• expired

Western Digital WD MyNet N600 Wireless Router $5 @ MSY Tomorrow In-Store Only 1 Per Person



WD N600, we have plenty of stock.
Regarding the D-Link DIR-632, could you please check with store and they may be able to swap it for you. We believe the Dual-Band N600 WD Mynet is a better deal.
Really sorry for all the troubles.

$19 - http://www.msy.com.au/product.jsp?productId=10298
past deals - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/product/western-digital-my-net-n…


Hi guys, since this sale is for in-store only and there are many people are still working in Friday 9am-5pm, we decided to move it to this Saturday 28/09. Really sorry about that.We will update the sale details on our Facebook page at 5:30 PM this Friday.

Credit to slvrln89 who posted it here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/117455
It was removed because the page hadn't reached 13,000 likes yet.
MSY now has reached 13,000 likes so the deal is active on Friday.

Appears to have a regular price of $39 at MSY

Following details from zKskita

N300 router fully compatible with DD-WRT. With 12,869 likes, it shouldn't take long for them to reach 13,000. You may remember me from editing the Asia-Pacific Hex-Code for the previous deal. I've been using this router ever since with DD-WRT and it has been working great.

Previous Deal: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/98896
Openwrt Guide: http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dir-632
DD-WRT Guide: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/D-Link_DIR-632
Asia-Pacific firmware: http://www.mediafire.com/?6sdahk8rd65suvo

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closed Comments

  • instore or online?

    is it a gigabit switch?

  • Anyone know who the previous OP was so I can mention their name in the description?

  • *Dupe comment

  • Waiting for preorder to start…

  • +1

    these are 10/100 lan ports only. not GB

    that being said i have one and they work fine running openwrt. also ddwrt compatible.

    openwrt stuff here https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=32621

    • I'm yet to notice lackluster performance of 100mb but then again I'm pretty happy with most networks as long as they work.

  • +3

    just a warning about ddwrt and qos… well it sucks. the bandwidth management stuff has been broken for ages and I don't think they'll ever fix it. The issue is no matter what settings you try, it'll only throttle download speeds not uploads.

  • +1

    This is an insane price!

  • -8

    Can you post this when the deal is actually active. No point posting it 2 days ealier.

    • +1

      the deal is active at 13,034 likes

      • -1

        Technically it is still not active … as you can only purchase it starting Friday.

        What if MSY says 13,000 likes and $5 router on Boxing day? Would the deal be considered active then?

  • How many do they have? Less than 13,000, I'm guessing.

  • Grabbed one of these at their last deal for $11 ish.

    Works very well with DD-WRT, no complaints.

  • +5

    I purchased to of these when they were cheap last time - I don't think they're very good. Wireless range doesn't seem that great for a wireless N device and I had lots of connectivity issues. Also stopped working when the microwave was on… This was with DD-WRT installed. Ended up switching to my old router (WRT54-GL).

    Still, for $5…

    • +1

      funny enough ive upgraded from a wrt54gl to this (actually my gl still does some firewalling etc, the DIR-632 just does dumb wifi/lan traffic to my laptops and fones and other 100mb devices, i have a GB switch which connects my pc and htpc [and anything else that needs GB lan])

      when you first installed ddwrt did you then upgrade to the newer version? i didnt do this at first and had issues. the original firmware is only meant to "root" the router so you can then change to the proper firmware. im also not a huge fan of ddwrt anyway so ended up putting openwrt which i think is better firmware and it works flawlessly for what it is. no dropouts, no problems, just sits there and works perfectly.

      • +2

        Maybe I'll give it another go - thanks for the advice!

      • DDWRT or OpenWRT?
        In your above comment you said you were using OpenWRT.

  • Can this be used as a wireless repeater? If so how?

  • Interested but my top list now is looking for Powerline adapters.

    Have been waiting so long but no deals everywhere.

    Wondering to buy AV500 and the price is back to $39 again as in http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/114026

  • -1

    Good to use as a backup router when your good one fails, tried using this with ddwrt a few months has major dropout issues with the wireless stopping broadcasting requiring a reboot almost daily.
    Keep it on the original firmware if using it as primary router.

    • +1

      Wow, I haven't rebooted mine once since getting it set up as a WAP.
      Which was approximately 4 hours after buying it in the $11 deal.

      • Which ddwrt build were you using, googling the issue brought the same results with other ddwrt users.
        Using ddwrt also with the dir-825 burnt out all my LAN ports - another common problem and needed me to rma my router.
        Was going to send them together.

        • magoo which firmware are you using? the initial flashing firmware wasnt good but that is only designed to give you root access and the ability to flash other things. once i upgraded to the newer ddwrt mine was flawless and now on openwrt its just as good (but i like openwrt better personally)

          ive never had to reboot mine or had it lose connectivity

        • I'm using the one zKskita moddified to Asia/Pacific as posted in description of this deal.

        • +1

          There's a new version released on 2013-04-22. Flash this one in your DD-WRT interface.

          1. Download the latest firmware dir632a-firmware r19342.
          2. Open the DD-WRT's web interface in your web browser. It's by default.
          3. Administration tab -> "Firmware Upgrade" button
          4. Click "browse" button -> select the "dir632a-firmware.bin" file -> click "Upgrade" button. It will take about 2 minutes to upload and write the flash. Your browser will reload and let you know when it is done.
          5. It is probably a good idea to reboot after updating. That's it.

          Edit: Oops, wrong link.

        • Thanks, I'll update mine this weekend and hopefully have even better WiFis for the Gee Bees :)

    • Maybe try Googling the issue before negging an effort to help…

  • I have the AV500 from that deal (2 in a kit). Theye are true wall WART - taking up not only 1 but TWO wall sockets.
    If to do it again I would spend more and get the Netgear Nano 500 - just because of the size issue, they also have 2 ethernet ports.

    • Nick, do you have issue with this TP Link av500?
      Like a lost of connectivity even though the lights seems alright.

  • Hey MSY Rep, can you please make this offer available in store today, as you have done with other deals?

  • So what time is this sale expected to start? 12:01am?

  • -10

    Hi guys, since this sale is for in-store only and there are many people are still working in Friday 9am-5pm, we decided to move it to this Saturday 28/09. Really sorry about that.We will update the sale details on our Facebook page at 5:30 PM this Friday.

    • any word on how many each store is actually going to have?

    • NOooo…i prefer on Friday because I am not allow to buy on Saturday. Religious reason.

    • +1

      well you just lost my sales.

      Not all of us can get to your stores to stand in queue for 30+ minutes on the weekend.

      Poor form MSY, very poor.

      • -1


        • -4

          Seriously, use your empathy for people with families/children and restricted hours.

          oh sorry, you have none.

    • +2

      Well that's not fair, the only way I would be able to participate in this was because I have to drive past an msy to get to work, if I have to make a special trip that's 60km round trip.

    • Poor form on Grand Final day!!! Also you might wanna update the details before 5.30pm on Friday after everyone has already been to try and get one…

    • Why would you put the sales update on Friday at 5:30pm
      What about all those people who didn't see this post and rock up to your shops to be told it is the next day?

      Inform people today on your facebook page-its called courtesy

      edit: The change to the weekend does negatively impact me but it does annoy that majority of the time I miss out on deals because they are on weekdays. Hopefully the weekend sales stay on rather weekday ones

    • -1

      Hi Rep,

      Any chance for having a deal on Powerline Adapters like this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/114026 ?

      You're bigger than Shoppingexpress, I believe you can do this :)

    • +1

      If you are really so worry about people working and going to miss out the deal, why don't you just start Friday anyway and have the special running till Saturday? Weird.

    • +3

      You're kidding, right?
      Why not extend it to Saturday instead of moving it?
      If you don't think you'll sell any on Friday then why would it matter if it's on sale Friday and Saturday?

      I work around the corner from one of your stores and live no-where near one.

    • Realise you can't PLEASE everyone
      Once you put up an offer, don't change it.

      Some people make plans around offers and this Saturday being Grand Final day and some living far from a MSY (despite working near one).
      You've ruined it for those.

  • LOL that's the whole point. They want people in the door on a day where they won't get much traffic. I don't really blame them. @$5 I'm sure they're losing money.

    • I thought there would be more traffic on a saturday than on a weekday since most people would be at work on a weekday.

      • and the fact that rep said Friday would be less traffic because people are working, so gimme's point does not make any sense.

        • my guess is they probably couldn't get stock but wont admit it. this whole "sat is better than friday caus someone might be working" completely fails. people work in saturdays as well you know?

        • +1

          Not unless you had a mon-fri job though.

        • If they couldn't get stock on Friday how the hell would the get it on a saturday??

        • if rather than stock coming in today for the sale tomorrow its coming in tomorrow arvo?

          guess you havnt had the pleasure of working retail and "just in time" stocking etc?

        • -1 vote
          nosdan on 26/09/2013 - 14:37
          my guess is they probably couldn't get stock but wont admit it. this whole "sat is better than friday caus someone might be working" completely fails. people work in saturdays as well you know?


          i love that i got negd……….. seems maybe i was correct all along…….. moron…..

  • Might not be the most awesome router around but for $5 it is a great bargain for a very useful WiFi b/g/n access point and switch.

  • +2

    Officeworks pricematch? LOL

  • When does this start? and is it in-store only? And what were the REPS comments? And why can't I see them anymore?

    • +1

      Above. They were neg voted a heap of times so it auto hides them.
      Look for user MSY and click "Show"

      • I see, ok well thats going to make it hard to see the new times. luckily i didnt waste my time going tomorrow like I had planned. Won't be going near MSY on Sat.. I don't intend to carry a router with me all day at the 'G'

    • did you miss reading the title and 1st line of the deal? :)

      Wireless D-Link DIR-632 N300 Router with 8-port switch $5 @ MSY - This Saturday In-Store Only


      Hi guys, since this sale is for in-store only and there are many people are still working in Friday 9am-5pm, we decided to move it to this Saturday 28/09. Really sorry about that.We will update the sale details on our Facebook page at 5:30 PM this Friday.

  • -2

    Hi Rep,

    Any chance for having a deal on Powerline Adapters like this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/114026 ?

    You're bigger than Shoppingexpress, I believe you can do this :)

  • Is this deal available at the fyshwick store in ACT?

  • +1

    Order online & pickup?

    • Be nice to order online and pickup, can you make this happen?

      • That would rather defeat the point of the promo.

  • Just got back from MSY (I hadn't seen the update that they had moved it to Saturday). The guys there had no idea about the promo so rang HQ. They were told they don't even know what specific product will be sold for the promo, no guarantee that it will be the D-Link DIR-632 N300, just that it will be a Wireless N300 Router (like the Facebook page states). They mentioned they only have ~5 in stock of the DIR-632, so they don't think it will be that. So I think the deal is a little undefined at the moment :-(

    • May I know which branches is it ?

      • @ MSY Depending on how this sale goes may determine how many of the FB likes actually stick…

  • Thanks for the mention…ppl had a little cry on my post so it was removed. So how is this any different? its not even offically announced by MSY? Mine could of stayed then aye?

  • Balcatta store wouldn't sell one and confirmed that the sale is tomorrow not today.

  • Offer has now changed.. Gone from 8 port to 4 port but is now dual band 300mbs.. Also that's it's in store only and there's probably 5 units per store and you can't order online which means you'll have to get there when the store opens to avoid disappointment.
    It's nice that msy has made this offer but should've thought about what they're offering and make it available to the hundreds of people that participated in liking their page. I really don't want to drive for an hour only to be disappointed..

    • Hi there,

      WD N600, we have plenty of stock.

      Regarding the D-Link DIR-632, could you please check with store and they may be able to swap it for you. We believe the Dual-Band N600 WD Mynet is a better deal.

      Really sorry for all the troubles.

      • Just a note that WD N600 is not compatible with any custom firmware.

        • Edit: Oh hey OpenWrt Support. Didn't realised this.

      • Nope, we want it for DD-WRT.

      • Yeah.. i was hoping to use the dlink as a wireless bridge (via dd-wrt) but the WD doesn't support this feature..

        and I'd certainly not waste my time trying to convince the staff at my local MSY to swap it for a dlink..

        I'll continue to shop at MSY but to change the date, the model that's being offered and now instore only, I'll 'unlike' myself from the facebook page and remove myself from the daily newsletter.. I've got better things to do than keeping tabs on something that has changed a few times and now isn't worth the effort.

      • +1

        Rep, when you say plenty, can you specify how many do you have? 1000 unit?

        50 unit is not plenty at all, considering you move the deal to Saturday and this post already register more than 5000 click…

        • see my comment above (that i see you already +'ed)

          seems they couldnt get stock of the dlink and have substituted a somewhat much worse router in its place…..

          quite the anti climax…….. and reminds me of MSY of old……..

          if only they could just be honest with there customers and admitted they couldn't get stock of the router everyone wanted……

        • +1

          They've been trying to offload these @$19 for months now…

          Apparently no-ones buying them, hence this swap deal.

        • I have the WD N600 set up as a 5Ghz access point and its been perfect since I got it a few months back.

      • +1

        WD N600, we have plenty of stock.

        Just on a side note. I went to Fyshwick store this morning. I was fourth in line. Three were sold before me. When I asked for one, they said they had none left.

        I'm not sure I would call that 'plenty of stock'.


        • yup they sold out at my local as well, i grabbed the last one.

  • +1

    So assuming your local store will swap for the D-Link, does anyone know which is the better router, the D-Link DIR-632 or the Dual-Band N600 WD Mynet??
    I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff, but it looks like the WD has no DD-WRT firmware support. Pros/Cons anyone?

    • Get one with DD-WRT, that's unless you just want to use it with a router.
      If you want to do anything else like extend range, turn it into an internet radio or do a whole assortment of other stuff, you'll want DD-WRT.

    • +1

      Got the WD in the end, since it runs OpenWRT, didn't bother trying to swap. Will probably remain in the box, sitting in the same "corner of the unused" as all the Kindle eBooks & Udemy courses. :-/

  • So the D-Link 8 Port for $5 is no longer?
    I really wanted the 8 ports

  • +1

    open wrt seems to support it.


    • hmm in that case…….. im happy with it…

      i like openwrt better than ddwrt anyway. and this router is dual band. so another step above the dlink

      might see if i cant get one of each 2morrow….. :)

    • Does OpenWRT firmware have similar features to DD-WRT?

      • Does OpenWRT firmware have similar features to DD-WRT?

        yep. i like openwrt better personally but they can pretty much do the same as each other seeing they are both written with the same base code (originally from the old wrt54g firmware)

  • Anyone managed to get it from MSY Sydney Ultimo Branch?
    What the queue looks like?

    • They have plenty of stock, Bought one, only few people in queue. Some people went with their girlfriend so that they can buy two.

      • Would I be right in saying 'many' ppl go to the Auburn store in NSW as it in a more centralised location & convenient for those near the west than Ultimo?

        Wonder if they'll still honor the price if they still have large stocks after today (happened a few times in the past)?

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