Monthly Free Wednesday promo code is valid for a one night rental only on 5/6/13
Hoyts Kiosk FREE Rental Wednesday 5/6/13

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Jack Reacher
the best new release is easily django unchained :)…
After watching Paranormal4, I thought it had a rather confusing storyline and ended very weird at only 30 mins movie length.. was then I realised id just watched all the extra bonus material, back-to-backProbably scarier than the movie itself
will have to pass this month - it clashes with watching State of Origin! :)
cache it….
you can watch it the day after. (Returns are due 9pm the following day)
Oblivion, oz the great and powerfull and great movies.
oz the great and powerfull
I don't think that's out on DVD yet…
Thanks. I was waiting for the email with it but it never showed.
Silver lining playbook is out.
If I ve used their free wednsday offer last month, can I still use it this week?
yes - different promo code :)
do you have to return it ?
how does it work ?
Thirty-seven, but I'm no biologist.
how does it work ?
Your dvd player will use a laser light to shine onto the pits burned into your DVD, and use this data to display a picture on your television.
do you have to return it ?
If you keep it, you will be charged $36…
Why on earth would anyone downvote this?
Picked up 2 free movies using different cards and email addresses :)
Wtf. I swear this code said WED29NV 5min ago.. My wife and I couldn't get it to work, now it says WED292NVD… Weird 2 digits fell into the twilight zone or something. Oh well I'll go back on the way home and try again lol.
Thats 3D trying to kill off 2D
Does this offer include BluRay?
I completely screwed up today. I tried using this kiosk and it asked me to select a movie then swipe credit card.
I missed the part where you can enter "Promotion Code", honestly didn't see this and nothing was showing to give me a chance to enter the code before swiping so I thought swipe my card first enter email etc. What a bad mistake!
It didn't even allow me see what I'm checking out. As soon as I select that movie, swipe CC then BOOM ejects the disc…In the end it charged me $3.50 like a regular rental.
I feel like a n00b, a loser etc to try this out to get bargain, but it bite me back. I know its only $3.50 BUT STILL!!!!
So stupid better luck next time!
What did you rent?
Jack Reacher DVD
At least you didn't waste your money
I also tried this Hoyts kiosk for the first time yesterday and hired the Jack Reacher Blu-Ray. Code worked OK. For usual $3.50 per movie (sometimes you also get hire 1 get 1 free deal) it is definitely cheaper than the local video library I have been hiring from, so definitely going back to use this kiosk again.
but after swiping your credit card, didn't it ask for an email address to send the receipt or else cancel the rental?
It allows me to enter me email but afterwards nowhere to enter code, that's a worry.
Unless like I said you have to put in the promote code before swiping card…
I can't even cancel the rental once I'm the email address page, nothing appears…
I don't know why. Basically select movie, swipe CC, email, enter, no checkout straight charged me
iirc on the email screen aren't there two buttons, continue or cancel?
I have previously used the kiosk before, and it remembered my email linking to my credit card. It went to next screen straightaway. No chance for me to cancel
interesting - iirc i always have that option even when my email address is pre-filled which still requires confirmation
Found this on the older posts….
How to use:
- Find a Hoyts kiosk
- Select your movie
- Click 'Rent'
- On the payment screen, enter the coupon code. Price should be reduced to zero.
- Swipe your credit card (card will only be charged if you fail to return the disc by 9pm the following day)So if you swipe your card too early you can't do it…
- Swipe your credit card (card will only be charged if you fail to return the disc by 9pm the following day)
So if you swipe your card too early you can't do it…
true but again one could cancel to re-do with promo code, as you forgot to add that the next step is
- enter email address for receipt or cancel rental
iirc :)
which movie is decent to rent this month?