FREE Lebara mobile sim, uses Vodafone 3G
FREE Lycamobile sim, uses Telstra 2G
Should receive both within 7 days
FREE Lycamobile and Lebara Sim Cards

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2G would be good for seniors with simple phones, or just average Joe Blow who stays in the city
2G?…… I get some of the resellers are using the "old" 3G bandwidth now that Telstra is selling it but 2G? ………. that's pretty much unusable for data by todays standards.
Pretty sure these have always been free - seems I have a collection of them on my desk ( so they must have been free sometime in the past ).
What's the point of this? Its like a key with no car to go with it.
I don't get the point of this either its mentioned in big bold letters on their website…, both have been free for 2 years or more and posted numerous times before…, these mods have no right to take down a valid neg, this is clearly not a deal ! remove negs too increase traffic and get more $$.
Not only is that not true but that doesn't even make sense.
Negative votes need to be done via voting guidelines.
@logical, you keep negative voting with the reason, Move to forums where you should be reporting the deal. Thus it is an invalid vote. This has been the guideline for many years.
@buzzlight, See the duplicate guidelines. Last time this deal was posted was in May 2012 thus this isn't a duplicate.
i voted neg and they removed it. its a stupid deal.
It's a freebie. If it doesn't apply to you then don't vote and find deals that are applicable to you.
- The deal is not the cheapest available
- It is a Defective Product.
- or there are major issues with retailer.
then negative vote.
What's the point of this? is not a valid reason and is not a particularly useful comment.
its a stupid and defective product, explain to me how you are suppose to use this product without spending more money???
I used this lebara sim to unlock my Telstra device..
its a stupid and defective product, explain to me how you are suppose to use this product without spending more money???
pull your head out from time to time???
every now and then there will be a freebie posted here that requires sms validation. if you're uncertain about giving out your existing number (or even want to claim more than one), you give the lyca/lebara number.
other uses too like using as a contact number for job applications with dodgy agencies etc
Aren't these always free? do they have free credit as well?
i never received mine after 7 days, i had signed up about 2-3 weeks ago :(
It's free, so just sign up for another one. Hopefully you will receive this time. It's OK to order as many as you want. You only become a terrorist suspect once you activate too many SIM cards.
I got mine last time around
this was always free and deserves a neg
I got a $10 Lebara starter pack and a $10 recharge at a shopping centre last weekend because the call rate was cheaper than Lyca mobile. The call quality is so bad, I think I wasted my money. Will go back to Lyca.
Just to share my 2c.
This is an awesome deal for me as I have a new Telstra iPhone that needed to be unlocked (had to buy a non-Telstra SIM to insert into phone). I also just grabbed a few of the Telstra Elite WiFi devices, which again, required a different carrier SIM to complete the unlocking. I will be saving at least $2 (OzBargain spirit, ehh?) and I definitely will toss away whatever SIM I use after unlocking. Thanks OP
It is probably their marketing mistake or some other confusion.
But Lyca is great for what it is: a low cost international voice calls.
It is simpler to use than calling cards (i.e. no long passcode to key in) and less complicated than VOIP/Skype (just put the SIM in your mobile phone, not just smart phone) and you are good to go.
It is a no brainer if you have older relatives/parent that need to call overseas often.
Got lebara one today, thanks op
Oh good lord, 2G for lycamobile. Not bad rates if you just make phone calls.
Regionally (in my experience) Telstra's 2G is quite average compared to its NextG network.
They are a couple of big -'ves for most users these days.