This was posted 10 years 6 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE: PayPal $5 Credit


EDIT 15/09/14:

For those that are yet to receive an email, coupon or credit, send an email via your PayPal account as per this comment from porleng, or call them directly as per this comment from me. Make sure you state USD $5 for PayPal Activate Survey, and your account will be credited immediately.

No better way to start the week than with USD $5 straight into your PayPal account with just a few clicks.

Actually, you have options. Up to 70% off eBay Deals, 3 months of Deezer Music for $0.45, up to 50% off at DX, 10% off at, 17% off at Champs Sports, or a $5 PayPal Credit. Screenshot here.

Simply click your way through to the end and select your offer of choice. You'll receive an email from PayPal within a week confirming your selection.

Limited to one offer per PayPal account. Coupon expires September 30, 2014.

Terms & Conditions:

Purchases made on international websites should be paid with the Visa, MasterCard or Amex credit card associated to the user's PayPal account. Purchases may be subject to taxes and/or fees. It is the user's responsibility to verify and pay for any additional fees as well as to ensure that the import of the product is allowed to his or her country of residence. The user should also be in agreement with the delivery schedule.

This PayPal coupon is non-transferable and valid for a single purchase from select merchants who accept coupons from PayPal. Coupon expires September 30th, 2014.

PayPal and/or 3rd party merchants reserve the right to cancel offers at any time without notice. 3rd party merchant offers may be subject to additional terms and conditions.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Good morning TA. Thanks!

    • -5

      I just came here to give an upvote :Michael Jackson eats popcorn:

      • -3

        why would michael jackson eat popcorns, he's dead

  • +11

    Nice find. For those wondering it took <2min to complete. Super easy $5 pay, thanks pal!

    • +20

      took me 30 seconds
      slow internet?

      • +56

        F.Y.I 30 seconds IS <2 minutes…
        Showing here:
        30,31,32,33,34,35….60(1 minute),61,62,63,64,65…..120(2 minutes)

        • +16

          Thank you so much for clarifying, was briefly concerned

        • +2

          @AFA: Haha. 30 seconds to do it + 8 minutes to talk about it. Does it matter if internet is a tad slow?

        • +1

          @pebee47: it matters indeed, as the saying goes "time is money", OZBs need to value the time

        • @youbeokay:

          And with $5/2mins which is equivalent to $150/hr - That's how valuable our time is! Equivalent to the going rate for a decent lawyer.

        • @youbeokay: If you weren't going to earn money in the time you used to redeem the offer it's not like you're losing anything.

        • ROFLMAO!

  • +11

    This PayPal coupon is non-transferable and valid for a single purchase from select merchants who accept coupons from PayPal. Coupon expires September 30th, 2014.

    PayPal and/or 3rd party merchants reserve the right to cancel offers at any time without notice. 3rd party merchant offers may be subject to additional terms and conditions.

  • +1

    Thanks OP took seconds to get my $5

  • +1

    Nice find TA!!! Thanks alot :-)

  • Great deal, quick 5$, thanks TA :)

    • +28

      That's USD $5. Translates to around AUD $5.35 :)

  • Morning freebie..

    Thanks TA.

    • Indeed, it's a good start.

  • +22 looks a bit suss to me.

    • -5

      But.. it's TA!

      • +7

        But.. it's Rev. Jim Jones! (now drink your Kool-Aid)

    • +16

      Thinking the same thing. But you don't have to enter any details apart from your email address.
      Word of warning: When/if the email comes through, get the coupon code from it, but DO NOT click on the supplied links in the email… Just in case!

      • +12

        I thought the same but the certificate on the site is for paypal, and the domain is registered by the same company that registers

        Either way you are only entering your email at the moment and as Snoop said just be a little careful with that email

    • +5

      Found this link to DX which seems to be for one of the offers.

    • +14

      Hosted on a Paypal US IP address.…

    • Yeah noticed this after I put my email in… the paypal icon in web browsers tab doesnt match up to other paypal pages, and the paypal's logo doesnt match the position on every other webpage… may not be legit :O

  • +1

    I've gone with "Get up to 70% off now at!"

    Let's hope the conditions aren't rubbish.

    • Now that's a deal!

    • +4

      its 70% off ebay deals - not 70% off ebay.
      its not so it might depend if their targeted "deal" offers even ship to AU.
      Thats what these "deal" offers are - specialized promotions from targeted ebay shops.

      • Damn. Guess it'll cover shipping if there is anything on in next week or two that ships to Au. Could just imagine getting 70% off the 16GB $500 Samsung S5!

        • +9

          UPTO 70%

        • +13

          70% off will come to 4.8 GB..
          not a very good deal imho :P

    • +1

      Keep us updated if there are any deals!

      Also, there is 50% off dealextreme as well.

      • +3

        Also, there is 50% off dealextreme as well.

        • Thanks TA! Wonder if we can just buy stuff from here without going through the quiz first lol. I got my $5 from PayPal, now can I get cheap stuff from dx as well? Lol.

        • @janeymac:
          Be sure to use PayPal's $5 to pay for it.

      • +5

        UP TO 50%, probably closer to 5%.

    • Any luck? I've gone the same way. Thought to buy a phone for the missus but not sure where I can apply the discount.

  • So does the $5 credit have an expiry or use by date?

    Thanks TA :)

    • +7

      30th Sept. It's in the T&Cs.

  • +27

    Direct link, perhaps.

    • +4

      Cheat mode :on


    • +2

      I hope that was for $5 deal ;) as I just followed the link!

    • Clever but I wouldn't risk it.

  • +2

    Great deal, although I don't really get what is the purpose of this marketing campaign (I know, who cares, it is about $5).

    • +4

      Its about getting you to think about using paypal instead of your cc

  • +11

    Top post, much better than ebooks and shopper dockets.

    • +36

      This took 1 minute to put together, the others can take hours :(

      • +4

        I know, I read the post you linked the other day about monthly awards and stuff. You're definitely doing it for the love of the game. You are a Professional!

      • nice

      • +1

        We are not worthy O TA!

  • +2

    easiest $5 USD i've ever made. i see this will easily surpass 500+. thanks!

  • +1

    I bet there's a maximum number of $5 given away.

    • +22

      How much do you want to bet, $5?

  • Thanks OP, good find.

  • That's a great find OP

  • +2

    Thanks again Tightass! nothing better than free money!

  • Thanks TA, nice start to the monday morning :)

  • Can just imagine some OzBer signing up as many PP accounts as they can. Or as many as they have addresses, bank accounts and E-Mail IDs etc. Oh and cell phone numbers, unless you can ignore/skip that verification part somehow still.

  • Free money over coffee - thanks

  • -1

    International sites only. And not Damn.

    • +1

      Heaps of things listed on .com that ship to Oz… Esp out of places like Hong Kong!

  • +1


  • Thanks TA! Made my Monday!

  • What's latam? Latin America? Must be an American or South American thing but it's all in English. Perhaps codes language based on geolocation/IP address.

    Edit: yep airlines are AeroMexico, LAN and a Brasil one. Plus Chiliean site:

    How do OzBers find this stuff? ;-p

    Got a feeling this might get pulled and only those residents of Latin American countries will truly be registered and qualified. LatAm is a small emerging market for PP, and would be budgeted at under $10mn or so if everyone chose US$5, and not hundreds of millions USD if everyone online that saw this just registered from non-LatAm countries.

  • Fab work once again TA :)

  • +1
    • +2

      Are they offer to free shipping to Australia on this site? never use this site before.

      • +9


  • thanks OP

  • On track for a voting record…
    Can't see it being all positive though!

  • Thanks OP

  • Has anyone not received email from PayPal?
    Edit oh within a week nevermind

  • +2

    which option better?

    70% off or $5 ?

    • +2

      The concern is that since this a US-centric offer, could the 70% off deals be for US-based offer only?
      US$5 off is ubiquitous and can be used for nearly any purchase.

    • Both :p

    • Wasn't it "up to 70%"?
      That could mean anything.

  • Thanks TA, and happy monday all :)

  • +17

    Hope I didn't just buy a robot with all that clicking…

    • Still haven't received my robot!

  • -1

    Can we call you our king?

    • -1

      calm down big fulla

      • I want to call him daddy.

  • +1

    Thanks TA - putting my newfound $5 on black. Always bet on black.

  • -1

    tis a thing of beauty, TA. thank you!

  • Great happy Monday morning. Thank you TA.

      • +4

        The coupon is sent to the Paypal account attached to the email address you give them.

      • +7

        Maybe you've taken one too many punches!!! ;)

  • Thank you! So easy. :)

  • Thanks TA, I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful.

  • +1

    smells fishy

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