• expired

All iiNet Ultra FTTB Broadband Plans (Includes 500Mbps) $39.99/M for 6 Months, No Contract (New Customers, Select Areas) @ iiNet


Looking for a fibre alternative to the nbn? iiNet's Ultra FTTB Broadband delivers fast internet to your home via Vision Network’s Fibre To The Building (FTTB) network, all at an affordable price. Plus, with a phone line, unlimited data and modem included, it’s the perfect package.

Unbeatable Internet Offer! iiNet Ultra FTTB Broadband plans are now just $39.99/month for the first 6 months, with unlimited data, a high-speed modem included, and no lock-in contract.

Here are the available plans:

FTTB50: 50Mbps – $39.99/month for the first 6 months, then $69.99/month
FTTB100: 91Mbps – $39.99/month for the first 6 months, then $74.99/month
FTTB250: 220Mbps – $39.99/month for the first 6 months, then $79.99/month
FTTB500: 500Mbps – $39.99/month for the first 6 months, then $89.99/month

Minimum upfront cost: $49.99 (includes the first-month fee of $39.99 plus a $10 modem delivery charge).
Good news! After confirming with customer support, the modem is yours to keep, even if you decide to cancel the plan after the introductory period.

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closed Comments

  • -1

    what's the difference between httb vs httc ?

      • +4

        ‘Building’ not Basement. It’s entirely different infrastructure.

      • +7

        Shouldn't it be FTTK (kerb?)

        • Maybe if you're American

        • FTTC, C for Curb

  • +5

    "This product is not available at your address."

    Dang it

    Ultra Broadband plan;
    Looking for a fibre alternative to the nbn®? iiNet's Ultra FTTB Broadband delivers fast internet to your home via a Fibre to the Building network, all at an affordable price. Plus, with a phone line, unlimited data and modem included, it’s the perfect package.

      • +3

        Its via vision network nothing to do with voda

          • +7

            @dddeal: You've got your wires crossed.

            This is fibre, not wireless.

            • +2

              @bonezAU: Hahaha prob should of read it properly. Thanks.

      • -4

        Im on voda prepaid keep sometimes getting message cant be sent and also unable to call

        Is this normal

    • +1

      Same. Got super excited looking at the offer.

    • +2

      For the people who do though, it's a godsend. Consistent 1000/100 for me where my alternative on NBN is 100/40 and I wouldn't have known about it if it wasn't for an OZB post a couple years ago.

      • The iiNet FTTB Max is up to 1000/50, not 1000/100?

        251Mbps-1Gbps/20-50Mbps for FTTB Max

        Are you sure you are getting 100 upload with iiNet?

        • 100Mbps upload is possible.

          • +1

            @Twix: Thanks, I suppose I'll need to be extra nice to the technician who comes out. Hopefully, they can leave my connection uncapped.

            • +2


              Thanks, I suppose I'll need to be extra nice to the technician who comes out. Hopefully, they can leave my connection uncapped.

              It's all uncapped, it just depends on how good the phone line in your building is between the basement to your unit. I'm getting 1000/109 on my TPG FTTB which would be the same as iiNet.

              • @eug: My understanding is that the supplied TP-Link G2v router is capped at 50mbps UP.

                Can anyone whose getting >50mbps up confirm that they can only achieve this using their own PPPoE router?

                I'm getting a solid 950/47 using the supplied router, but the tech said my UP line sync is over 100 :)

                • @Grish:

                  My understanding is that the supplied TP-Link G2v router is capped at 50mbps UP.

                  I wasn't supplied a router with my connection when I upgraded so I've always been using my own.

                  You can establish a PPPoE connection directly from a Windows laptop/desktop if you want to test it out. Just don't run it for extended periods like that as you'd probably want a hardware firewall in between.

        • +2

          My iiNet Vision service is described as 91mbps typical download speed.

          The VDSL2 sync speed on my modem is 120/40 and I can usually get 112/36 on a speed test. So the figures they are quoting are a little conservative and certainly not the best case scenario.

      • +1

        it's a godsend. Consistent 1000/100 for me

        It really depends on your building. I seem to max out at 500/50

  • Only for FTTB subscribers. You need to update the title as it’s targeted.

  • +1

    I'm on HFC and it says it is available. Weird.

    • Why is that weird?

      • +1

        Errr, because it's HFC not FTTB, totally different

        • +7

          It’s not weird. You can have both NBN HFC and TPG FTTB infrastructure in your building.

          Many apartment buildings have a similar scenario.

        • You can also go through the process of upgrading your connection to FTTB.

          The availability checker confirms if FTTB is possible, not if FTTB is already there.

  • +1

    This product is not available at your address.

    • No, maybe it's not available at your address

  • Ultrafast Fibre-to-the-Building broadband is available at your address.


    How does iinet compare to Capti? And will I need a technician sent out if I change to Iinet?

    What NTD device do they include???

    is the 500mbps uncapped to 1Gbps like TPG?

    • +2

      what does iinet's website say?

    • +3

      I switched from Capti to iiNet,

      You will need a technician sent out, I'm not sure if they switched anything in the communications room, but my service only worked after that.

      Same NTU at Capti (TPG) supplies.

      500mbps is uncapped, I was hitting 850mbps earlier today.

      • thank you, I might change and also ask the tech to see if he can increase my speeds by isolating the spare phone lines

        Does iinet report sync speeds on their portal? Because capti doesn't

        Did your speeds improve when switching to iinet or remained the same??

        • Not reported in the portal from what I can see, but the installation guy mentioned it was 1GBps down / 100 up or so to me.

          No speed improvement from capti, but its significantly cheaper! So yes there is a improvement for me as I wasn't willing to pay Capti top tier prices

          • @mrfuku:

            Not reported in the portal from what I can see, but the installation guy mentioned it was 1GBps down / 100 up or so to me.

            The installation guy said I sync around 600 but I only just hit max 500 on speed test.

            • @Homr: Sounds about right, I get 800 or so.

  • +2

    Targeted. Only available to residents in a FTTB footprint (high density building?). "FTTB" should be in the title too.

    • I live in a high density building and we have FTTP - this isn’t available for me either

      • +5

        The apartment building needs to have TPG's Vision fibre network in the MDF, it is an NBN competitor

      • FTTP is the best tech you can get.

        • +2

          NBN apartment buildings with FTTB are unlikely to get FTTP anytime soon. If you are in the NBN FTTB footprint and you also have access to Vision this is a great opportunity to get speeds higher than 100/20 at sub $100pm price point.

          NBN shows zero interest in doing anything for their FTTB customers in terms of increasing connection speeds. NBN was supposed to release Australia's internet from the grip of Telstra's monopoly, but it has just replaced it so they can get f'd as far as I'm concerned.

          Less than 20% of NBN's footprint is FTTP, the other 80% are now second class citizens. Anyone who has FTTP should be thankful for their winning entry in the NBN multi-technology mix lottery/debacle.

          • +2

            @jmc787: Yeah Vision is fast and cheap if you live in an eligible building.

            FTTB to FTTP is coming. FTTN and FTTC was given the priority for upgrading to FTTP.

            About 25% is connected to FTTP and there is room to grow. There is 1.4 million still on FTTC that can swap to FTTP so + 11% = 36%. Most of FTTN will be able to swap to FTTP by December 2025 so + about 29%. About 65% total or at least 7.7 million homes that can get connected to nbn FTTP by December 2025.

            About 600k FTTN homes without a FTTP date + new homes with FTTP so it might end up at 70% total. About 21% are staying on HFC for now. You can thank a previous government for building the nbn twice.

            • @Twix: "(NBN) FTTB to FTTP is coming"

              Yeah well that's great. Vision FTTB offering 500/50 is available right now and it will be cheaper than any NBN 100/20 FTTB service.

            • +1

              @Twix: FTTB to FTTP is NOT comming… maybe in 10-20 years…

              Imagine the goverrnment having to retro fit every single apartment in Australia with FTTP, it would cost trillians

              • @Turd:

                FTTB to FTTP is NOT comming… maybe in 10-20 years…

                damn, oh well, hopefully my current 500mbps will last that long

              • @Turd: Actually FTTB to FTTP is on nbn's 2025 roadmap. As for the cost that's to be confirmed. If it's the same as the FTTN/FTTC to FTTP for MDUs there is a user pays cost for each unit and nbn cover the rest.

                • @Twix: I'd love NBN to talk to all body corp and demand that everyone pay xx amount to get it woring, im sure a lot of investors will not want this

                  • @Turd: It's optional. The upgrade will be by request.

                    • @Twix: Yeah so if 51% of poeple in the building dont want it, and you are the minorty, then out of luck. :( sucks to be in a shoe box

  • How does iinet compare to TPG? Modem provided? Customer service? I signed up with TPG last week for their cheaper 6 months + free modem (mine has lost 5G), moving on from Capti on the FTTB100 plan. This looks tempting.

    • iiNet is owned by TPG so it will be one and the same.

  • This product is not available at your address. I have FTTB NBN at my address but it still shows invalid.

  • Prices are crazy. I just moved off from iinet having paid $85/month for 50/20 FTTC. I now have FTTB via another provider. How is it that FTTB is cheaper or equivalent in price to FTTC with such speed variation. Is it just a means to get people over to FTTB?

  • Its almost like they know the nbn is testing (with their providers including iinet) new hardware for a jump in nbn speeds.
    Not that we know any associated costs with those new speeds.

    • NBN will never upgrade FTTB speeds. So this is not true.

  • I spoke to a TPG/Vision representative in the building a few months ago. He mentioned that the building was connected with a 2.5Gbps link. The building has 250+ apartments, using a mixture of technologies (NBN, ISPs, RSPs, etc.).

    I'm not sure how they plan to manage congestion. Hopefully, they will scale up as more users join 1Gbps plans.

    • +2

      FYI - typical contention ratio is 20:1 for home internet access and 10:1 for business grade.

      If the building internet connection is 2.5Gbps and we use an average of 15:1 for contention ratio, each of the 250 tenants would be able sign up to a 150Mbps plan before there'd be congestion issues.

  • +1

    " Promotional 6-month discount is available for new customers only"

  • This product is not available at your address.

    The good news is nbn® is available in your area

  • Wow, currently with Superloop FTTB on the 50/20 Mbps plan for $81/month. This is very tempting!

    Hopefully already being on the FTTB Vision network should also mean the transfer will be a lot quicker than a new install?

    • +1

      Superloop is an NBN reseller not a Vision reseller, so you are not on Vision's FTTB network if you are a Superloop customer.

      I churned from NBN FTTB to Vision FTTB and my NBN connection kept working until the day the tech came out to repatch my line onto Vision, I was only off the air for about 30 mins.

  • I was planning to sign up to More (was waiting for the Yello code) but this plan is better ! I just have to churn to More after 6 months. Thanks Op!!

  • "This product is not available at your address." Well so much for unobtainium

  • Decent price, I might jump on after this billing cycle from Belong. I moved to Belong 4G plan with B818 combo for few years, very competitive download speed compared with NBN.

    • How much is your Belong 4G plan? What was the download/upload speed?

      • Was $15 now $21,upto 250Mbps/20Mbps

        • $21 pm is not bad, how much data? Can the unused data roll over?

          • +1

            @congo: Yes , not much from the plan but you can buy it from eBay and data can be rollover.
            The key is you can always do the referring hack with 1/2 price starter pack, basically $10 per month for 3 months plus data cost

  • Apartment dwellers win again :(

  • +1

    Their signup form is garbage. First time, it said username taken, repeatedly.

    Fill it out a second time, choose credit card at last stage and then nothing happens.

  • If you can get this it's usually pretty amazing. I was on TPG's equivalent and the speeds were unreal for me, much faster than Nbn.

  • I was with NBN FTTP and moved to iiNet/TPG FTTB 1000/100 and consistent speed tests are ~900/100 both via Ethernet and Wifi6 (was supplied a TPlink Wifi6 router, now I changed to my own router as I don’t use their voip phone line)

    • how do u get 100 upload speed?

      all I see is 1000/50 max

      • If you use their supplied router (tplink), limit is 50.
        I use my own router

        • I have Netgear XR1000, will it reach 100 upload?

          • @Homr: Yes the WAN port supports up to GigE speed.

    • Does iiNet supply you with a modem/router? What did you replace it with?

      • +1

        Yes iiNet gives tplink vx420-g2v.
        I used Telstra technicolor Smart modem 2 and recently changed to version 3 to get wifi 6

  • IINET is bleeding customers which is why this deal. I just quit Internode Whom I have been with for decades. the last straw was forcing me to IINET and giving me a price rise to pour salt into the wound.

    • bleeding .. what does this mean?

      • It is a saying. To bleed customers is to lose customers. The same as if you are actually bleeding (from a cut), you are losing blood.

        And like bleeding if you don't stem the loss you will die. As will Internode/IINet if it continues on the same trajectory.

        Somehow I don't think the parent company TPG cares though.

  • Sadly not available with Opticomm FTTB.

    Used to be Telstra Velocity and then old and now less option, more money and wore service.

  • Just wondering if anyone here has tried this here as there are so many negative 1 star reviews online for IINET including constant dropouts, poor speeds, and long wait time for customer support?

    • +2

      I had this in my old apartment in Sydney for like 5 years and loved it. Had to move to a new apartment and now on NBN which is slightly slower (iinet was always above reference speed for me) and costs more.

      • No regular dropout issues?

        • I dont remember any dropouts. I worked from home that whole time, I would have noticed.

    • I tried it since about 2 months now iiNet FTTB. No issue with connection. Stable since day 1 getting 900/100.

      Have not needed to contact support. Looks like all the 1 star reviews are for poor support.

    • i have this and its been bulletproof. most likely only the people who are unhappy with their service are the only ones leaving reviews unfortunately

  • So annoying that the keep discounting this. I have already joined IINET twice in the last 6 months!

  • +1

    Can a start date be scheduled for this offer? Can see that it states 10-20 business days for connection. Need to give Superloop 30 days notification…

    • When I joined, could not specify start date, total time from ordering online and installation was less than 5 business days.

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