Order a Free Lycamobile SIM Card for Your Device @ Lycamobile
Choose from Normal SIM or Micro SIM
Order a Free Lycamobile SIM Card for Your Device @ Lycamobile
Choose from Normal SIM or Micro SIM
Referrer gets up to $30 cash. Referee gets up to 60% off new plan for first 3 renewals.
Does it come with any free calls? If not, it's not much use…
Got them before. Usually Free, so where is the deal?
Order 100,000 free SIM's.
Recover and melt the gold plating from each SIM
Sell gold nugget
so collecting cans, hire a truck and drive to SA to get 5c/can = bargain?
This deal has free shipping.
it is 10c now
firstly i dont think there is any gold in sim cards, more likely copper or tin
secondly do you think the "recover and melt" process is effortless?
Firstly, yes they do contain gold. www.Google.com.
Secondly, its obviously a joke. Do you actually think I was being serious suggesting everyone orders 100,000 SIM cards? Are you pulling my leg or what?
Oh, it was a joke… but I've enrolled in a course with Udemy for business startups, read all those free business success books that pop up on OzBargain, written a script to automate the SIM application process to avoid doing it manually 100,000 times, Googled gold recovery, & almost finished writing my business plan to get funds :(
Seems another pointless outfit so must be on optus net. = with '150.00 /gb; no good.
After doing some research on the Internet and calling the calling the Lycamobile customer centre, they've mentioned that Lycamobile uses the Telstra 2G Network and you can only get 2G/GPRS Internet on your phone. Does this sound legitimate guys? 2G network is still going?
yes it is.
Receive $5 free credit when you activate your SIM online
So $5 worth of calls to test out?
It's on your first and second recharge, first time you get $2.50 and second time you get $2.50. It's pretty much like bonus credit! And plus Dick Smith has the recharge vouchers on sale - 10% discount of the recharge voucher!
it was always free. and lyca network sucks.
Dude, Are you serious it's on the telstra Network
Are you serious?? Only on ancient 2G Telstra according to posts!
Was this the sacrificial bargain so the $899 dell could be post 899?
very well picked up..
No thanks baby.