D-Link DSL-502T (Gen II) USB & Ethernet ADSL2/2+ modem router. Splitter included.
Specs & info
D-Link DSL-502T (Gen II) USB & Ethernet ADSL2/2+ modem router. Splitter included.
Specs & info
Given it has a smiley face next to it, I'd assume it gives you the option to publicly rate your experience / the product.
Is it even genuine???
The same person has supposedly bought the last solar light, the last bicycle bell, the last ADSL modem, the last door stop, the last powerbank, and the last car sun visor tissue box - everything they have for sale. Not items that have a lot of commonality between them.
Well, I suppose they //could// just be an ozstock hoarder…
He's a cashed up man, 'ol Valerieej
He's a cashed up man
Did Valerie have a sex change?
I think it means that user made the last purchase on the website, not of that specific item. Although the way they present that information isn't very clear. Also, they don't advertised email addresses, just usernames, as it now says robertreece. Valerieej@gmail must be her username.
I'm fully going to spam that email now. Thanks JV!
this is an old old router like 5yrs old or more
I think most people that buy this just want a decent modem that doesn't fail to support their awesome sauce router.
Tomato or BBQ?
Yeah but if its not the latest broadcomm chipset, good luck getting decent performance in Australia outside of the CBD
I had one of these back in 2006 and even when it was new it was well below average.
Would this have anything to do with D-Link Router Backdoor Vulnerability Allows Full Access To Settings
"It turned out that just by setting a browsers user-agent to 'xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide' anyone can remotely bypass all authentication on D-Link routers. It seems that thttpd was modified by Alphanetworks who inserted the backdoor. Unfortunately, vulnerable routers can be easily identified by services like shodanHQ.
I reckon so. Those D-Links are wide open to everyone on the internet. If I was OzStock I'd be flogging them off quick smart too.
Buyer beware …..BBC News reports there is a backdoor exploit on D-Link modem/routers
and a firmware fix will not available for couple more weeks (end of October)
and a firmware fix
I doubt they are still providing firmware updates on a model this old…
Cite the real source: http://www.devttys0.com/2013/10/reverse-engineering-a-d-link…
This model is not likely affected.
Also, it's Caveat emptor. :P
Worth noting that this backdoor is only available if they are ALREADY INSIDE YOUR NETWORK or you for some reason enable access to the router config from the internet side of the router, which would be rather strange to do. All it means, in a practical sense - is your friends can prank you, if you have friends that suck.
from which corner of their warehouse did they manage to dig these up
D-Link!! Run away!!
These look like the Do-D'oh! product that used to be flogged by AusPost.
That said, it would be hard to pass-up buying the http://www.ozstock.com.au/8775 to drop on it.
Something like this is good for people who want to seperate their modem and their routers.
Don't read the router bit, as it is only a 1 port router.
I read this as being a stand alone Modem.
There isn't many of these around anymore.
You will only have around 4 brands to choose from in terms of a stand alone modem.
Netgear DM111P
Dreytek Vigor120
D-Link DSL-502T
TP-Link TD-8817
Out of the above 4 models, Netgear and the Dreytek are the better ones as they use a awesome chip: Infineon Amazon-SE
TP-Link uses the cheaper TrendNet chips, and the D-Link uses a rarely seen TI chip.
I personally use the DM111P with my Asus AC66U, the DM111P has stability issues, however if you are a DIY sorta person, you can easily fix this by cutting a hole on the top of the router, then attaching a small heatsink to it. I went the way of a Small Heatsink + 5V fan (wired to the internal JTAG USB solder points), the modem is as cold as ice, and runs flawlessly without dropouts.
Positive of the active cooling on the DM111P is that it would make the life of the modem alot longer due to the lower operating heat.
The above is just a few ideas for people to think about with a seperate modem and router setup.
I have a Draytek Vigor 120 :+)
It works with Airport Extreme.
Just junk.
Anywhere outside the CBD, you need a modem which can handle high SnR and Attenuation.
Latest broadcomm chipset is really your only option.
Even if its broadcomm in there (i cant be bothered googling) this is about 4+ years old, your sync speeds will be horrid. For $10 more you can get decent TPlink's.
Haha, haha LOL. Decent and TPlink in the same sentence.
Don't know if it makes much difference but sale specifically lists Gen II model so correct link would be as per my original post http://bc.whirlpool.net.au/bc/hardware/?action=h_view&model_…
What's with Ozstock publishing your email on their page when you buy ???
Is that even legal ???