[Windows] Hard Disk Sentinel Professional 40% off A$35.20 (Was $58.67) @ HDSentinel.com


All credit to @emeak in the comments from previous deal.

Great tool for monitoring the health of SSD / HDD's, as well as powerful tools for running low-level diagnostics and repair functions. I have used the standard license from a free giveaway for years, glad to finally purchase the full professional version for a good price.

Discount also works for standard license for $22.72 - but for the difference in price, you get a lot of extra features, and the standard version is on free giveaway a few times a year.

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Hard Disk Sentinel
Hard Disk Sentinel


  • -3

    Easier and faster to find a pirated copy then go through the buy process

    • What? It's like 3 clicks? Pay with paypal. Don't pirate it, come on man, that's a ridiculous excuse.

      • It's already been free repeatedly; it's not the payment that's the issue. If you try to reuse your installer at a later date then it spits the dummy and won't work, so yes even with a legitimate copy it's more hassle than it's worth.

        CrystalDiskInfo has about the same levels of functionality and no licensing hoops to jump through, so that's been my recommendation

  • excellent software, highly recommend

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