VOIP Local Number Rental $0.33/mo, $0.044/min Mobile calling (Number Port In Required) @ Siptalk


It's a new year, time for a new (limited) offer.

Port in a number from any provider and you can request the following rates to be applied to your account.

Local Number Rental: 33c per month
Calls to fixed lines: 2.2c per minute or 8.8c per call (You Choose)
Calls to mobiles: 4.4c per minute

Device Extensions: No charge
Voicemail to Email: No Charge
Number Porting: No Charge

All other pricing as per the full pricing detail here: https://www.siptalk.com.au/pricing/

Request the rates when porting in the number or any time up until the cutoff time.

Offer available to business and residential customers.


  • The ported in number must remain active on the account to keep the rates.
  • If the ported number is cancelled or ported away, the rates will revert to our standard retail rates.
  • Available when number porting is requested during 2025 up until the cutoff time.

How to signup
There are 2 stages to signing up, the first step is to register here: https://my.siptalk.com.au/register/

The help pages below will show you the process.

Register as a new user:

Add your organisation (or personal account):

Once your account is created, and you've clicked the Manage button for your organisation, you can request the special offer rates and number porting by using the [Send a Message] button at the bottom of the left menu.

Already a customer?

Check out our other offer: https://whrl.pl/RgBdxW

Cutoff Time: Midnight on the 31st March 2025

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  • Free ?

    • Assuming you meant is the number porting free, yes.

  • The number porting is free, yes. Is that what you meant?

  • Siptalk customer, good VOIP quality and customer service.


    The spam calls just keep coming. We just don't bother answering calls anymore on our home phone.

    • Home phone! why?

      • +12

        How else are you going to call 4BC/2GB/3AW to complain about the out of control youth of today and how nice that Elon Trump fellow seems?

        • +4

          Err Sir, this is a Wendys….

    • +3

      We've got an option to whitelist known numbers in the portal, and overflow other calls to voicemail or something else, drop them etc..

      Also, adding an IVR will keep out the auto dialers.

      • +3

        LoL, thinking about getting this just to put an IVR on my home phone number.
        "If you're my mother in law please press 1"…

        • +2

          You call is now disconnected. Good bye mother 👋

        • LOL

  • Is it possible to port in a mobile number at all?

    • +1

      Yes, but the pricing isn't covered in this offer. Mobile numbers are $11 per month and you can send SMS for 8.8c per message. Inbound message and calls are free if they're received on our softphone app or a voip phone.

      Note: Picture messages (MMS) is not supported.

      • What is your softphone app?

        • +1

          We use the Acrobits Cloud Softfphone app, with qr code provisioning and configured specifically for our network.

  • What about 1800, 1300 and 13 numbers?

    • We do 1300, 1800 and 13 numbers. Are you looking for a deal on one? I'd be happy to work something out.

      • Possibly. All depends on the cost. This is for my newly established biz

        • +3

          Here's the discounted rates on our current Whirlpool offer.

          1300 Number Rental: $6.60 per month
          1800 Number Rental: $9.90 per month
          Calls routed to internal: 4.4c per minute
          Calls routed to fixed lines: 8.8c per minute
          Calls routed to mobile: 16.5c per minute

          But how about $3.30/mth for 1300 number rental and $5.50/mth for 1800 number rentals?

          • @siptalk: $3.30/m is cheap.
            What features do we get in it compared to $6.60/m?

            • +1

              @bhunter101: No difference in features, just a cheaper rental.

              If you build up some call volumes ask for a better rate there too and I'll be able to work something out for you.

              • @siptalk: Thanks.
                If I get a new 03 number it will be $0.33/m can we divert calls to mobile from it?
                Can we also do the same with 1300 numbers?

                • @bhunter101: Yes, actually if you get a 1300 number we'll allow a local number at no cost linked to it. So you can configure the routing on the 1300 number and any calls to either the local linked number or the 1300 number will follow the same routing.

                  You could then forward mobile callers to your local number.

                  Plus you can install our softphone app on your mobiles or desktop to receive calls from wherever you are.

                  • @siptalk: I am trying to start a trial, where on the site can i pick my own number? I am only seeing 7 numbers for my location.
                    Also i am not seeing $0.33/m.

                    • @bhunter101: This offer is only available to people porting in numbers from another provider.

                      If you don't see numbers in your area, please use the Send a Message button under the main menu and contact support, we'll be able to source numbers for you.

  • +2

    A little better than the Whirlpool Crazytel deal I'm currently on which is $0.35/month and $0.09 Per call. The mobile rates are better though, as they charge $0.09/min, but don't use that. Not worth changing for me, but a good deal.

    • Cheers for the shout out, much appreciated. Let me know if there's anything I can do to tempt you across. ;-)

  • Device Extensions
    Extensions allow your voip devices to connect to the system and make/receive calls. 0.55 per month

    55c a month if I want a VOIP phone attached?

    • Not with this offer, extensions are free.

      • Number Port In Required, that's a shame for those who want a VOIP service.

        • If you're looking for a new voip service, we have another Whirlpool offer running here: https://whrl.pl/RgBdxW

      • let say, if I have 6 extension, adding these extension and desk phones are free? and call between them free or chargeable?

        • Yes extensions are free with this offer, and calls between extensions is free.

  • Can we setup international number for this?

    • We can provide international phone numbers in some countries, you'll need to contact support with your requirements please, it's not something I could answer here.

  • Honest non troll question. Why do people bother with sip numbers anymore? It's mainly for business?

    • +1

      Yes, it's mostly businesses that make use of the features available in a voip system, and I expect most residential users can just use a mobile. The majority of our customers are businesses.

      Although there are always going to be some edge cases where a home phone might make sense.

    • +1

      All numbers except 04 numbers are SIP now. Even some 04 numbers are actually SIP (usually when a business starts with a mobile number then outgrows a single phone).

    • +1

      Why do people bother with sip numbers anymore?

      Calling a mobile number connects you to a person, and calling a VOIP/landline number typically connects you to a location.

      If a friend or relative wants to call anyone in my family, e.g. "I just bought a tray of mangoes cheaply, do you want some", it doesn't matter who they talk to, they call my VOIP number. If nobody is home, they learn that when nobody answers.

      If I'm at work and decide to drop by the shops on my way home, and want to know how much milk is in the fridge, I call the home VOIP number. No point calling any particular family member, they might not be home.

      And as I'm self employed, if friends or relatives want to have a quick chat, they call my home VOIP number knowing they won't be interrupting me if I'm at a customer's worksite. If I'm at a worksite, I won't hear the call and won't be interrupted.

      Note also that although a VOIP call is typically to a location, it can also be to a particular person at a location. It's cheap for everyone in your home to have their own VOIP number, if you want.

      And for those with children, they can use the home VOIP phone to call Grandma and Grandpa any time they want to, no need to lend them your mobile.

  • So can I port a home phone number from my RSP to you? This makes switching RSP's easier/quicker, especially as not all RSP support home phones anymore

    • Yep definitely, and it makes sense to separate your phone from your RSP for some providers, like Telstra / Optus and others .. where they often bundle the phone number in with the NBN connection making changing NBN providers problematic.

  • +2

    Current Siptalk customer here, the customer service is the best I’ve ever had and I haven’t had anyone in the team using this on a daily basis complain about the quality (nor any customers).

    • +1

      Cheers, your cheque's in the mail. :-D

      Reach out if you're not already on the Whirlpool plan.

  • I am currently living overseas, with an Aldi PAYG sim card, to received SMS (bank login, etc), but it costs too much to make/receive calls on this.

    Do you have an app I can make/receive calls on? Does it interfere with my current SMS service, or would i require a new number.

    I see the whirlpool offer for new numbers (not port in), but as someone who would barely make a call each month, this may not be worth it for me.

    • You can add a local number on the account and install our app on your mobile while overseas to make receive calls, that's no problem.

      If you have problems with the initial signup, send an email to support for assistance.

      Ultimately though, you will need to work out whether it's worthwhile for you or not.

  • Is 33c a month the cheapest around for renting a number?

    • Not sure if you meant this question for me or not, but I think it is, yes. Apart from deals with ISPs that offer phone numbers included with NBN.

      • Do NBN providers, like IINet support porting out of a SIP VoIP number they include for free in the plan?

        • +1

          You should check with the provider, while the number will be technically portable, sometimes they may bundle the number with the NBN connection and porting the number away might disconnect the service or void the deal you're on with them.

  • I've got a 1300 number through Zintel - we just use it to redirect to a mobile phone number, but we use "inbound caller ID" so the mobile that receives the redirected call sees the 1300 number, not the source phone number - is this something we could do with your service?
    Paying $30pcm which isn't particularly great 😂

    • Yep, not the actual 1300 number, the ACMA doesn't actually allow it, but you can select a custom number to come through on all calls instead of the caller number.

      Or, you can set a whisper soundfile to play to you when you answer the call instead.

      Or, you can install our softphone app on your mobile and receive the calls on that, much cheaper and you can start using system features like queues and music on hold etc..

      • Oh sounds great - thanks for the quick response

  • Can you select number / have local numbers available

    • Yes, we have a range of numbers in different areas to choose from in the portal, or if you can't find a suitable number just reach out to support and we can get numbers in any location in Australia.

  • What is your incoming fax to email price? thanks

    • The costs for a fax to email service are;

      Number rental cost: $1.10/mth or 33c/mth depending on which offer you're eligible for.
      Fax Service: $1.10/month
      Receiving faxes 1.1c per minute

  • Wondering if there's an app that we can use to answer calls ?

    • Yep, once you've setup an account and added an extension, you'll see details on the app and how to find it.

      Use the Need Support / Send a Message button in the portal for assistance.

  • noob question for all: do we have in au a VoIP service similar to us/canada when you have an app on your phone and you can create many different numbers to give to diff people/orgs at the same time hiding your real number to avoid scam calls ?

    • You can certainly do this, you just need to pay the monthly rental cost of each number.

    • CrazyPhone is an app for this, lines start at $1/mo

      I think it’s cheaper than this if you’re not porting a number

      Pretty sure it’s full payg when using your own number (you don’t actually port it, it spoofs the number)

      • We have another offer here which is $1.10 per month if you're looking for a new number.


        • Will take a look, thanks

  • +1

    Still using SipTalk for a landline number I had for near 30 years, I only use it for an emergency or should old friends who still dial me every 10 years.

    The Siptalk Voip app I installed on my mobile is very light weight and doesn't use next to nothing resource wise.

    I also added my number to the Do Not Call register to limit the amount of spam or marketing calls.

    Very happy to have the service, was on a old plan but went to the new service and the support on WP or on the ST site is been great, recommended :) 👍

    • Thanks for your feedback .. it's much appreciated. :-)

  • Hi Op. I've been out of the game for a little while. So my current setup is having a VOIP number which customers call then gets redirected to my mobile. Sounds like this will do the same for cheaper? Also, when it gets diverted to mobile, do customers see the number being diverted to (ie my mobile number)? Or instead of diverting, can I use your app to receive calls via that to avoid the divert charge?

    • +1

      If you use our app the cost will be zero to receive calls, the caller won't see anything other than normal ringing as when they're calling any local number.

  • Be careful of Siptalk. My experience with them:
    I signed up when they started and got a special price plan, similar to this.
    Their system does not allow you to delete DID numbers yourself. To delete a DID number, you need to send a support ticket, and they will manually delete it. Which is fine at first. But after I changed my DID number a few times, the support agent increased my price plan to the standard price plan, without any reason. He explicitly said he increased my prices for me, in response to my support ticket to delete a DID number, so, no accident there. I think he punished me for changing DID numbers too often, which is unacceptable. Needless to say, I stopped using them when this unprofessional behaviour occurred.
    If Siptalk hates manually deleting DID numbers, they should have allowed customers to delete DID numbers themselves, without needing a support ticket. You know, like all other VOIP providers allow. Unless Siptalk intentionally made deleting DID numbers difficult, to pressure customers into continually paying for DID numbers they no longer use.

    • +1

      Anyone logged into their account can see a cancel button at the bottom of the manage screen for a phone number, it's always been there from day 1. I'd be very keen to see the email communications you say you've received from us. Please forward them to support so I can investigate.

      • I didn't see any cancel button on my screen, and the support agent never told me about a cancel button after I asked them to cancel the DID a few times. I can forward the details to you, but what will come of it, will you restore the special price plan I had before, or will you simply investigate without doing anything to rectify the problem?

        • +1

          I have no idea what will come of it until I know who you are and what the issue was, reach out to support again and I'll take a look.

  • Hi Op, i am helping non profit org, the current system run on 3cx with one 03 number and 4 concurrent line. I have questions:
    1. Does your system replace 3cx or we can have option to use your system or 3cx?
    2. 4 concurrent lines means the rental is $0.03 x 4 / month?
    3. There are few internal extensions number, this will be no charge?

    • With our system you don't need to run 3cx, your ip phones can connect directly to us.

      There's no lines, just concurrent calls, you only need a number for people to call and you can make/receive as many calls as you have handsets.

      The total cost with us on this offer would be 33c/mth for the number hosting plus outgoing call costs.

      • Thanks Op, that means we just need to host the number 33c/mth. for any additional concurrent calls, just add these fees 2.2c per minute or 8.8c per call?

        • Yep, correct, for calls to fixed line numbers.

  • hi,
    Can I forward my mobile number to the one I got when I signed up?
    how much the charges for incoming calls from a mobile?
    Is there pricing for international dialling?

    • +1

      You can forward calls to a phone number on our system yes, and assuming you configure the number to ring into an extension, there's no cost.

      To access international calling you need to enable multi factor authentication, go to the Profile in your login and you'll see the option there. Once enabled, you'll see the Preferences / International Calling section, where you need to allow the prefixes you want to make calls to.

      Pricing is available in the portal in the Preferences / International Calling section and also on our website at www.siptalk.com.au/pricing/ scroll down to the Business Phone System section and you'll see a search option there.

  • I don't have a local number already, so does that mean I can't get these rates signing up and getting a local number through SipTalk?

    My mother who passed used to have a free DID for my city, which I loved, with pennytel, which then went to mynetfone, and then that went somewhere I guess.
    It could be stuck in some sorta free DID graveyard limbo, might even kinda be in my name somewhat too, unsure.
    Could we port that if I show you the death certificate?
    Cuz I loved that number actually.

    Either way, wish I could get this deal, but I don't have a local number right now.

    • We would just need to see an invoice with the details of the number on it and we could port it in, as long as it's currently active and not cancelled.

      If you send a message through the contact details on our website www.siptalk.com.au/contact/ with the details of the number I could look into it for you.

  • I am using CrazyTel with VOIP connected to my Fax machine/printer. I mainly use it to receive fax, and may send several fax a week.
    Could you clarify:

    1. Can I port in the number (DID) from CrazyTel to you, and still enjoy the plan?
    2. Do you support the usual fax machine (Brother multi function printer) via VOIP? I have been using an old ATA machine Cisco SPA112.
    3. How much it will cost including DID number?

    Many thanks.

    • Yes, this offer is suitable for you. The Cisco ATA and fax machine should not have any problems.

      The total cost will be 33c/mth for the number and ATA connected to an extension. No cost for receiving faxes, 2.2c per minute sending. Normally you'll send a page per minute, or 45 seconds or so.

  • I tried to add a number, but the pricing for the phone number for Sydney/Melbourn is $3.00/Month. Where is this 33c month phone number?

    • +1

      The 33c offer is for porting numbers in, if you want a new number we have a $1/mth offer running, just send a message from the portal asking for the Whirlpool Offer Rates.

      • thanks and where can i get the settings or the app for the phone pls ?

        • +1

          It's on the device extension manage page, please email through to support, it's hard to keep track and offer support here.

  • @siptalk

    A few questions:
    1. What's the minimum charge, the bare basic one?
    2. I just want my number active, don't care about outgoing/incoming calls as it is primarily to receive OTP since I live in overseas but still need a valid Aussie number for lots of things.
    3. Can I make calls to Aussie numbers, if required from a mobile app and are the charges different for that?
    4. Can I receive calls from Aussie numbers and what are the charges?

    • This is for a local number, not mobile. When you say 'OTP' do you mean an sms message?

      The minimum charge for keeping a local number active is 33c per month.

      You can call Aussie numbers yes, costs are as outlined in the details above.

      No cost for an extension that the softphone app will connect to.

      No cost to receive calls.

      • Thanks. yes I meant sms messages.. Since it's not a mobile number, I guess I can't use this to setup a mobile number then but I can get a landline number to call someone, incase I need to from the mobile app, did I get that right?

        • Yes, that's right.

          We do offer mobile numbers, but the cost is $11 per month.

          • @siptalk: I can't find the android app to download and use. Can you provide me a link please, the "send a message" link hasn't responded yet.

  • thanks, I got a cheaper mobile number to keep going but I'll consider the landline option.

  • Without registering to look at the prices, do you offer an option for a fixed monthly price for unlimited local/national calls?

    E.g. something similar to the $10 unlimited monthly phone bundle that most internet providers sell.

    • +1

      No sorry, we don't offer unlimited local/national calls.

  • I noticed the Crazytel has a failover option.

    Do you offer something similar, and if so how much does that cost?

    Failover Options - failover your incoming calls to your mobile if your internet goes down

    • +1

      It's a standard routing option, you can send calls to multiple profiles and one of them can be a mobile.

  • +1

    Check your spam, I responded to you about 15 minutes ago.

  • +2

    Buyer Beware!

    Chain of events:

    1. I signed up (got the free trial).
    2. Contacted support to get the details for android app (as you can see from the chat here).
    3. Tried calling a 1300, 13 number but it didn't work. Was told that's a separate charge.
    4. Tried calling a landline number and it got disconnected within 30 seconds, twice.
    5. Contacted support again and was told that this is a restriction of free accounts and I can fix it by adding a credit card or putting money in it.
    6. Added my credit card and funded the account with 2$ using payid as I just wanted to "try before I buy" the service.
    7. Account is cancelled.
    8. Contacted support multiple times and the guy keeps insisting that the will refund the money and won't give me a reason why my account was removed.

    Bear in mind, I did my digital ID check as they requested, everything is legit from my end but this is what happened, no explanations given. I wasn't even getting the 33 cents plan coz I wasn't porting my number, getting a new one and agreed to the higher $1.10 per month plan. So ridiculous.

    Update: The $2 was refunded but I'm not sure if my credit card details were removed from their system.

    • The card details have been removed, we don't think it was your card.

      • +2

        WTF! you removed my account because you "Think" it's not my credit card? How did you arrive at that conclusion? This is ridiculous, if you have an issue, respond to the queries that are sent on the account instead of me having to publicly discuss this with you.

  • Can vouch for this service. They helped me port a number in and kept me updated throughout the entire (archaic) process. There was a minor hiccup after it went live which they were straight onto, and it was quickly resolved within 20 minutes after reporting it. Service has been working great ever since.

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