ones.
Everyone that tries one of my coffees I make from this machine whats to get a coffee machine at home. I had a nespresso before this and I can tell you right now that even if you get a cheap brand coffee bean like the home brand wollworths one. It's 1000 times better then any nespresso coffee made from any coffee machine!
If you can spare the cash get one of these machines. Its changed the way I drink coffee - I enjoy it more.
Getting married in two weeks, and I so don't have the funds for this! Man I want one though :-(
Easy, don't get married and take this on your honeymoon.
It will service you better ;)
and you wont mind so much in 6 months time when you find out this coffee machine has also been servicing you brother as well as all his mates.. ;)
I LOL'd! :)
remember to clean your steam wand after every use
Even easier, put this on your bridal registry, go on your honeymoon AND get this item :P
Exactly. Find a really good mate (preferably a coffee connoisseur) and drop a couple of hints.
Holy hell this is a good machine. Get it if you want to make yourself some real coffee.
Although, I like cold pressed coffee too but it takes so long to make
(╯'□')╯︵ ┻━┻
Whats a good grinder for this machine?
Aye just ordered one and looking for a grinder as well. Would appreciate if anyone can give pointers. :)
When I bought this machine it came with a sunbeam grinder. This exact one
Its a beautiful grinder and grinds the coffee to perfection all the time.
Seconded, this is what I use. Picked one up ages ago for around $100 from a deal on here
Breville Smart Grinder will help you get the most out of this machine.
EM0840 Sunbeam
Breville smart grinder is a great grinder before you go to the real expensive ones
normally on special for around $200
Ibertal challenge worked for me
Thanks op. been looking for an espresso machine for a while.
Now its time to find a grinder that goes with it !
Anyone think this is worth replacing my Silvia with? Getting a bit sick of the startup/warmup times on Miss Silvia.
A friend of mine has an EM7000, it takes 20 seconds to warm-up. Hope this helps!
What about the ultimate coffee quality :P?
From first-hand experience, if you can get your grind right you can pull perfect shots out of /most/ espresso roasts. At this price point, these machines (Silva Vx's/Sunbeam EM6/7k's/Breville 8xx) are able to pull great shots.
Milk wand is acceptable: good pressure, very quick purge time (<1second from on to full steam), ableit a bit bulky at the tip due to the in-built thermometer.
The only limiting factor for coffee quality using this machine would be due to the user.
Surely it takes longer to warm up the group head tho, which I believe is quite important? Or am I wrong?
No comparison between this and a silvia in terms of performance, build, resale value and quality of coffee that comes out of it. Also thermoblock vs boiler machine. Commercial machines use boilers for a reason. Sunbeam is great, but it is convenience over quality in the end.
I told my friend about this deal and he ordered one, but interestingly with 700+ clicks the item is still available. Got a feeling he will be disappointed as been a clearance item I doubt HN has that much stock
Clicks != Orders
I just ordered and just got a shipped email.
Do you mean invoice? not shipped, right?
Wow! Damn quick!
Thanks! Ordered. Hope they have stock.
Thanks Daff, ordered.
Well, I've taken the dive! Let's see how it goes…
We have the 6910 that lives in the cupboard. Aeropress is much quieter (and faster) at 5am.
This is a fantastic price though.
Remember that is also available in white. The grey one seems in short supply. Postage was $6.95 for me, but $5- off for signing up a couple of weeks ago (which I had forgotten about - deducted automatically. Thanks)
Can't really afford at the moment, but such a deal, couldn't resist.
Who forced you?
Wasn't me.
Dumbest neg I have EVER seen
LOL, fair enough. Just following the ozbargain rules and guidelines, as I wouldn't want someone to drop $399 with a online retailer and be jerked around for 3 months waiting for their coffee machine.
Play the ball not the man
Oi, keep it clean mister…this is a family show! ;)
Just ordered! Hopefully they have enough stock and ship it soon.
Don't forget to pay on your Amex and get $30 cashback!
Really? How?
Instructions were on the following thread. It appears only Amex issued cards can access all the offers but those issued by others may not have all the offers available to them.
When I read Berecca13's reminder I was so unhappy I had missed out on the $30 credit by paying with Paypal and not Amex but when I found out that the offer was not available for my non-Amex issued card, I was so happy I hadn't missed out.
Now I am just confused.
The cashback offer was also available to CommBank, Westpac, ANZ and NAB issued cards if you were one of the first 7500 people to register for it. I can't find a link to register for it anymore so it looks like it's too late to register.
Just managed to register through the Amex phone app. Looked on the website and couldn't find the link either but somehow it was still available through the app.
Any good deals on the ones where you put a coffee pod into?
Why was this downvoted? lolol
I just got a shipped email! That was quick.
Choice. Come. Au has some cheaper machines with better review scores but it is on their recommendations list to buy.
Good price…forget the optimistic RRP, normal street price is a genuine $700+ though…