• expired

UBank Term Deposit Upfront 0.10% p.a Bonus


If you are considering opening a term deposit with UBank,
receive an upfront bonus of 0.10% pa added to their existing rates. (I havent seen any higher rates online)

  1. Visit http://ubank.com.au/friends
  2. Select "word of mouth" when answering "how did you hear about us?"
  3. Enter unique code of 19374 into the source code field
  4. Submit your application and transfer funds to UBank.

(obviously this depends on your personal situation to see if this product suits you)


(Edited by scotty — froddo also gets $30 referral if you use his code to sign up UBank)

Referral Links

Referral: random (1353)

Until 28 February 2025, referrer and referee each receive $30 after referee makes 5 settled card purchases within 30 days.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Just wondering. What would you get, froddo? :)

  • I'm still waiting for my 1GB USB Drive from these guys :(

  • +5

    You forgot to mention that you make $30 out of each person that does this…

  • +2

    -ve from me
    1) No Mention from froddo that he gets $30 for each referral
    2) There are better rates out there even when you take into account the extra .1% when you look on http://www.ratecity.com.au/term-deposits/

  • +1

    bankwest have online saving account (or similar) 4.75% pa provided no withdrawal every month.

    • You do have to compare apple with apple though, i.e. term deposit vs. online saving account.

  • +1

    lol wow u didn't mention you get the cost
    and the deals not that good

  • 0.10% = If you put $50,000 in you get $50?

  • +3

    dishonest by hiding personal benefit

    • agree!

  • Appologies I did not include that I do get $30 for each succesful application. In return you get 0.1%.

    Please refer to SydGuys reply with using http://www.ratecity.com.au/term-deposits/
    to compare the best rates.

  • +2

    I'm compelled to -ve this due to the apparent attempt by the OP to earn $$ from OzBargainers…
    I’ve always felt that an apology lacks sincerity if it has to be asked for.

  • -1

    every ubank "bargain" should be banned… all of them are crap

    • +3

      I just checked this deal and it's the highest 3 months term deposit rate I can find on Ratecity. What's your gripe?

      • +1

        Bankwest is higher and they dont lock you in for 3 months.

        Voting down because the rate isn't the highest (not a bargain) and also because I think it's underhanded to neglect to mention you get $$ out of it.

  • hate it when people are trying to make profit from posting bargains

  • +1

    I think this is a hard situation - on one hand it is win-win, whilst the poster does benefit, so does anyone that takes up this deal. On the other hand, the moment you start allowing people to benefit from their own posts you open the doors to people posting affiliate links and the like

    My take is that if it's not a "commercial" benefit that the poster is receiving (ie, affiliate links, their own business, etc), and as long as they state that they benefit in the original post, then I don't have an issue with this type of deal.

    And for those complaining that 0.1% isn't much, I can assure you that there's some of us here for who an extra 0.1% results in a non-trivial amount of extra interest.

    • +1

      Indeed. See our Affiliation link posting guideline. It is not encourage because in many cases you can get rebate from MoneyBackCo. In situations where it's a win-win situation, make sure you state clearly that it's an affiliation link.

  • +1

    Hello people -

    This promotion from UBank that is referred to is designed to provide a benefit to friends & family of our customers. Friends & family get 0.10% p.a. additional interest, and the referring customer gets $30 per new customer (up to a limit of 10). The reason it's designed like that (with a flat fee for the referring customer) is because there are very strict rules about referral selling in Financial Services (to protect customers and applicants).

    Whether or not it's appropriate to post the offer here is for the community to decide (and as the discussion above shows, that's happening).

    Speak soon,

    Gerd Schenkel form UBank

    Terms & conditions apply.
    Any product offered does not take into account your personal situation.
    Refer www.ubank.com.au

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