Lowest price ever apparently. Had an older model for a few years, still a good camera.
Red - $122 AUD delivered
Lowest price ever apparently. Had an older model for a few years, still a good camera.
Red - $122 AUD delivered
…or are you just glad to see me?
Have one of these in your pocket and you could be very popular with the girls!
The Sensor is not good enough, too small for such big zoom. Had one before, not very impressed for the picture quality.
After doing some research, is it apparently a great price although the rate is not so good at the moment.
Same camera as Sony DSC-H100, just a different badge.
Previously sold for $99 here. Same a s Nikon L310.
See discussion:
All from the same factory.
I almost thought this would fit in my pocket. I'm going to need a bigger pocket.
Photo of LZ20 from above