This was posted 11 years 5 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Jurassic Park UltimateTrilogy on Blu-Ray - $9 at Videoezy


God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs…

Saw this at my local video ezy. I paid $12 just for the 1st movie at JB Hifi a few weeks ago. :(

They also had the American Pie Trilogy (Bluray) for $9 and the Indiana Jones box set on DVD for $14.

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Video Ezy

closed Comments

  • -1

    Reminds me of jurassic pork at the essen, never again!

  • +2

    $34.95 plus shipping online, you may need to say which your local store is. I don't think this would be in all stores.…

    • Canning Vale Store in Western Australia

  • Good price but only Kios nearby.

    • Agree all the stores in my area are now kiosks as well.

  • Yep same here - No stores left anywhere near me, only Kiosk with extremely old films.

  • +2

    This may make me set foot in a videoezy store for the first time in 10 years

  • a + for the description of jurassic park :)

    does anybody know if this is at all videoezy's (e.g. South Australia) ?

  • Just tried to grab Jurassic Park, guy would not sell it to me as he said he only got two and sale doesn't start til Oct.

    • +1

      he scummed you man. what a jib, probably wanted a copy himself. i would have smashed him

  • videoezy i thought they were only kiosks now. its the lowest blow to even use them anymore.

  • +1

    Just got back from the local Video Ezy here in Queensland. There was no Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy or American Pie Trilogy. Just a bunch of new release blu-rays or ex rental blu-ray. A bit of a waste of time. Decided to go to JB HI-FI and instead bought the Star Trek TNG Redemption blu-ray.

    • Me too went to Manly, nothing special only a lot dirty ex-rental DVD and blu-ray.

      • ok. Looks like it must be a Western Australia only deal at the moment. Particularly that Canning Vale video ezy. But going by the pic that the OP supplied there was hardly any left in stock to begin with.

        • Actually they had 10+ in a couple of stacks. Had less of the American Pie set.

        • Did they have anything aside from those two sets at a good price? Also is this the Livingston store?

  • +2

    Thanks OP. bought 2 sets JP 1 for my bro and 1 set AP. yes it is the VE next to the KFC in Livingston WA. There are some other titles e.g. Batman the dark knight $9 each which isn't as good as the DSE on sale $5 each but the trilogy box set for JP and AP for $9 is better value than DSE for $20 months ago?
    Edit Only 4-5 JP left and 2-3 AP left at 6pm.

  • I wish I'd had bought the trilogy when it was $5 at DSE's clearance.

  • Thanks. Now to look for VideoEzy around my area

  • The sale has officially started. Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy blu-ray and American Pie Trilogy blu-ray is listed on page 3 of the Super Sale catalogue.…

  • +1

    In store only?! Are there actually any video stores left? rofl.

    • ROFL MOFL DOFL - yes.

      • Yeah right, I did a store locator search and there aren't any Video Ezys within 10km of me and I'm practically in the middle of Melbourne. Only kiosks…

        • shrug there's three near me and I'm in the south of Perth.

  • There's two Video Ezy stores here in Rockhampton QLD.

  • Picked up the American Pie trilogy today - great range of DVD's too plus masses and masses of ex-rental DVD's and Blu-rays.

  • I managed to pick up Jurassic Park in Melbourne.. Thanks

  • Went back in today - they have a great range of ex-rentals, managed to pick up an ex-rental DVD of 'Argo' for $2! Was rather surprised by that one but not complaining.

  • I went to 2 Videoezys in Melbourne today - I asked both about the $9 blurays and they looked at me like I was crazy - they'd never heard of it. There were only ex-rentals for sale and they were $14.95. Complete waste of time.

  • Found American pie for $9 in Fairfield, VIc but neither in St Helena. Although St Helena did have Simpsons Scene It.

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