OzBargain 101: Lesson 1: Commenting and Deal Formatting (bold, making tables, creating links, big fonts, ordered lists, etc.)

Please see Commenting and Deal Formatting Help Page & other help pages for updated assistance.

We often get queries about how to perform certain functions on OzBargain such as posting a deal, making a comment, creating a table, reminders, etc. We thought it would be useful to have a some guides on different topics in which members can test here. Feel free to ask questions and certainty try out whatever you want.

Lesson 1: Formatting in comments, deal & forum posts

Other Markdown


Commenting and posting in deals & forum posts utilizes the markdown and markdown extra system. The system is used by other popular websites such as Reddit.

Official Markdown
Official Markdown Extra

You can also find formatting help at the bottom of every comment box.


——Task—— —— Code—— —— Example——
Bold **theword** theword
Italic *theword* theword
Strike-through ~~theword~~ theword

H1 (big text):
Code: #theword


Quoting text:
Code: >theword


You can also nest quotations.
Code: >first line of quote
>>second line of quote

first line of quote

second line of quote

Ordered lists (bullet points)

* First item
* Second item


  • First Item
  • Second Item

URLs are automatically converted to links.


However, you can link a website to words.

Code: [Title of Link](http://www.google.com)
Example: Title of Link

Different link colours:

Internal links, those pointing to OzBargain.com.au are denoted in orange.
External links, those pointing to any other site are denoted in blue.
Referral Links, those pointing to a referral link are denoted in grey


Tables can be useful for long lists of items such as a weekly supermarket sale list.


| Header | Header | Right |
| ------ | ------ | -----: |
| Cell | Cell | $10 |
| Cell | Cell | $20 |


Header Header Right
Cell Cell $10
Cell Cell $20

If you don't want to go through and create tables manually, you can use the Markdown Tables generator which allows you to create markdown tables through a simple copy + paste GUI.

Other Markdown

A line or horizontal rule



A definition list:


Bottled water
: $ 1.25
: $ 1.55 (Large)

Bottled water
$ 1.25
$ 1.55 (Large)

Code blocks such as ones shown above:


`code here`

code here

Footnotes if needed:

That's some text with a footnote.[^1]

[^1]: And that's the footnote.

That's some text with a footnote.1

That's probably all you will ever need for OzBargain.

There are some things that are disabled on OzBargain such as embedding images and using HTML. Some markdown will not work within markdown such as H1 (big text) within a table. Have a play around with markdown in the comments. If there are any questions or suggestions, ask away.

  1. And that's the footnote. 


  • +5

    Many thanks for a great reference guide!

  • Thank you kind sir!

    *I remember seeing a scaled down version of this quite sometime ago, but ~~could find it nowhere ~~ haven't been able to locate it.

    *Must have left it on my other computer.

    _______ ———-

    Preview tells me my intended bullets are still asterisks:

    • Does an extra space fix it?

    • Yep, Preview tells me it did.

    • What am I doing wrong that strike-through didn't work?

      • could find it nowhere

        It's alright, sorted! :)

    • Not sure what you did but in my experience when markdown doesn't work it usually has something to do with spacing.

      This code:

      Test sentence
      * item 1
      * item 2

      Produces this:

      Test sentence
      * item 1
      * item 2

      Whereas if you add the needed space between Test sentence and item 1:

      Test sentence

      * item 1
      * item 2

      then the bullets/ordered list are show correctly:

      Test sentence

      • item 1
      • item 2
  • That is some very,very handy info (esp.for us who can manage to save a life,but cannot work out what the hell any of the tech talk that goes on here means to save my own.HAHAHA.So,i have a couple of Q's for you….1:If i see a thread that i would like to put in the "files section" of my account,how do i do that (for that matter,how do i add a new folder at all ????? .I often see advice,websites and tips/tricks that i want to refer back to later,and my personal email is clogged up with old Ozbargain newsletters that have 1 or 2 things i want to keep (not the whole thing.For example,i want to keep this guide…not the whole newsletter).Also,2:How do i keep track of added comments to a thread that may be in a folder i have created ? Thanks,and i hope these weren't totally ridiculous Q's.

    • If i see a thread that i would like to put in the "files section" of my account,how do i do that

      Files are only a place for uploaded images. There is no function to bookmark a forum thread however there is a function to add deals to folders (e.g. saving deals). You just need to hit the Add to Folders button.


      The folders are located in My Account - Lists - Folders.

      how do i add a new folder at all ?????

      Once you click Add to Folders, you can choose to create a new folder or to use existing created folders.

      .I often see advice,websites and tips/tricks that i want to refer back to later,

      You might be better off using a web based notes app such as Evernote or Google Keep. I use Keep as its a Google product so integrates well with other Google products, app for the phone, web based so works on all devices. Evernote allows to you hightlight certain parts of a website which also can be useful.

      Hmm, maybe we need an Add to Keep/Add to Evernote button?

      How do i keep track of added comments to a thread that may be in a folder i have created ?

      It's probably easy to just subscribe to each thread so you get an email every time there is a new comment.

  • Hi, can someone tell me how to make an internal link reference/reply to another poster. it looks like eg. @leele3

  • Generally if you want to make a reference to a post, even in another thread on another topic, you just hover over the user name of the poster. A pilcrow sign ¶ will appear, if you right click on it you can copy a link to that post.

    There is another thing that has appeared recently, which may be what you are referring to. With nested replies, when it gets to about 4, instead of indenting the reply on the page, all subsequent posts are aligned the same but the reply box is automatically populated with the name of the user that you are replying to, in orange and preceded with @, so the threads make some sort of sense, seeing that they are all stacked on top of each other and mixed up. These are links which will take you to the original post. Here is an example of the nesting of messages: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/160222#comment-2227504

    •  H endotherm,

      thanks so much for replying my noob questions.

      The link you gave me shows the examples i'm referring to. It's like a link, but referring to the user.

      So say you said something directed to me, i want to reply to what you wrote and have as a link @endotherm where it will take me to your comment im relating/commenting on… it's like your link you just sent.. it take you to exactly what you are referring to…

      does this make sense? :|

      • OK, lets get the nesting happening here, ignore this message, read the next.

        • Still not happening yet.

        • @endotherm:

          Here we go. Now when I replied to the message above, the system inserts a markdown formatting link, in the form [ label ] (address) where the label is the user "@endotherm" in square brackets and the address is the path to link to the message you are referring to, in this case it reads "/comment/2267573/redir" in normal brackets.

          So say you said something directed to me, i want to reply to what you wrote and have as a link @endotherm where it will take me to your comment im relating/commenting on… it's like your link you just sent.. it take you to exactly what you are referring to…

          The system will automatically create these for you in the reply box after the nesting gets to 4 levels. Any higher than this, you would press the reply link at the bottom of the message you are replying to and it will be neatly stacked and indented so it is obvious which message you are replying to. However when you get to 5th, 6th… levels, the column of text starts getting ridiculously narrow, so the replies all get stacked at the same indent level. They all have these links created by default so you can see who is being replied to. If you want to reply to one of my messages, you might find there are already replies to messages at the 5th level or 6th level etc, but your reply would go directly beneath it and needs this link to show who it is intended for. I would just click on the link in a comment which replied to my thread, which would take you to the message you wanted to reply to. Then just hit the reply link and type away.

          If you really wanted to do this at a higher level, I guess you would have to type the link manually after working out the message number. Hope that isn't too confusing.

        • @endotherm:

          Thanks so much!you're so helpful! I will give it a try..

        • @endotherm:

          just doing a test to refer back to your very first comment here

  • How do I @Mention other people so they get notified that I have made a comment that mentions them.

    I have tried the @ sign and that alone doesn't seem to do it.

    • No such function unfortunately, the @ that you see appears automatically after on the 4th reply or more on a comment thread.

      If you hit reply on anyones comment they will still get a notification though, as you should with this comment now. Might like to check this out about the new desktop notifications as well.

  • Cool



    • cool really cool, lol

  • +1 Thanks

    • Same thing. This is for discussion and if you want to try something out. The other is the help page.

      • Thanks for the prompt reply.

        Can we have this or the wiki linked into Formatting Help at the bottom of comment replies as well as or instead of the markdown and markdown extra links? There is some peculiarities of Ozbargain's support of the syntax so it's best to refer to the wiki documentation here plus more ad revenue for Ozbargain..

  •   // ==UserScript==
      // @name BoldBargain
      // @description Make OzBargain titles bold again
      // @author /user/brezzo
      // @include *.ozbargain.com.au/*
      // ==/UserScript==
      var logos = document.getElementsByClassName('gravatar');
      for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
        if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
          var old = logos[i].src;
          logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=38';
      logos = document.getElementsByClassName('usericon');
      for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
        if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
          var old = logos[i].src;
          logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=20';
  • Special attributes of Markdown Extra doesn't work for anchors/jump points.
    [an example with title attribute](http://example.com/ "Title") doesn't work of Markdown.
    [Example][id] reference-style link of Markdown doesn't work.


    Header 2 (with anchor name doesn't work)

    This is due to "sec:" being prepended to the anchor and that new anchor name not being able to be linked via the normal markdown link syntax.





    [1] http://www.test.com/
    [2] http://www.google.com/
    [id] http://www.example.com

    • I believe anchors may only be active for mods (can't recall). Try it out if you wish. The anchors are at the top of the page:

      [Guides](https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/128793#sec:guides) That's the menu link

      ##Formatting {#formatting} That's the anchor.

  • Someone please reply to me. Testing chrome push notifications

      • I didn't receive a push notification. Am I meant to? I've opted in to it.

      • How did you manage to make that without OzBargain removing all empty spaces automatically?

        • Code blocks:


          `code here`

          code here

        • NNNNNN NNNN OOOOOOOO #### NNNNNNN NNNN OOOOOOOOOOOO #### NNNNNNNN NNNN OOOOO OOOOO #### NNNN NNNN NNNN OOOO OOOO #### NNNN NNNNNNNN OOOO OOOO ## NNNN NNNNNNN OOOOO OOOOO NNNN NNNNNN OOOOOOOOOOOO ## NNNN NNNNN OOOOOOOO ## .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& ,@@@@@@@(...................%@@@@@@@ #@@@@@,...............................*@@@@@. &@@@@........................................,@@@@( (@@@#...............................................@@@@ &@@@....................................................*@@@/ %@@@.........................................................@@@, @@@............................................................*@@@ %@@%....................@@@@..............(@@@&....................@@@ %@@*..................../@@@@&.............@@@@@.....................&@@, #@@*.....................*@@@@%.............@@@@@......................&@@. ,@@%.......................&@@@..............,@@@/.......................@@@ @@@.......................................................................@@( @@%.......................................................................@@@ ,@@*.......................................................................@@@ *@@*.......................................................................&@@ .@@/.......(@@@...............................................@@...........@@@ @@@......&@@@/...............................................@@@..........@@@ %@@,.....@@.@@(..............................................@@@@........%@@, @@@.........#@@............................................@@@@@#.......@@& @@@..........@@#........................................,@@...........@@@ @@@..........,@@(.....................................@@&...........@@@ @@@,..........*@@&.................................@@@...........(@@@ #@@@............@@@/...........................%@@@............@@@. @@@@............(@@@@,...................*@@@@*............@@@( @@@@..............@@@@@@@#*,,.,,*#@@@@@@@............./@@@( *@@@@................(&@@@@@@@@@&(...............,@@@@ /@@@@(.....................................&@@@@ &@@@@@/...........................%@@@@@( &@@@@@@@@@#*,....,,/%@@@@@@@@@% .#@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ ,%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#. %@@@@@@@#, .*%@@@@@@@( &@@@@@/ ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. %@@@@@( &@@@@* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, %@@@@# /@@@@, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (@@@@. %@@@% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/@@%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. @@@@, *@@@% ,,,,,,,,,,%(,,,,*(&@@%/@@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@@@ @@@@ ,,,,,,(@@@@#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&@/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .@@@% .@@@/ ,,,,,,,,,,,@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. %@@@ @@@. ,,,,,,,,,,,(&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*@@%@@&,,,,,,,,,,,, #@@@ @@@, ,,,,,,,,,,,,@(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*@/,,%@,,,,,,,,,, #@@@ &@@& ,,,,,,,,,,,,/@#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%@,,,@/,,,,,,,,. @@@( @@@ .,,,,,,,,,,,,%#@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/@,,,&@,,,,,,,, *@@@ @@& ,,,,,,,,,,,,,&,&#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&#,,,,,,,,,, @@@ @@# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,@ @/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,@/,,,,,,,,,,, @@@. @@# ,,,,,,,,,,,,,@ %%,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%@,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@@. @@@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,@ @#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,&@(,,,,,,,,,,,,,. @@@ @@@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,&@ &@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,%@#@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (@@& #@@@ .,,,,,,,,,,,#@@@( *@@/,,,,,,,,,,,,(@@/ /@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. @@@, @@@( ,,,,,,,,,,,,@&&&@@& .,/*,. #@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. @@@# @@@% ,,,,,,,,,,,(@&&&&&@@@@&. @&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. @@@& @@@& ,,,,,,,,,,&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@@# (@@@, ,,,,,,,,,,%@&&&&&&&&@@@@@@@@@@@/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. #@@@, @@@@ ,,,,,,,,,,@&&&&&&&%&@@@@@@,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. *@@@% @@@@, ,,,,,,,,,*&@@@@@@&/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, #@@@& &@@@@ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,@@@@( .@@@@@* ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. #@@@@& &@@@@@& ..,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,@@@@@@( (@@@@@@@@&(,. .*#@@@@@@@@&* ,#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(. @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @& /@@@@@@@@ @ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@@ # 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          • +1


            With triple tilde ~~~ on its own line, start and end of block

            NNNNNN    NNNN      OOOOOOOO      ####
            NNNNNNN   NNNN    OOOOOOOOOOOO    ####
            NNNNNNNN  NNNN   OOOOO    OOOOO   ####
            NNNN NNNN NNNN   OOOO      OOOO   ####
            NNNN  NNNNNNNN   OOOO      OOOO    ##
            NNNN   NNNNNNN   OOOOO    OOOOO
            NNNN    NNNNNN    OOOOOOOOOOOO     ## 
            NNNN     NNNNN      OOOOOOOO       ##

            Without triple tilde ~~~

            NNNNNN NNNN OOOOOOOO ####
            NNNN NNNN NNNN OOOO OOOO ####
            NNNN NNNNN OOOOOOOO ##

            • @endotherm: ~~~ @@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
              @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@& @@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@.
              @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
              @@@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@, @@@
              @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@, @@@
              @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@, @@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@, @@@
              @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@, @@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& @@@@@
              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~~~

              • @Blue Cat: Found somy copy paste on the internet, seems to work better than "code" tildes withuot actually using any tildes.

                • @Blue Cat: Interesting case here. The picture seems to be made up of dissimilar "characters" similar to braille with different numbers of dots. They are however mono-spaced and the same size as the whitespace. The "pixels" therefore align equally in columns, giving an ordered picture. I guess the same could theoretically be achieved by cut/paste a block of text using a monospaced font like courier (the font used for quoting "code" here, and used for typing input). However normal text fonts seem to be converted to the standard variable-spaced font used for the majority of text on the site. As the site doesn't seem to understand Braille fonts (or non-latin/unicode sets, e,g, right-to-left Hebrew) it displays them as-is without converting to the standard variable font.

                  cut/paste courier font text

                  // ==UserScript==
                  // @name BoldBargain
                  // @description Make OzBargain titles bold again
                  // @author /user/brezzo
                  // @include .ozbargain.com.au/
                  // ==/UserScript==
                  var logos = document.getElementsByClassName('gravatar');
                  for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
                  if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
                  var old = logos[i].src;
                  logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=38';
                  logos = document.getElementsByClassName('usericon');
                  for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
                  if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
                  var old = logos[i].src;
                  logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=20';

                  cut/paste courier font text, block surrounded with special formatting codes

                    // ==UserScript==
                    // @name BoldBargain
                    // @description Make OzBargain titles bold again
                    // @author /user/brezzo
                    // @include *.ozbargain.com.au/*
                    // ==/UserScript==
                    var logos = document.getElementsByClassName('gravatar');
                    for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
                      if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
                        var old = logos[i].src;
                        logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=38';
                    logos = document.getElementsByClassName('usericon');
                    for (var i = 0; i < logos.length; i++)
                      if (logos[i].tagName == 'IMG')
                        var old = logos[i].src;
                        logos[i].src = 'https://identicon.org?t=' + old + '&s=20';

                  cut/paste right-to-left Hebrew, reproduced as-is with original font set

                  אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי

          • @endotherm: NNNNNN NNNN OOOOOOOO ####
            NNNN NNNN NNNN OOOO OOOO ####
            NNNN NNNNN OOOOOOOO ##

            ~NNNNNN NNNN OOOOOOOO ####~
            ~NNNNNNNN NNNN OOOOO OOOOO ####~
            ~NNNN NNNN NNNN OOOO OOOO ####~
            ~NNNN NNNNNNNN OOOO OOOO ##~
            ~NNNN NNNNN OOOOOOOO ##~

            NNNNNN    NNNN      OOOOOOOO      ####
            NNNNNNN   NNNN    OOOOOOOOOOOO    ####
            NNNNNNNN  NNNN   OOOOO    OOOOO   ####
            NNNN NNNN NNNN   OOOO      OOOO   ####
            NNNN  NNNNNNNN   OOOO      OOOO    ##
            NNNN   NNNNNNN   OOOOO    OOOOO
            NNNN    NNNNNN    OOOOOOOOOOOO     ## 
            NNNN     NNNNN      OOOOOOOO       ##

            OK I got it now!

  • neil just testing, please ignore

    • Well, How do I post a comment with someone else as reference, such as @neil, But that does not work.

      • What do you want to link to? There isn't a tagging feature like Facebook/Twitter for OzBargain.

      • +1

        I'm guessing you are trying to get the orange name reference to come up, signifying who you are responding to. That doesn't happen until the nesting of replies exceeds 3 or 4 levels.

        Have a read of my previous post in the thread, and a few replies after it. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/2266421/redir Things have changed since that was written, don't hover over the name, use the time/date next to it to copy the link to that message.

        • Aha! Yes, I did mean by tagging and that orange name reference.

        • @bluehalk: Like this message (level 4 nesting). It's not indented any more, but the system automatically inserts which "parent" part of the thread it applies to. If it didn't start doing this, the message column gets really narrow when you get to level 10 nesting :), looking like:

          This is
          an example
          of the
          spacing a
          message ends
          up looking

        • @endotherm: Thanks mate, got it now.

  • How can I send someone raw formatting text (or page source) that does not come out formatted through OzBargain so they can edit their posts using copy and paste? Or will I have to use something like Pastebin?

    • From above, code block:


      `code here`

      code here

      However if it's a huge amount of code it's probably better to put it on Pastebin.

  • Tooltips doesn't work despite being in Markdown (works in reddit)

    From Markdown:


    Markdown supports two style of links: inline and reference.

    In both styles, the link text is delimited by [square brackets].

    To create an inline link, use a set of regular parentheses immediately after the link text’s closing square bracket. Inside the parentheses, put the URL where you want the link to point, along with an optional title for the link, surrounded in quotes. For example:

    [test](https://www.yahoo.com/ "one")

    • +1

      Due to PHP updates & regular expression engine changes, it broke this functionality of markdown. An update of the parser would possibly fix this issue however there are many OzBargain specific customisation to our current parser. Given this is a minor bug with limited use and the amount of resources to fix, consider this issue will likely not be fixed in the near future.

      • Thanks for the detailed reply. It was more then I expected!

  • Testing tables in comments:

    | Header | Header | Right |
    | Cell | Cell | $10 |
    | Cell | Cell | $20 |

    this test tables
    1 2 3
    • I can't get this to work :(

      | Header | Header | Right |
      | Cell | Cell | $10 |
      | Cell | Cell | $20 |

      Testing tables in comments:

      | Header | Header | Right |
      | Cell | Cell | $10 |
      | Cell | Cell | $20 |
      this test tables
      1 2 3
      — — —

      • +1

        | Header | Header | Right |
        | Cell | Cell | $10 |
        | Cell | Cell | $20 |

        Need to put the "tie fighter" in the middle (minus the full stop)

        • +1
          Header Header Right
          Cell Cell $10
          Cell Cell $20

          OK thanks, that's been doing my head in for ages.

          Doesn't work with Darth's <-> though :(

          • +1

            @endotherm: nocure's syntax is the minimum required to render a table. However, the columns that are missing separator lines end up having the default (left) alignment.
            If you want the rightmost column to have a different alignment, then you need to use a separator line for each column:

            | Default (Left) | Specified Left | Centre | Right |
            | Cell | Cell | Cell | $10 |
            | Cell | Cell | Cell | $20 |

            Default (Left) Specified Left Centre Right
            Cell Cell Cell $10
            Cell Cell Cell $20

            Note that you can have as many hyphens—or spaces—as you like (except between a colon and a hyphen) without affecting the resulting table:

            | Default (Left) | Specified Left | Centre | Right |
            | - - - -     - - - - | :—— —- —— | :-:        |        -:|
            | Cell                |         Cell         |   Cell   |   $10 |
            | Cell                |         Cell         |   Cell   |   $20 |
            Note also that spaces and leading and trailing pipes are completely optional:

            Default (Left)|Specified Left|Centre|Right

        • +1

          | Header | Header | Right |
          | Cell | Cell | $10 |
          | Cell | Cell | $20 |
          If you have a non-empty line after the table Markdown, it won't be rendered as a table, so no need for an "asteroid" to accompany the "tie fighter".

          (Yeah, yeah… I cheated. 😉 Whilst the line after the Markdown looks empty, it actually contains a non-breaking space. 😜)

          Alternatively, escaping the leading pipe character of any line—or any of the tie fighter's pipes—will also stop the table from rendering (and not show the escape character, of course):

          | Header | Header | Right |
          | Cell | Cell | $10 |
          | Cell | Cell | $20 |
          Either of the above are a possibly better looking alternative to the "normal" way of showing the underlying Markdown—via a fenced code block:

          | Header | Header | Right |
          | Cell | Cell | $10 |
          | Cell | Cell | $20 |

          which displays as:

          | Header | Header | Right |
          | Cell | Cell | $10 |
          | Cell | Cell | $20 |
  • Hi mods, what is the code to strikeout a part of the title. Tried ~~ but doesn't seem to work.

    • Markdown isn't used in the title.

      • So how is the strikeout done?

        E.g. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/503895

        • Unicode. The preference is just to put (expired). Using the strikethrough via unicode adds a bunch of characters so you can potentially max out your character count in the title.

          So with your example using the strikethrough unicode characters, the count is 31 vs. CBT Made Simple (Expired) which is 25.

  • +1

    I wonder if footnotes can be used in the comments.1

    1. This is the footnote that's supposed to work. 

    • hashtag bold

      hashtag bold.1

      1. hashtag **bold 2

      2. footnoteception 3 

      3. footnoteception 4 

      4. footnoteception 

  • my test

    • Why can I comment on my own post but not other posts?

  • +1

    How to upload photos into messages:

    • Go to your files page in your user profile
    • Upload a new file
    • right-click and copy the url of the newly uploaded picture
    • Paste it in your post in the forum

    Link will appear similar to: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/41411/79901/ozfiles.pn…

    To create a cleaner link similar to the How to upload photos link, type the link text inside square brackets [ ], followed immediately by the URL in round brackets. ( )

  • Word Macro to Convert Hyperlinks to Markdown

    Here's a Word Macro that should make it easier to convert a Word doc with hyperlinks to OzBargain Markdown with similarly embedded hyperlinks. I modified the macro from a Microsoft answers post and left the original attribution in to give credit where is due

    Sub HyperLinkConvertToOzBargainMarkdown()
        ' Charles Kenyon 2020-07-19
        ' From https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/macro…
        ' Change hyperlink to html format <a href="https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa1112010">as reported in NEJM</a>
        ' Modified by Rygle 2022-12-02 to convert to Ozbargain Markdown format [Text Description](URL)
        ' This is intended for a Word document where you have embedded hyperlinks in text
        ' and want to make it look similar in the Markdown syntax used by the https://ozbargain.com.au website
        ' How to setup in Word
        ' Have your document setup with text and embedded hyperlinks
        ' Press Alt+F11 to activate the Visual Basic Editor
        ' Select Insert | Module to create a new module
        ' Copy / paste this code in its entirety (from Sub to End Sub) into the module
        ' With the insertion point anywhere in the macro (between Sub and End Sub), press F5 to run the macro
        ' If you have multiple hyperlinks per line, you may need to run this macro several times until all are coverted
        ' It only seems to convert one hyperlink per line, per run. So a line with five hyperlinks will need five runs
        ' Extra runs should not damage already converted text
        ' Finally, switch back to Word.
        Dim oLink As Hyperlink
        Dim strText As String
        Dim strLink As String
        For Each oLink In ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks
            Let strText = oLink.Range.Text
            Let strLink = oLink.Range.Hyperlinks(1).Address
            Let oLink.Range.Text = "[" & strText & "](" & strLink & ")"
            Next oLink
        Set oLink = Nothing
    End Sub
  • Some great tools for bringing tables from HTML, Excel, or from Word (convert table to text/CSV with Tabs as separator, or commas but must have quotes around each entire cell)




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