This was posted 10 years 9 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Origin 70% off Sale


Lots of games 70% OFF Sale
The Sims™ 3
The Sims™ 3 Worlds Bundle
The Sims™ 3 Dragon Valley
The Sims™ 3 Master Suite Stuff
The Sims™ 3 World Adventures
SimCity™ Societies
Mass Effect™ 3
Mass Effect™ 2
Battlefield 3™ - 100% OFF
Battlefield 3™: End Game
Battlefield 3™ Armored Kill
Battlefield 3™: Aftermath
Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2
Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 SPECACT Kit
Battlefield Bad Company™ 2 Vietnam
Dragon Age™ II
Dragon Age:™ Origins
Mirror's Edge™
Dead Space™ 2
Dead Space™ 3
Dead Space™ 3 : Awakened
Crysis® 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor: Airborne™
Medal of Honor™
Medal of Honor™ Digital Deluxe Edition
Medal of Honor™ Warfighter
Bookworm® Adventures
Zuma's Revenge™
Rail Simulator
Alice: Madness Returns™
The Saboteur™
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™ DLC Bundle
NHL® 09
Bejeweled® 3
Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™
Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3
Command & Conquer™ 3: Kane’s Wrath
Command & Conquer™ 4 Tiberian Twilight
Peggle® Nights
Need for Speed™ ProStreet
Need for Speed™ SHIFT
Need for Speed™ Undercover

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closed Comments

  • That's a crap load of games, if only they had the new Dragon Age listed. Good deal though, +1 & thanks for posting. Now to Origin so I can sort out my wishlish :)

  • +10

    Nice deal OP… Now if only we didn't need Origin to play them.

    • +9

      Origin is fine. It is even better than iTunes. At least it doesn't freeze on opening.

    • -2

      i will give it a miss.. am on AGL and quite happy with them.. :P

      • haaa..
        the lost art of sarcasm :(

  • +1

    Thanks. Been waiting for fifa 10 to come on sale

  • +2

    EA is DESTROYING their IP!!!!!

    • Why do you say that? Just about all the games above are the previous generation games and not current titles (which is a shame for me)… but I don't see this as destroying there IP, I see it was trying to squeeze as much sales out as they can for their older titles.

      • +1

        Neo's statement was probably a general observation of the decline in quality for each sequel EA publishes. I am inclined to agree, for any given game 'n' then n+1 will be crapper in some way, or deviate away from the roots of the original. eg Dead Space, Army of TWO, BF Bad Company, Need for Speed etc. For other games (particularly their sports games) they do nothing to improve the sequel but re-release the original with a new roster.

        • you still buy it, so that is all they need to do. If you didn't blindly buy it, the company might be forced to improve.

        • +5

          No he's referring to when Origin was new they said they would not run 70% off sales like Steam because it devalues the IP and damages the brand


          Q: One of the things that Steam does is this random deep-discounting of software, and it works well for them. Do you see that as something you want to do?

          David DeMartini: We won't be doing that. Obviously they think it's the right thing to do after a certain amount of time. I just think it cheapens your intellectual property. I know both sides of it, I understand it. If you want to sell a whole bunch of units, that is certainly a way to do that, to sell a whole bunch of stuff at a low price. The gamemakers work incredibly hard to make this intellectual property, and we're not trying to be Target. We're trying to be Nordstrom. When I say that, I mean good value - we're trying to give you a fair price point, and occasionally there will be things that are on sale you could look for a discount, just don't look for 75 percent off going-out-of-business sales.

          Q: Isn't that in some sense an old-school way of looking at it based on cost of goods? When your cost of goods is basically your transaction costs and your server costs. Even when they discount a game by 75 percent, they're still making money on it. It's not the margin that's important, but the total amount of revenue that's coming in. If by discounting it that much on a weekend they then kill the sales going forward, or they kill the sales in retail stores for the packaged versions, that could be a concern. But Gabe has said that as far as they can tell when they've done that it hasn't affected sales in other channels.

          David DeMartini: Actually, Gabe will usually say it improves sales in other channels because if the game is good there are some water-cooler moments and it has a spring-up effect. Without revealing too much, what I'll say is one way to deal with aging inventory is you do deep discounts like that. There are other ways, which I can't really talk about, of dealing with product as it ages over a period of time, where you present a value to the customer and you engage them in your service on a going-forward basis. We don't believe in the drop-it-down, spring-it-up, 75 percent off approach, but we've got something else that we do believe in that we'll be rolling out.

          But I absolutely understand your point, and I'm not not-hearing what you're saying. We don't have the old-school approach that you're describing; we're all about building as big a universe as we can, and there are multiple ways to build the universe. One way is to discount the price, the other is to form a longer-term relationship with them and draw them in that way.

          Q: I do think the downside of what Steam does might be damage to the brand.

          David DeMartini: Also what Steam does might be teaching the customer that "I might not want it in the first month, but if I look at it in four or five months, I'll get one of those weekend sales and I'll buy it at that time at 75 percent off." It's an approach, and I'm not going to say it's not working for Valve. It certainly works for Valve; I don't know if it works as well for the publishing partners who take on the majority of that haircut.

          So I guess when he's saying

          We don't believe in the drop-it-down, spring-it-up, 75 percent off approach, but we've got something else that we do believe in that we'll be rolling out.

          He means 75% is out of the question but 70% is fine

      • +2

        Neo's statement is a cheeky reference to head of EA Origin claiming that Steam sales damaged the value of IPs in the eye of the consumer (why would you buy a game full price when you could wait for a sale on steam?) and that Origin would not have similar sales.

    • wat?

  • Are the prices cheaper on the US Origin store? Is there an advantage to using the VPN trick. I have to hurry to to work so I don't have time to compare now.

    • +1

      I beleive greatest prices in Russian Origin

      • Russian origin purchase may have missing language pack. It depends on the game itself.

        • Would be good reason to learn russian )))))))))

  • +24

    oh not that origin… thought gonna get 70% off my electricity bill… lol

    • Hahahaah, IF only!… That would be a sale I'm sure just about every one would be very interested in…

    • +2

      this Origin deal adds to your electricity bill

  • +3

    Wish ME3 dlc would get some discounts for once.

  • I'm reluctant to buy any of these in case Origin gives them away for free in the coming weeks.

    Dead Space, Plants Vs Zombies and Battlefield 3 so far - pretty much anything could be next!

  • Dead Space™ 3 : Awakened

    Damn that was an epic addon, if only the rest of the game was made in the same style :( ie more like Dead Space

    • Is it also co-op?

      • Yup.

      • but DS3 is already coop.. Awakened is just DLC pretty much isn't it?

  • +2

    Has anyone noticed how many "3" games EA have?

    • Today I was at dicksmith and telling my friend that there are so many 3 games. I guess we are in 3rd generation of awesome games.

      • Which is ironic because the 3rd game in the franchise is usually the most disappointing, whilst 2 is the best. Don't believe me? Here's a list.

        Uncharted 3
        Gears of War 3
        Mass Effect 3
        Halo 3 (though 1 was best, 3 was still the most disappointing, Fable follows this same method)
        Assassin's Creed 3
        Banjo Kazooie (Provided Nuts and Bolts counts as 3)
        Resistance 3
        Battlefield 3 (though it hardly counts because it gets more disappointing every year)

        That's all I can really think of at the moment. But that's a lot of examples of "Great Second game, not as good third game" franchises. They still usually rock my socks though. But stakes usually get way too high in the second game lol.

    • +1

      Guess they really do work differently to Valve….

      • -1

        Mass Effect 3? Battlefield 3? Dead Space 3?

        Three 3's.

        3 + 3 = 6.

        6 - 3 = 3

        Half Life 3 confirmed.

  • +1

    thanks OP , good post, but I think Battlefield 3™ - 100% OFF - deserves a post on its own ;-)

    • +2

      It's already been posted as an "On The House" deal from EA.

  • -2

    I initially thought it was an Origin Energy deal

  • Any of the BF3 DLCs worth getting at price ?

  • +1

    As per usual, DLC points purchases (eg Bioware Points) totally excluded leaving consumers to be shafted in DLC pricing

  • +1

    Not bad at all, but Admiral Akbar stirs loudly in the back of my mind.

  • +1

    Mass Effect 3 is marginally cheaper on (by about $1) if anyone cares.

  • I remember how much I loved The Sims (original) at a young age. I must have been 10 or something.

  • I highly recommend Mirror's Edge if you have missed playing it. One of the best platformers that really stood out with its distinct visuals, soundtrack and cool (albeit clichéd) story.

    • I have heard really mixed reviews. Even though I have the game and can formulate my own opinion, its based solely on preference. The rumours for Mirror's Edge 2 are slightly disturbing; the game didn't do nearly as well (as it should've) as to justify a sequel. Sometimes I think EA is puffing the crazy grass.

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