“The Mercedes Benz of pressure cookers”
The new Alcea Powersteamer has revolutionised steam cooking under pressure with its innovative 2-level-steam-off system with integrated excess steam channel. The new fully automatic lid-locking system indicates optically, whether the saucepan has been locked properly. The triple overpressure safety device guarantees perfect success.
. Safety and functionality at the highest technical level.
. Steaming made easy: The new 2-level-steam-off system with integrated excess steam channel offer exclusive ease of use.
. The new fully automatic lid locking system provides the user with a visual indication of whether the post is closed correctly. The red locking bolt "disappears" when the handle is closed correctly.
. Includes proven 3-fold over-pressure protection.
Our bestselling innovative Duromatic top model lets you safely release steam by simply turning the knob on top to slow or quick release.
There's no need to hold down the valve by hand.
The space saving version wth side handles comes in three classic sizes to suit your needs and two diameters to suit your cooker top.
If anyone really wants to buy a pressure cooker .. get a Hawkins branded one or any other brands that are made in India. They are cheap and you can get one from any medium to large size Indian grocery store in your area. I have been using one since 1996.. another few years and that will be 20 years! I have bought many cookware since then, but nothing has lasted this long!