• expired

EatNow - Just $10 for $20 Worth of Value at EatNow.com.au!


Just $10 for $20 worth of Value at Eatnow.com.au!


To redeem, you will be emailed a coupon code that can be entered on the payment page of EatNow.com.au or the iPhone app and $20 will be deducted from the total price of the order.

First post…Hope it s all ok :)

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closed Comments

  • Finally,I was able to get one.

  • +2

    IMHO it's better to wait for one of their free $10 off vouchers rather than paying $10 upfront for a $10 discount.

    • yeah, though its quiet a long time to see their free $10 off vouchers :(

      • They generally have a $10 voucher every few months according to their history on OzBargain ($5 coupons are quite frequent, though): http://www.ozbargain.com.au/deals/eatnow.com.au


        • +1

          The $5 and $10 off vouchers are for first time customers only (unless of course you are ok to create a new email id every time you want to redeem such vouchers). But this deal voucher seems to be applicable to repeat customers as it's not mentioned as "first order" or the likes.

    • +1

      In many restaurants, minimum order is $20. Eventually, paying $10 now or later doesn't make any significant difference I think.

      • +1

        paying $10 now or later doesn't make any significant difference I think.

        I guess it's a personal preference, but I generally don't like prepaying or locking myself into a purchase in advance. There's the risk here I'd spend $10 and forget about the coupon or have COTD/EatNow stuff up somewhere or otherwise not use it (particularly when no T&Cs or restrictions or expiry dates are mentioned). :)

  • It was a limit of 5 per customer, now 1. Hope it's valid for pickup and for existing customers, and no minimum spend otherwise that's $10 down the drain. Doesn't specify in the T&C's. I haven't seen a $10 off deal for a long time.

    • also doesn't mention expiry date :(

      • Or validity period except dispatched 05/11-12/11.

  • -1

    With this COTD Birthday party deals, I have had a couple of orders not complete properly, and a couple complete correctly.

    I have reported this to COTD. I am getting a "Invalid V.me payment token" error message. The result is the order does not show up in the My Orders section of my profile, but my credit card is charged the amount. It will be interesting to see if the order does eventually show up.

    • +5

      Highly doubt it will. Lesson here, don't touch CoTD.

    • +1

      Yeah I had that happen, then it locked me out of my v.me account for an hour. I missed out on 3 deals because of that. grr

    • +1

      Same here. Tried paying thrice for casio watch and gave up as I was getting "Invalid V.me payment token" but one of the debit shows on my account statement. Should I be emailing COTD or will the payment be automatically be reversed.

      • +1

        Click on the help at the top of their page and send them a request to check it out. That is what I did but have yet to hear back from them (24 - 48 hr response time). If people report the issue then they might realise it did actually happen.

        • +1

          Thanks.. I have reported it.

  • Dispatch 05/11 - 12/11

  • .

  • Was gonna post this too.

    Actually managed to get one. Stupid site keep stalling on me for other deals.

  • Thanx op :)

    • I don't believe so, pretty sure Eat Now gets a kickback from the vendor which isn't added to the price on Eat Now's site. Though perhaps someone else can say definitively.

    • Definitely not $10 cheaper.

  • Really wish it was instant code, want some chinese XD

  • I've noticed - well, it's happened twice anyhow - if you don't order for a bit they give you $5 credit (only redeemable through your EN account).

  • +1

    Site overloaded again :(

    "Geez! What happened here?
    Looks like our servers are taking way too much traffic, but if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who can't log on to the site. Ok, so it probably doesn't make you feel any better at all, but rest assured that we're doing whatever we can to get you on the site. Try again in a minute or so, but in the meantime, how about subscribing to our free newsletter - it notifies you of every Catch we feature, plus special deals only available to our subscribers! You'll never miss a bargain again!"

  • how long does it usually take for COTD to send the code? .

    • Dispatch 05/11 - 12/11

  • +1

    the server is down

    • +1

      Still down by the looks of it

  • +1

    Their website is so baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad…

  • +3

    I just remembered why I hate COTD so much - 10 minutes of my life already wasted just trying to add this deal to my cart.

  • SITE crashed on me BUT credit card been charged twice for GO PRO…$156 x 2

    So check your statement…. Anyone get order confirmations ect???

    • OMG, I just checked my online statement to see 3 x $156 charges from COTD — I had attempted to buy one iPad mini but I assumed that the order never went through since it kept timing out at the payment stage of checkout. Never received an order confirmation, and there's nothing in my COTD account or on v.me.

      Major fail from COTD and v.me!

      • I checked V.me, there are some transactions for $0.00 that seem to match up with failed attempts to purchase. So current status is credit card charged, V.me says $0.00 transaction and no record of the order on CoTD. Hmm…. hoping for a credit on my CC for the unsuccessful orders.

        • DITO

        • yes. same as mine. shows all $0 now…..

    • Yes got confirmation for all my items and they appear in my COTD account. 1xipad mini, 1x1tb hdd, casio watch and $10 iTunes voucher. I presume if you didn't get a confirmation your money will be returned as its just being held and wont be processed. Guess I got lucky and scored 4 items from the sale.

  • My order kept crashing on a GoPro camera :(

    I'll be happy to pick up a GoPro unit from you guys! (And I'll add a little on top).
    Pass me your email or something so we can keep in touch so I'll grab your unit when you receive!

    • God I hate when people use the term "crashing". The server didn't crash, it simply got to many requests at once and some timed out.

      • N/A

  • I just got my code so you don't have to wait until November! :)

  • Just got my code too, so happy I don't have to cook dinner tonight. Thanks OP!!

  • Got mine too. Cotd isn't half bad despite making me waste my whole day yesterday lol

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