free apps for your Samsung Galaxy Note 3, such as: Navigon (comes as default), Bitcasa, Angry Birds Star Wars, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, etc.
FREE Apps for Samsung Galaxy Note 3

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This is for NZ. Is the offer also available for Australia? There is no au URL either.
this is available for both AU and NZ, I downloaded all the apps that are free :)
I've got Note 3 but when I try to install Navigon it says model not supported. Any ideas?
Do you have an official Aus or NZ model?
I have noticed that the grey imports I have used won't always allow it…Correct. My previous Kogan note 2 wouldn't get navigon to install either. Current note 3 I bought from Jb has no issues.
Was that a deciding factor in buying from JB second time around rather than Kogan ?
It is a whopping 35% increase (for say the 32GB 4G Note3) to buy locally:
- $660+ for an import with 12 month retailer warranty
vs - $877 at JB for the same phone with 2 yr Australian warranty
- $660+ for an import with 12 month retailer warranty
When I bought it a couple of weeks ago, it was $680 shipped grey import VS a local set (32GB, white, unlocked, unbranded) which is available for roughly $745 - a difference of $65.
I was happy to pay the extra $65 for
- local warranty
- getting it straight away
- AU charger
- AU apps/compatibility (navigon etc)
- better resale value (& easier to sell)
- none of the crap overseas bloatware apps you often get on OS FW
Mostly its the peace of mind knowing I don't have to mess around with kogan/SS/COTD when something arrives DOA, opened, missing parts, dead pixel, something goes wrong a few mths later etc.
sorry forgot to say how I got it for $745. Most JBs should be able to get the price down to $783 for you, then either paywave it 8 times or do what I did and use gift cards that were purchased at 5% off.
Nice, thanks for the info!
I want to buy it on my Coles Mastercard for the 2 year price protection (as the Note3 will likely drop to sub-$500 when the Note4 comes out, as the Note2 has, so I can claim back the diff).
I just ordered one of the $100 JB gift cards online, to try and score a $30 bonus gift voucher, but I might use it for something else (accessory?) as using gift cards (even those bought with the same Coles card) may interfere with the price protection claim.
Mine was also a Kogan bought Note 3. Some people say that its because the Note 3 I'm using is the Octa core version. Others say it is possible to install if I change my phone model identifier so an AU model. Not sure which is which tbh.
So the Kogan Note3's have 8 cores, but the local Note3's have fewer ? 4 ?
I wonder how big a performance difference that makes… I thought all N9005's (4G Note3) were identical and the main benefit of buying locally was the extra 1 year Samsung warranty and ability to load NAVIGON.
Atm the octa core note 3 can only use 4 at a time. Have read about heat dissipation issues and power consumption woes with the full octa core patch hanging in the air. Not too sure what the real world performance difference is - wouldn't think it would be that noticeable and frankly I'd rather my battery last longer!
There is a (sort of) side by side comparison using various tests in the video posted here:
Don't think the Get Started thing work for Dropbox if you are already an user? I have finished Samsung + Dropbox listed as an activity I did an year back, which gave me 48Gb….got nothing from the Note 3 though. got $20 for samsung Learning Apps but not Samsung Video Hub.
I got the $20 credit too. Is there anything worth getting though?
How do you activate the video hub offer?
Nice find. A pity most of the premium apps are only free for 1-3 months.
The 2 year warranty, 2yrs of 50GB Dropbox, and Navigon software are decent tho.