Sign up for a free trial at bigpondmovies, and enter the code 'mysony' to get 15 free DVDs or BluRays over the period of 1 month. If you do this through moneybackco, you can also get a free $15.
15 free DVDs/Blu-Rays from Bigpond Movies PLUS free $15
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closed Comments
Does it matter? I'm regarding the $15 as a bonus if it comes
I registered through the link on MBC but in the Transaction history it doesn't show anything… So I doubt it will ever come
where to enter the code?
They send DVD to home or watch it online?
They send it to you, and some movies you can download as well…
Do you get to keep them?
you can keep 4 as long as you want, you just won't be able to get other movies to watch :P
So do they send you prepaid envelop or you have to send back with your own $$$?
I dont know for BigPond movies, but quickflix used reply-paid envelope for returning their DVDS, and I'm expecting the same for BigPond
15 in a month is a bit too many, better if over 2 months. But still a great deal!
they send you reply-paid envelopes
oh and yes you get the $15 it is still tracking on mine but it is there
Would the 'mysony' possibly count as a referral and therefore negate the moneybackco commission? Can anyone confirm the $15 would definitely get paid?