• expired

McVALUE Lunch Club - Lunch Deals 12-2pm Daily - Get Your FREE Card from Your Local Store


This card allows you to choose 1 of 3 lunch meals between 12-2pm daily

1) Cheeseburger deal $3.95
2) Big Mac deal $5.95
3) McChicken deal $5.95

Meals include a medium soft drink & fries or garden salad

Valid until 31/12/2013

These exact same value meals pop up from time to time, but this card allows you to get this deal every day of the year until it expires at the end of the year. Make sure you ask for this next time you visit your local McDonald's and don't forget to get a few extras for family and friends.

I received my card today at FTG. They had heaps. I'd imagine most, if not all, stores would have these cards as they are not location specific.

Edit: forgot to mention the card is FREE

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closed Comments

  • +1

    so how do I get this card?

    just ask and they will give it to me ? no catch?

    • Yes, just ask no catch. The FTG store has this advertised on their drive thru window.

      • +6

        Sorry, what is FTG again?

        • +2

          ferntree gully, melbourne

        • Ferntree Gully in north Melb

        • +7

          More like east :)

        • +1

          Ahhhh, I thought Fountain Gate shopping centre lol.

        • Same here!

  • +2

    Can someone ask them to add Angus burger meal in?

    • +92

      Yes of course…

      Dear Ronald,

      Trust you are well.

      Jane and I love what you have done to your house, thank you for showing us around during our last visit.

      Kawara444 would like to add the Angus Burger to the Lunch deal, what do you say?



      • +8

        What sort of clown names his place Ronald McDonald House anyway?

      • Eagerly awaiting reply.

      • The sarcasm is strong with this one.

        • -4

          Yes, but he lacks subtlety.

      • Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • I remember getting a card like this at Maccas ~10 years ago, but I don't recall ever using it. Wonder if they've just decided to reintroduce them, or they've always been around?

    • +2

      yeah i know the card you are referring to. whenever a mcvalue meal was purchased a free apple pie or sundae was given for free

      • +1

        They used to have stickers you would put on your windscreen. It got you a free drink or upgrade or something.

    • I think they've always been around…its a VIP card.
      Just ask for one next time at the counter. If they have them theyll just give you one.

  • You don't need the card.
    Just make sure that when you make your order, you have to make it clear that you want the "… deal"

    • +3

      You will need the card after the current deal ended because the expiry date of the card is up to the end of 2013.

  • +7

    Instead of getting a membership at local McDonald's, get a membership at your local gym.

    • Instead of getting a membership at local McDonald's, get a membership at your local gym.

      Well look at it like this, if you get this membership at local McDonald's, sooner or later you are going to need a membership at your local gym.

      • +12

        keeps twice as many people employed that way! Aussie economy 101

    • I already have one at the gym. At least this one will be used.

  • Just got a card in our local McDonald store, thanks for good PO.

  • +3

    Parramatta Westfield level 5 had loads of them on the counter to the left of the counter.

  • +1

    I got one at Maccas at Nudgee QLD last night and the expiry say 31/10/13 (not 31/12/13)

    • +1

      Does the card look the same? If so just get a relative to post you one from Vic/NSW then you are covered for the year.

  • +5

    Just voted positive on this deal and got a warning message that my account will be investigated due to sockpuppetting. What the?

    • +5

      Are you now or have you ever been an employee of McDonald's? #mccarthyism

    • +12

      that my account will be investigated due to sockpuppetting. What the?

      You have been eating far too many MC burgers my friend, now go and vote positives on some Dominos Pizza deals, Random votes on Pizza hut and negs on Kogan scams to confuse the mods.

  • anyone get one from SA yet?

    • Yeah Seaford

    • yeah marion

  • +3

    I think it costs 10 cents extra to get a 600ml bottle of water instead of the soft drink. Not bad value when many places charge $3+ for a bottle of water.

    • +1

      I get a large double 1/4 meal and get the bottle of water every time (BANK IT FOR LATER) then use some soft drink at home like pepsi. Coke is trash. So it makes my meal a $6-7 meal when you take off the premium bottle (plus 10c refund here in sa).

      They also take 10c-20c off your meal when they add water as a drink!!

  • Mc Double, Chicken & Mayo (pretty much a McChicken) and a small chips for $5 seems like a better deal to me.

  • +1

    Meals include a medium soft drink & fries or garden salad

    Lol who would ever pick salad?

    • +11

      Those that buy gym memberships

    • +4

      I do, they tend to look at you funny. Apparently no one ever orders the salads.

      • +3

        My daughter does sometimes. It's actually good they offer a healthy alternative.

      • -1

        Customer: …and i'll have the salad with that
        Maccas: (Mentally: Damn!)…Then on the internal intercom "we have a customer who has ordered salad. can someone please wake up the gardener"

    • +6

      You don't win friends with salad

  • I went to the Kallangur (QLD) store last week-end and asked for this card - the sales person replied there is no such card… it was hard to explain her so I gave up.
    Will try another store tomorrow.

    • +4

      Because in Kallangur they're not too bright.
      Uncle Daddy buys them maccas every day :)

  • +6

    Just saw a McDonalds advert on TV promoting this card. They should pull their adverts because now it's on Ozbargain.

  • i can see myself eating junk for the next 6 months for lunch

  • +1

    Got one in Vic Park WA, expiry is 30/06/13
    Anyone that has a spare card that expires on 30/1213 wanna send me one :-)

    • I wonder if they will continue to honour the offer beyond 30/06/13? I'm surprised by the variable expiry dates across the various states.

      • -1

        Yup picked up a stack from Morley WA. expires 30/06/13

  • dupe
    edit: would vote + but I accidentally hit the - button

  • +1

    I'm not gonna neg this deal but McDonald's has had it running for a long time. The only new thing about this "deal" is you now need to carry around a card and show it to the cashier. Seems like a step backwards?

  • Plenty available at Martin Place

  • +2

    Just get a Hungry Jack's Stunner Value Meal for $4.95 and you get a Sundae with it too.
    BUT you will not get the mermaid thrown in with the meal :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkEaOBSl6uA

  • I tried two stores today in Bondi Junction, neither have the cards unfortunately. Anybody know what Eastern Suburbs stores have the cards?

    • Just keep looking. This is a nation wide campaign. Every store will have them sooner or later.

  • Asked at Terrigal / Erina and was told it does not exist, went to Mt Annan on the way home and found plenty at the counter they expire in December.

  • Went to the Rosehill one, don't even need to ask, just grab as many as you want at the counter. However I don't remember chicken burgers being so small lol.

  • Went to Swanston Street, the guy didn't initially even know what I was talking about, and he said they don't have any.

  • My local is South Melbourne. They stuff up my order every single Friday - its like a running joke! I went to go there today for lunch and the drive thru was closed wtf? I have never seen a drive thru closed before. Ive never seen these cards :(

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