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$0.95 DIY 1x28 Compact Binoculars - Digital Download (Proceeds Go to BirdLife Australia)


Following extensive research and development, OpticsCentral Australia has released the world’s lightest and true-colour 1x28 Compact Binoculars. Featuring brilliant contrast and resolution, these compact bins are versatile and very useful in a wide range of indoor / outdoor activities.

Payment by PayPal.

*all proceeds from sale of this binocular (after bank fees) go to BirdLife Australia.

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closed Comments

    • +1

      you can't see but you can imagine the bargain!

  • "The world's first 1x28 Printable Compact DIY Binoculars is designed for the bored and highly imaginative kid ozbargainer in mind"

  • +1

    can I pay with printed banknotes? This is not a bargain!
    P.s. Much better donate the whole amount to charity than feeding banks and Paypal.

  • No deal, donate directly instead?

    Also, you could probably get free templates and print your own (which is basically what you're paying for here).

  • +1

    Once built, you get a ~28mm aperture binoculars with a 1x magnification.

    Er… what? I think that this should be clear that these are "pretend" binoculars. This comes off as a bad joke, TBH.

  • +1

    It's not 1st April yet

  • focus free
    um, yeah, unless you have cataracts!

  • What is the warranty like on these?

    • Lifetime replacement of the template.

      • Unlimited prints at no extra charge!!!

  • As soon as I saw the 1x bit I started laughing. But that's no magnification, you ask? Yep and it's a printed piece of paper… and you need to provide the paper and the printer. This is as pointless as those japanese chindogu inventions:

    I love it. Get's us ozbargainers flapping.

  • Maybe you could mod the design to this:

  • The paper looks nice though. Too bad you have to supply that yourself too.

  • Are these an improvement to toilet rolls or your hands?

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