This was posted 12 years 1 month 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

KFC 9 Pieces of Chicken for $9.95 on Tuesdays


Just seen the ad on tv… The deal is back on from last year.

Only on Tuesdays and for a limited time. No coupon necessary.

T&C's. Offer available Tuesday only. Valid at participating stores. Set combination of chicken pieces apply. Food for illustrative purposes only. Saving is based on full menu price. For a strictly limited time only while stocks last.

Related Stores

KFC Australia
KFC Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    This is never valid at Canberra Dickson….. Only once :(

      • wanna back up the "chemicals they pump into the chicken" comment?

        • +12

          you know when people say "its not you, its me" yeah they lied, its definately you!

        • +14

          I would hate being your kid.

          "Looks like its raw celery for dinner again kids! You know the kilojules burned through digestion is more than exists in the celery"

        • They may hate life, but they'll get to hate life for longer than any of those other idiots who love live.

        • +18

          I think most people are negging you for your attitude, l0l0l0l. Sometimes it's best to know when to quit.

        • +7

          I'm all ears if you actually have any evidence that KFC is 'pumping chemicals' into their chicken (not that KFC actually farms chickens themselves - this is done by external companies such as Inghams). Otherwise you're just a member of the tinfoil-hat brigade I'm afraid.

        • +18

          l0l0l0l, chickens within Australia are not pumped with hormones or antibiotics, it has been illegal for some time now. The chicken you buy from KFC is the same chicken you buy in your local supermarket and the same chicken you buy in the local butchers. There are only 2-3 major chicken suppliers within Australia and they supply all food service/retail company with chickens. Please know your facts before blatantly throwing around accusations without any evidence.

        • @sama - no. there are a lot of obese people on here. i got many negs for my comment on obese people on another post even when i said i have nothing against them

        • There are too many consumer laws protecting people in Australia.

          I think l0l0l0l came from China or something, where everything is fake there and nobody gives a C!@# about their citizens health. That's probably why he thinks like he does, brainwashed.

          If somebody uncovered that they were in fact doing what l0l0l0l say they are doing in Australia, the company would be taken to court by various government bodies.

          Australia's market protects the customers more than the companies, you'd get sued out of your pants if you are found not selling what you are advertising.

          Imagine the Halal butchers not selling Halal meats, or chickens which are pumped with hormones.

          KFC isn't really unhealthy because of the chicken, it is unhealthy due to the high fat content (from frying). If they grilled their stuff like Nandos, then I doubt l0l0l0l would be complaining.

          Reminds me of what my friend said about his wife that just migrated from Vietnam (similar government to China).

          Husband: You need to learn more english, why aren't you watching the news for stuff about Vietnam? Instead of reading Vietnamese news from the web?

          Wife: The English news papers lie, the Vietnamese news says different things and is therefore more correct…..

        • Hate to be your kid. Fat and unhealthy, so not only do they get ridiculed at school for being a lard arse, you also help shorten their life span for them and teach them how not to eat. Now that's some responsible parenting.

        • Ozbargain is a haven for the fat, geeky and unhealthy. Not hard to work that out. I mean, who else gets excited about Dominos coupons and galaxy S3s almost daily.

        • You just don't learn do you?

        • -1

          just remind me i got negs about the thousand $$$ camera n lenses deals, which i believe only a fad/pure consumerism. how many of them really 'need' those fancy lenses?! peer pressure maybe.

          but i did buy this chicks;)

        • then how does my guinea pig get so fat?

      • +5

        once a year, some parent could be saving some money by buying it on a Tuesday. Have you thought about the validity of this bargain instead of jamming your insightful thoughts down our gut?

        • +1

          nekminit. nothing to eat on tuesdays. goes to KFC. herp derp

      • +4

        Have you stopped to consider that maybe some people such as myself like to eat KFC once every few months because it's one of life's luxuries? For example, just because you think blonde people are superior doesn't mean that you have to wage war against everyone that doesn't agree with you, there's no word for people like that…..oh wait.

      • +10

        You must be fun at parties.

      • +2

        You have rustled the jimmies of a few neckbeards it seems.

      • you're right!

      • whoa…did Hamburglar told you that?

    • This is available in Queanbeyan. You have to specifically ask. Its not clearly advertised but the lady serving me knew about the Tuesday deal.

  • is it valid for NSW?

    • Yes it's valid

  • +2

    saw the banner out on thornlie's KFC. thought it was a case of someone using the wrong banner. apparently not.

  • +2

    Does anyone know what the "set" combination of pieces is?


    • +1

      I'm guessing it's not actually set, you get a random pick but they're guarding against people asking for the more premium bits (does KFC even do breast pieces?).

      • Which bits are considered more premium?

        • Thighs are delicious, breasts/ribs/wings are awful.

      • sure do - it's the piece that's 95% chicken - all that's left over is the small breast bone.

      • Yeah, unfortunately they do. They cut the front half of the chicken into five pieces, and the delicious back half into four… so you get more disgusting dry breast meat in your meal simply because there's more pieces of it on the shelf.<p>
        Point of interest, I was actually munching on one of the breast/sternum pieces of KFC as I read your post! I got a box of one breast, three ribs, two drumsticks, three wings, one thigh. So, two things:

        (1) Yes, KFC do do breast pieces, and

        (2) The 9 pieces for $9.95 deal is still on at KFC Haymarket (Sydney City)

        (What's interesting is that either someone at KFC Haymarket forgot to dump the '11 special herbs and spices' into the mixing bowl this morning, OR they're trying to save some cash by skimping on ingredients OR they're trialling a new recipe that is comprised almost entirely of breadcrumbs. It was tasteless today!)

    • +5

      Based on my time working there a long time ago the 9 piece combo was basically a whole chicken. So you were meant to get 2 wings, 2 drumsticks, 2 thighs, 2 ribs and 1 breast piece.

      • +47

        The ole single breasted whole chicken.

        • +2

          its the way the cuts are, the breast is atually the centre not one side of a breast. kfc orders the parts seperatly they choose to order less breasts, they order more wings/legs because they are cheaper. it depends which store as to what they cook, some managers are worse than others. they dont actually get a set amount like buying a whole chook.

        • +1

          They don't order the parts separately, they buy whole chickens. I worked there for three years :)

        • i worked there too and in my store they did order seperatly. they all came in 1kg blue plastic bags on the plastic pallets. the truck would even bring some extras that the manager could choose to order on the spot. the manager used to tell some of the staff they had to order the whole chicken just to keep people beleiving that. supply/demand but they are not forced to buy it, they choose too. if they dont buy wings then the price of the other peices will go up and they will flog the wings off cheaply for dog food or other shops i.e marinated wings. its not like they are going to refuse to supply.

        • Love this tantryl guy

        • I wonder if chickens ever have a third nipple!

      • Thats pretty interesting, so this has actually got about the same value of the $12.95 red rooster deal (1 chicken and family chips).

        • +1

          not really the same value. It take much more labour to cut the chicken into pieces. Coat each piece. And cook them separately. But KFC pieces are awfully small.

        • +1

          Any idea what to use as a batter to replicate KFC? i prefer hot and spicy.

        • +2

          Get a premixed "Kentucky fried chicken" seasoning from asian grocery. They come in a box with a pack of seasoned flour, pack of seasoning/herbs.
          All you need to do is marinate the chicken pieces with the seasoning, leave in fridge for an hour. Then cover the marinated chicken with the seaosned flour.

          These are from Indonesia and comes in different brands.
          My favorite brand is KOBE- tastes just like KFC.

        • will give that a try.

    • yeah if you order 2 pieces you get 1 big piece ie breast, thigh or rib and 1 small piece ie leg or wing. 3 pieces and its 2 small + 1 big or 2 big + 1 small. 5 pieces is 1 of each, 9 pieces is 2 wings, 2 legs, 2 ribs, 2 thighs and 1 breast. Before anyone asks the breast piece isn't half of the breast it's the whole thing minus the meat left on ribs and minus tenderloins i.e. crispy strips.

  • Hopefully my diet will not be affected by this…

  • Oh man. This is awesome. If only the double was around at the same time, mmmmmm I'd be a big fat dynamo.

  • Hasn't this been available for a while now?

    • +2

      Been gone for a few months I think.

      • Yep

  • +1

    Yeah hasn't been on for for at least 3 months in nsw anyway

  • +1

    heard this on the radio in SA, so i assume valid for all of sa.

  • +9

    Tuesday - chicken massacre day.

  • +1

    i saw a poster on this deal on the door window of knox kfc. :) cant wait

    • Good to hear my local one has it on too then!

  • +9

    This has been available in QLD for months now lucky us :)

    • yeah at least since last winter

  • +7

    It never went away for us awesome Queenslanders.

  • +4

    Yeah I was wondering what the biggy was. Guess we are lucky up here,except I wish they delivered cos it'sabsolutely PI$$ing down and KFC would be nice :)

      • +1

        Oh right, so that makes it a bad deal for everyone else then does it?

        • -7

          It's not a bargain for me, so negged. If there was some further discount for QLD stores then it would be worthy of an upvote.

        • +2

          That's a pretty stupid reason for negging.

        • +2

          No because if he can't get it or for a better price, then it's clearly not a deal at all…

        • +4

          You may not realise, but it's called "OZBargain", not "SicmateBargain".

        • +1

          Whatver dude. You are one of the few bad users on this site and you are going to keep getting negged until you learn the rules here.

  • +1

    i didnt miss a single Tuesday while this was on. great to see it back again.

  • nom nom nom…..sure this chicks are tasty (n cheapy)

  • for VIC?

  • Ehhm what by the way?
    " Food for illustrative purposes only"

  • do any of the stores still do hot and spicey?

    • +8

      When I went to qld in October I was asked if I wanted hot and spicy. I was like. 'Ermmagad is it back' she like 'always have it'

  • +7

    Hot and Spicy is always sold in WA :)

    What's everyone favourite part of the chicken? I like the leg and the thigh parts. I don't understand why people like the breast, it's usually dry and rough.

    • thats the best bit imo. gives it a tough texture in contrast to the rest of the chicken.

      • +1

        yep..and the dryness is contrasted nicely with the wet/greasiness of the skin

    • +3

      Thigh FTW

  • +4

    Fat Arse Tuesdays FTW

    • Tuck In Tuesday?

  • +1

    You cant go wrong with that price!! Winning!!

  • Strathpine has had this banner out the front for months.

  • Would this be more chicken than a whole roast chook from coles?

    • No way. I pull apart those chooks from coles and have enough for a meal and a few lunches. Pull the meat of these 9 pieces and you'd have nowhere near the same amount. Still tasty though!

  • +11

    Great deal but sometimes with the size of the chicken pieces… I feel like I'm getting Quail instead of chicken.

  • +1

    Yummy tasty little quails though:)

    • oh but you should, otherwise how would your negative vote be anymore valid?

    • +6

      Would just like to say the first (of many) neg was from me.

      • +1

      • +7

        I have run out of my daily negs just in this thread

      • +7

        Your attitude towards food is stupid hence all the down votes.

        I love KFC, I love burgers, pizza, deep fried fatty greasy salty tasty foods. Most people do. As long as you don't eat this type of food ALL the time then there is nothing wrong with it.

        Some people act like if they eat ANYTHING with fat in it, they will suddenly become obese, their arteries will clog overnight and become diabetic.

        Just practice some moderation and you will be fine.

        • You are Ezzactly correct :)

        • I think it's more like they enjoy putting down others who are less concerned about what they eat. Eat what you like, it's your body. Shame on those who try and put you down for your choices.

    • I'm not sure if it sucks but it's sure finger licking good.

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