Toddich » posts

Nintendo 3DS XL bundled with Zelda: albtw and Pokemon X for $269 @JB HIFI [Malaga, Perth]

expired Nintendo 3DS XL bundled with Zelda: albtw and Pokemon X for $269 @JB HIFI [Malaga, Perth]

Went into JB Hifi Malaga Perth and saw the Professor Layton deal that was previously posted here so I asked if I could swap those two games for Zelda and Pokemon X. He agreed to do so and it only …

Sennheiser HD25 1 II Basic Edition Headphones $165.71 Delivered with 10OFF Code

expired Sennheiser HD25 1 II Basic Edition Headphones $165.71 Delivered with 10OFF Code

I've been looking for these headphones at a good price and this is the cheapest I've found them. Took 14 days for them to deliver it to me in Perth.