$9.95 Doro Skype IP phone, Never found a broadband phone cheaper than this.
Edit - marked as store representative.
$9.95 Doro Skype IP phone, Never found a broadband phone cheaper than this.
Edit - marked as store representative.
You forgot 'L@@K!!!' the title
Please explaaiiiiinnnnnnn, as the one-time One-Nation politician once said?
Yea is there something unusual you're trying to say? So if it IS a corded phone, hence nothing much more than a fancy headset?
It's not a corded or cordless phone.. it is a USB Handset for chatting/calling via the internet. Call it VoIP, Broadband or Internet Telephony…
So instead of using your speakers or headphones + a microphone via the usual audio setup, you plug this into your USB port use it like a normal phone.
Use it with Skype or whichever voice chat/VoIP software you choose. Plus you should be able to use the keypad for dialing and other functions. (Like caller ID or phone number directory)
OK so my comment was hastily written. What I meant was I absolutely hate bargain posts that have exclamations in them. In this title it has 'Wow!'. [rant] 'Wow!' and 'Amazing' etc are words for consumers, not sellers. [/rant]
Hey - this is a site for BARGAINS. BARGAINS need EXC!T!NG language because they're EXCITIING!!! It's not a site about being a consumer or being a seller - it's a site to tell us all about something that we think is GRREEATT, so of course it uses emotive language!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!
and it got a very poor review here - http://www.reviewstream.com/reviews/?p=49178
Unfortunately I bought one of these from zazz - not a very good phone IMO.
I looked twice at this when I saw it come up also, but I'm like lots of people and would find it hard to go back to a corded phone after being spoilt by cordless in recent years.
Great price though.
[ :- { )