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27pcs Magnetic Ceramic Ferrite D15mm Ball - $7.2 (with 60% off Coupon) + Shipping $5.50


Use the Coupon Code: THINK+PLAY=SMART to get 60% Off
Magnetic Ferrite Balls are good for

  • Relieve Stress
  • Brain Health
  • Magnetic Therapy

See Youtube Demo video

These balls are not for children under 3 years old

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closed Comments

  • Specifications: Balls Diameter 15mm.
    Package comes with 27 balls with a handmade natural burlap bag

    Shipping: to 2000 is $5.50
    Total is $12.70

    • Not sure about the big ones.. but i bought 216 of the little ones from an ABC shop… my daughter loves playing with them..

      the brain health is actually reasonable .. (not with only 27) but with the 216 pack you can make loads of cool things.

      its more about keeping the brain active and learning new things.. the magnetic side doesnt even come into it as a health bonus.

  • Military Grade + 3yrs = Stupid

  • +4

    Do you have any scientific evidence to back up your claim of benefits? Sound like all those BS artists in the like of naturopathic and chiropractic treatments.

    • -6
      • Brain Health: you can think and play the balls with hands, it helps to improve the abilities of both left and right brain.

      • Magnetic Therapy: Magnetic ferrite may aid in the relief of pain and speed the healing process due to the increase in blood flow and oxygenation of the blood that magnetic therapy may provide.—————Anyway, don't believe? Fade out the feature.

      Thanks for advice.

  • +1

    good for my slingshot

  • +1

    AFAIK magnetic therapy is a myth and has not been scientifically proven. Even still, these look like a fun toy amuse me with at the very least.

  • +1

    What would the military do with these?

    • +1

      NSA has listening devices embedded in them :-)

  • +3

    Yep. We've been through this before. These are banned for sale & import.

    http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/F2012L02171 for the legalese.

    http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/news-and-events/news-updates/… for the Vic article (google provides them for all the other states)

    • +1

      Please read more, and have a common sense to distinguish N35 strong magnet from Magnetic Ferrite.

    • Wow, what a joke that is.

  • +2

    As an explanation. Taken from Kramo's link:
    If a person swallows more than one small high powered magnet, the magnets can be attracted across the walls of the intestine or other digestive tissue. Progressive tissue injury starts with local inflammation and ulceration, progressing to tissue death, perforation or fistula formation, and can lead to infection, sepsis and death. The serious nature of the hazard is not self-evident and, even after ingestion, will often not be recognised by either carers or medical staff. Since desk toys consisting of small high powered magnets were introduced into the Australian market in early 2011, there have been 16 known severe cases in Australia – including one death –caused when infants, children and teenagers have swallowed more than one small high powered magnet.

    • what's more deadly, these magnets or lithium button cells?

      • Playing the old "what's more dangerous" game is pointless. Are you suggesting one item shouldn't be banned because the other isn't? Or are you suggesting that both items should be banned? These magnets have no proven value outside of entertainment while lithium button batteries are in daily use by many individuals. Making the batteries safer may be an issue worth discussing but has no value in regards to these magnets.

  • +1

    Aren't these illegal in Australia? Kids have died swallowing these. They rip the intestines when they balls connect.

    • Different products, what you said is N35 strong magnet, not these ferrite

        • +1

          Made from an industrial ceramic ferrite SrO6Fe2O3, What you said is N35 NdFeB.

        • That's like saying solar generated electricity is safer then coal generated electricity.
          I doesn't matter how the magnetic field is produced, its the strength & intensity.

          The look like some fun for older kids & us older farts who wish they were kids.
          You probably need to market them differently…magnetic Lego. You I wouldn't let kids under school age near them.

    • Here's the best statement i can find on the Australia-wide banning of small high-powered magnets from the Product Safety of Australia website, that came into effect on 15 Nov 2012. This is why customs doesn't bother listing them, as anything prohibited cannot be imported.

      I actually imported some of these this year as i was not aware of the prohibition.

      Yes, the banned magnets can be very very dangerous.

      The OP's gear may not be captured by the ban (i suspect he is right when he says they are legal), however there is a real problem as they are claiming it is OK for children over 3 yo (they are not), and their other claims about benefits are fanciful & almost certainly breach Australian Consumer Law (misleading & deceptive conduct, etc).

      In my view this post should be removed due to the misleading material on their website.

      EDIT: Just noticed Kramo's Comlaw reference which is obviously the best statement of the law, given it is the statement of the law.

      • FreckleNuts, I'm afraid you are out of topic.

        you import magnetic buckyballs, not Magnetic Ferrite. Absolute different things.

        • +1

          No, i am very much on topic. You have simply misinterpreted my post.

          I understand very clearly the difference between Neodymium magnets and your product. You may well be entitled to sell your product in Australia.

          What you are not entitled to do is flagrantly mislead customers with your farcical claims of their benefits. As i said, your claims are unlawful in Australia. If you wish to sell in Australia then accord with Australian law, or clear off.

          For example, your website states the following:

          Alleviates Headaches, Migraines, Back Pain, Menstrual Pain, Arthritis, Post Polio, Knee Pain, Sciatica, Tendonitis.
          Magnetic therapy may aid in the relief of pain and speed the healing process due to the increase in blood flow and oxygenation of the blood that magnetic therapy may provide.
          Magnetic therapy has been used for centuries to help enhance circulation, reduce swelling, relieve stiffness and ease pain.

          This is utter garbage, and it is not sufficient simply to modify your original post on OB - it is your website that needs correction.

        • Tru dat.

    • a kid has died. 33 kids injured, only 19 needed surgery.


      A lot of the injuries were from magnets in other toys, not specifically purchased magnets.

      Not exactly an epidemic worth banning over.

      • Not exactly an epidemic worth banning over.

        Someone actually died?

        Holy crap, lucky we banned them.

  • I was really interested in the Magnetic Q-Man until I put 5 in the checkout for a total of $15 and the shipping was $27.50 (total = $42.50)!! Surely the postage for one unit would be the same as for 10? For colour the page says 2x Orange - can you confirm that it's 2 units for the $3 ?? Would be very keen to buy Q-Man if the shipping was a lot more realistic.

    • Use code FREESHIP to check out. 2 units for the $3.

  • +1

    nanny state…
    Sorry guys, but I kinda feel sorry for everyone who is freaked out by small magnets :)
    Not good for your kids? Don't give it to them - it's that simple. Why bad nation wide?
    Ah, did you know that table salt is lethal too? An average male would be killed by eating as low as 240g of it. I purchased 1000g of table salt for $1.5 in Coles. That's enough for wiping out a whole family. It's not banned. Yet ;)
    (ps: 7 liters of water would have the same effect of an adult male. It's still flowing… yet! ;)

    • Problem is they are deceptively dangerous - to a small child they can look like lollies & are very easy to swallow. Table salt does not possess these properties - you would have trouble getting anyone - child or adult - swallowing much salt. That is protections are automatically built into the product. This is not the case with the powerful magnets.

      People who have children very quickly come to appreciate these things with some sophistication.

      Many laws banning items are designed to protect the very vulnerable, in this case children. That's especially when it's warranted for the state to take the role of Nanny.

      • seriously it comes down to good parenting.. my now 5 year old has been playing with Buckyballs since she was 3 and she still loves to play with them.. tho its really sad when she tells people about them.. she calls them "dads special balls"…

        she knows not to put them in her mouth and she only plays with them while i am watching..

    • What a non-argument. Who else is going to buy these magnets but people for their kids to play with or people who believe in faith healing? Either way the government is bound to protect those who aren't competent to protect themselves. Any one who argues that one item shouldn't be banned because another item is also dangerous and hasn't been banned is playing without a full deck. Kids can drown in a pool and can also drown in a bathtub. Should we ban bathtubs or leave pools unfenced? Absolutely nonsensical.

  • these large magnets are quite interesting

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