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National Geographic makes a deluxe world atlas hardbound book, and now it has come to iOS complete with HD imagery.
This award-winning book is now free, found it interesting even though I don't study marketing.
Just seen the ad on tv... The deal is back on from last year.
Only on Tuesdays and for a limited time. No coupon necessary.
The ebook of Killing Floor by Lee Child is currently free in the Amazon store for the Australian region. This is book one in the Reacher series.
Heads up to any Canberrans (edit: and most other Aussies) out there: I just discovered (H/T to JF) Libraries ACT (edit: and many other libraries around the country) provide free access to Zinio digita
This deal is not published.
FREE Kindle E-Book: The Golden Acorn: Book 1 (The Adventures of Jack Brenin) WAS $5.95
An old one but a good one. Back when Taylor's still doing Country style music.