Developox » user profile

Member Since | 05/12/2012 |
Last Seen | 03/03/2013 |
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Developox replied to
ArchieB on 34% OFF Crysis 3 Hunter Edition PC Download Origin Activation Key [$38.71 AUD] - Developox

Try following those links to find out the prices are either changed or the product is out of stock at the price mentioned. Those sites take…

Developox replied to
hollykryten on 34% OFF Crysis 3 Hunter Edition PC Download Origin Activation Key [$38.71 AUD] - Developox

We were in 2009/2010. The domains were free and lots of spam so got shutdown.

Developox replied to
[Deactivated] on 34% OFF Crysis 3 Hunter Edition PC Download Origin Activation Key [$38.71 AUD] - Developox

False prices posted. cjs selling for $47 at the moment. My steam out of stock for that price so no one can order. We just ran out of stock…

Developox posted a deal 34% OFF Crysis 3 Hunter Edition PC Download Origin Activation Key [$38.71 AUD] - Developox
Crysis 3 Hunter Edition PC Download. This is the Global Edition and supports Multiple languages. Price Match guarantee. Contact live…

Well someone calls us douche and we can't put up a fight. Just bend over and take it. Sorry but we love to help out and believe we're doing…

Well you clearly have a lot of time on your hands then. Not getting worked up but still replying to a pointless argument. Get a life mate!…

Well scampy there was no need to make such a fuss over a small comment we wrote "don't forget to say thanks". It became apparently a huge…

Well thanks for all the help and the attitude. It was a quiet relevant contribution on your part and very helpful to everyone.

What would you want us to write so people who buy don't forget to share?

We apologize for asking you to express gratitude and have changed the post accordingly. We didn't mean anything by it and it was just a…

LOL actually selling at wholesale is kind of a favor considering the competition. We are a group of students /gamerz ourselves and mostly…

Dead Space 3 Limited Edition for only $38.39 USD (Approx $37.20 AUD). Game requires EA Origin to download and play.

Those who bought should share their experience with others.

This is pointless. Once again the required info is already provided by the payment processor. We just need verification that a scammer…

Ok this is weird but there have never been complaints regarding texts from any other region besides South East Asia and Australia. Maybe…

You're welcome.

As mentioned in the terms of service new customers are required to verify by receiving a text or by sending one. Suspicious orders can be…

Lots of people use hacked paypal accounts. A verified phone number confirms that you're the owner of the paypal account.

Legit, google and you will have over 3 years of history. Facebook page will show comments from old customers in 2010/11/12 You can find…

Devil May Cry Steam key. Cheapest price with paypal as the payment option. Limited Stock. Please share your experience and vote if you make…

Developox posted a deal Battlefield 3 Aftermath DLC [$12.41 AUD]
Lowest recorded price for Battlefield 3 Aftermath DLC. Offer expires 13th Jan 2012.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2 PC download. Includes Nuketown 2025 Map.

Developox joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!