This was posted 11 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Autocad, Business, Marketing & Other Courses FREE with Coupons

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Learning Autocad, Startup Successful Business,Email Marketing, Mobile app developing & other paid Udemy online courses FREE with limited number of coupons.These coupon codes are offered by course instructors for different social networks(including OZB). Coupons may expire soon. Please enroll your preferred once only.

1.Learning Autocad Learning Autocad: 3D Modeling and Rendering Course

When I show this news yesterday, less than 50 people were enrolled. Now it's 123. Went through the content and it's pretty good if you are really interested to learn Autocad from beginning.

Learning Autocad - 3D Modeling and Rendering Course by Senior Civil Designer Andrew Schroeder over 17 years experience using AutoCAD.
Learn to model, navigate, and render anything you can imagine in the most popular design software in the world

2.Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops $179 to $0
Create orientation workshops for new hires and volunteers. Give your trainings an extreme makeover in just two hours.

3.How To Build A Startup: From Idea To Successful Business $49 to $0
Increase your odds of success, minimize risk, build businesses that matter, and be successful.

4.Fundraising Masters: The Ultimate Resource to Raising Money $199 to $1
Learn how to raise money fast for your business with the help of capital formation experts.

5.Boost Your Income From Home-How To Start An Online Business $119 to $0 Another free code
Step-by-step guide to earning a second income in only 2 hours per day from home. Learn how to start an online business

6.Email Marketing Kickstart $97 to $0
The Easiest, Friendliest, Funnest Email Marketing Training Ever

7.From HTML to App Store in 60 Minutes $99 to $0
Learn how to convert simple HTML into mobile apps on both Google Play and the iOS App Store and drive purchases.

9.Customer Segmentation: A Scientific Approach to Marketing $199 to $0 Free again.
Learn tools to segment the market and earn credit toward a certificate in Data-Driven Marketing from Cornell University

10.Data-Driven Marketing: Leveraging Big Data for Your Business $99 to $0 Free again
Learn how to build a robust data-driven marketing strategy and earn a letter of completion from Cornell University


8.Learn How to Make Money Teaching Online as a Professor $175 to $0
Want to teach online & don't know where to start? The author of Make Money Teaching Online, Dr. Dani Babb tells you how.

Note: Special thanks to Lurker

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Yep. Still free. Thanks.

  • +5

    Awesome WNK, Thanks

    For anyone who doesn't like UDEMY courses on Ozbargain,
    Please block deals from the Udemy domain, and stop trolling the comments of these deals. They are appreciated by all the people who find these useful.

  • Thanks for sharing, WNK.

  • sold out?

  • +1

    Yep, sold out for me…..

    • Updated with other six courses and codes that have been found so far.

  • sold out

    • Updated with other six courses and codes that have been found so far.

  • Thanks WNK. My future course schedule is building up nicely.

  • code doesn't work for 2.Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops $179 to $0

    ??? not sure why

    • +1

      Ozbargained. :)
      Yes. Sorry. It's said sold out.

  • -1

    Yeah these are like the kindle ebook deals, i will watch them & learn one day!

  • missed out :( but cool tnx

  • "Learn How to Make Money Teaching Online as a Professor"

    You mean I can be a professor after I take the course? That's even better than a Greg Norman/Olivia Newton John/Cathy Freeman type doctorate.

    • :)
      Only good for teachers/lectures who like to teach online.

  • -1

    What is up with these free online courses? I don't consider them a bargain. If I wanted to learn I would just go to youtube…

    • These Courses are not normally free. May expire after maximum number of free coupons reach. You are free to go youtube.

    • +1

      I don't consider them a bargain

      Then Block the domain, Obviously 37 Other people think it is a bargain.

    • +2

      If I wanted to learn I would just go to youtube…

      These are comprehensive & structured courses that teach you from the ground up & build a solid foundation for whatever field of expertise you've chosen to pursue. I find yt is more for learning DIY or 'spur of the moment' & random stuff.

      You will never stop learning in life & you never know, you might just get an opportunity to utilise the knowledge/skills you've learnt as early as tomorrow…

  • Thanks, signed up for the startup one as I'm considering starting a web business, though I'm not sure how much I'll learn from a 20 year old, lol.

  • 8.Learn How to Make Money Teaching Online as a Professor $175 to $0

    A random sample of the courses that comprise this gem got me to this:

    "Professor or Teacher?
    This is all about titles. Do they matter, do they not? Why and what exactly will you be called? To an online University, what's the difference between a professor, a teacher, an instructor or an adjunct?"

    Do they matter, do they not?
    Yes, they really, really do.

    Why and what exactly will you be called?
    If you've spent your life furthering the sum total of humanity's knowledge and you have a distinguished position at a university you get to call yourself professor. If you've decided to take a Udemy course to become an online teacher you probably shouldn't.

    To an online University, what's the difference
    Probably not a lot sadly.

    If you think this nonsense is worth your time you're an idiot.

    • I think We shouldn't enroll all the courses. Please enroll only what you need.

  • -1

    Do they have any courses about posting useful deals?

    • +2

      Useless for you may useful for many.
      Have you red this.

      217th post to OZB since 30/04/2013. Please see my profile whether my posts have been useful or not, to other members.

    • Go AWAY ?
      Nothing else happening in life ? Slow day in troll land ?

  • The email marketing one is sold out for me, but I bought the fundraising one for $1.

  • Are the promo codes embedded in the links for their courses?

    Most of them are not showing as free for me

    • Meny are expired now. Marked..

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