I was in need of a Dremel, Bunnings has it for $188. Sydney Tools has it listed for $154 (http://www.sydneytools.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=16858&bc=no). Didn't really want to drive to Sydney Tools so I got Bunnings to price match with -10% which came to $136.80. You could also get the 3000 2/30 price matched to $116
Dremel 4000 4/50 $154 Sydney Tools ($138.60 Price Matched at Bunnings)

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Rotary tool, that can do pretty much anything. http://www.dremel.com/en-au/tools/pages/ToolDetail.aspx?pid=…
It's $189 on Sydney Tools' website:
Also Price Match are not deals, where you need to post the original deal (from Sydney Tools) and then add a note saying that it's price matchable at Bunnings. Just that I can't find such deal on Sydney Tools.
You linked to the one with the Planar Attachment. This is the proper one http://www.sydneytools.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=16858&bc=no $154
Thanks for clarification.
I want a dremel, purchased one of the Aldi copies and I would not recommend it, tried using 3 attachments and had them go flying apart almost instantly
title needs changing… price is $154 as advertised…
price match itself is not a deal
instead of posting the price match as a bargain, the real deal should be from the merchant who is offering the lowest pricehttp://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:deal_posting_guideline…
What is a Dremel?