Dead Space 3 Limited Edition for only $38.39 USD (Approx $37.20 AUD). Game requires EA Origin to download and play.
Dead Space 3 Limited Edition PC Download [$37.20 AUD]

Last edited 10/02/2013 - 02:42
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I have beaten the game and will find those packs are useless. DLC was just a big story on reddit and 4chan due to big hate of EA.
Much easier to finish your suit in 3 then 2. Chip drops are plentiful, that DLC really only helps crafting lots of weapons, which you can do most of in new+.Talk about moral bankruptcy. I'm fine with mobile games doing micro-transactions to get you a little further into the game and to reduce the time you have to grind for money/resources, but these booster / resource packs are downright unncessary.
Especially in a game that's supposed to be a survival horror game, in which resource scarcity is supposed to make the game fun and enjoyable. Now you pay money to make your character more overpowered and the game easier…
It's been stated countless times that those are just packs for lazy people, or people with not much time in their day to play videogames. I don't know why gamers are getting dumber every year where they're getting upset at developers allowing their game to also be enjoyed by more people, while retaining everything else for the core gamer.
You should be more upset about the tacked on co-op and lack of horror in the game, and not micro transactions that aren't even integral to the game.
Don't forget to say thanks if you take advantage of this deal.
You'd hate to sound like too much of a douche, wouldn't you? You're a business and selling items to consumers for profit is your sole purpose - don't act like you're doing us a favour.
I'll thank whichever representative I feel gives the best deals and customer service - you're not exactly stellar in either, at the moment.
LOL actually selling at wholesale is kind of a favor considering the competition
Right, so your low prices would have nothing to do with increasing your profile and advertising - with no consideration for competition at all. Don't get me wrong, it's great that you're doing low prices, but it's hardly 'an act of gracious kindness' nor a 'privilege' for our benefit. This is the way retail works, and there's nothing wrong with that - just don't make this out to be more than it is.
Fine don't thank us for the deal, it was just a request…
If I found the deal interesting or worthwhile, and the customer service engaging, then I would thank you for it. But if you have to request people to thank you on the outset, then perhaps the 'thanks' just isn't that valuable. Gratitude should be earned through deeds, not given by request - perhaps you should let the deal speak for itself.
i dont know why you're nitpicking, most people would of took that comment
Don't forget to say thanks if you take advantage of this deal.
as deal filling information
Perhaps I am being a bit harsh - it just struck me as condescending and arrogant to tell people to express gratitude. We're not children; we can utilise politeness at our own discretion.
Deal filling it may be, but it could have been worded with a bit more tact.
shrugWe apologize for asking you to express gratitude and have changed the post accordingly.
We didn't mean anything by it and it was just a reminder since lots of people buy and don't share their experience with the community. Obviously you're not one of them.
Please don't say thanks if posting here saved you a few $$ since we were to benefit as well.
Now you're just being an ass (and completely misrepresenting my posts). I suppose now we can add 'patronising' to your
laundry list ofcore values of customer service.What would you want us to write so people who buy don't forget to share?
How about "If you have any questions, comments or feedback, sound off in the comments below. We're always looking to improve our service wherever possible."
Now figure out the rest of your PR/advertising your own damned self.
Well thanks for all the help and the attitude. It was a quiet relevant contribution on your part and very helpful to everyone.
My god your condescending. I wouldn't buy from you on the basis of your attitude and how that might be a good indicator as to your customer service in the event of a return, despite maybe saving a few dollars.
Well scampy there was no need to make such a fuss over a small comment we wrote "don't forget to say thanks". It became apparently a huge deal, it's a great deal for those who bought the game and took advantage of it. ProspectiveDarkness admits to being a little harsh in one of the above mentioned comments and besides we're just having fun with him.
Please don't take our comments seriously, it does not reflect our service and most of the people at oz know this.
It's cute that you think you're getting me worked up over this.
ProspectiveDarkness admits to being a little harsh
…And the harshness has since been vindicated by your subsequent replies. Oops.
besides we're just having fun with him.
Gee, and here I was thinking that reps were on OzBargain to bring good deals to the members / viewers and to present a professional image to potential customers… not to 'have fun with' the users.
it does not reflect our service and most of the people at oz know this.
(a) You have yet to demonstrate a professional response to criticism, without being a condescending ass - seems pretty reflective of your service to me (and others, judging by the votes on your comments).
(b) You have a grand total of 4 posts with 7 positives between them… I'd hazard a guess that 'most of the people at oz' have never even heard of you.You really need to look at some other posts here on ozbargain. You are the 1% of reps that clearly don't have a clue. ozbargain can be a useful tool for businesses big and small due to the large audience but if you earn a bad rep, its game over. And you have well and truly done that. Dont go insulting the users with snide little comments. Just say 'thanks for the feedback' and leave it at that.
It is quite obvious that you are a 'group of students /gamerz' and not business people. Maybe study business 101 and then try again.
Well you clearly have a lot of time on your hands then. Not getting worked up but still replying to a pointless argument. Get a life mate!
Well we did share the post so bringing good deals to the members/viewers was pretty much done. Now for comments like your 1st one would certainly be not well received by us.
If you had something positive to contribute you could have said it nicely but you weren't nice from the beginning. There's always someone who will pick on the little details.
To hell with being professional, we treat our customers as friends.
To hell with being professional, we treat our customers as friends.
It's clear for us to see your lack of professionalism, this is how you treat your friends? I really wish I didn't indirectly stick up for you earlier.
I would suggest you take some time to read ozgameshop's facebook feed to see how professionals interact with customers
Well someone calls us douche and we can't put up a fight. Just bend over and take it. Sorry but we love to help out and believe we're doing good. Try our free live support and we assist even if someone has never purchased from us. Tainting what we're doing by saying we do it for the $1 profit is heart breaking. The profit goes into cost of running the site and buying stock to keep offering lower prices.
Retail business might work this way but when we started we had no competition or very little competition - yet our prices were low. We never were in it for business that's the reason we don't sell all games. We mostly offer those on which we can provide gamerz with big discounts.
For real profit we sell to game stores and that's pretty much going well for us and that's where we make most of our money.
The site was built to share so when we buy collectively the price per game goes down. We did not intend to offend anyone but it will be unfair to us if everyone here expects us to be bullied. We did not fire the 1st shot…
Nice. Getting personal now. From a rep. Dig dig dig. Your hole keeps getting bigger.
On the flip side you provide good entertainment.
Now for comments like your 1st one would certainly be not well received by us.
(a) If you're going to react like this every time someone mildly insults you, you had best remove yourself from the internet - it's not the place for you.
(b) 'not well received by us' - do you know how ridiculous this sounds, coming from a retailer to a customer?Well we did share the post so bringing good deals to the members/viewers was pretty much done.
Go back and reread, that sentence wasn't finished.
If you had something positive to contribute you could have said it nicely but you weren't nice from the beginning.
So you're saying that people should only post positive things about you in a polite manner? Trying to dictate what customers say about you… always a winning tactic. The fact of the matter is, this is a community based forum, and I can post whatever I like (within reason) - irrespective of your bloated ego. Most businesses at least pretend to put the customer before themselves (without acting as if it were a favour, might I add)… all your comments are basically "me, me, me".
Well someone calls us douche and we can't put up a fight. Just bend over and take it
As a business, you have a reputation to maintain… so you will just 'bend over and take it' - or at least respond in an appropriate manner. It's now abundantly clear that you're just a bunch of students - the attitude shows.
We did not intend to offend anyone but it will be unfair to us if everyone here expects us to be bullied.
So one minute ago, you were 'having fun' with me, now I'm bullying you… Might want to get your story straight, pal.
Wow… This sort of replies from a rep. Seriously, just reading that makes me not want to buy from you at all. Plus the fact a lot of your prices aren't even that good, you're selling Portal 2 for $40 (reduced by 20% though, bargain!) which is $20 more then Steam itself is selling it for, and we all know apart from sales you never buy anything off Steam.
ProspectiveDarkness was fully entitled to say what he said originally, and the comments from the rep just showed even more how right he was to say it. You come across as a condescending a****, you'll be rightly so held to account by members here. Don't go and have a cry about it trying to claim you're the victim when you could have been professional in the first place and there wouldn't be this problem. Hell, ProspectiveDarnkess even gave you a good foundation of what to say!
As a gamer, I would hate to meet you and your attitude online in the game I play. You cannot speak to potential customers as you would to someone you would meet in an online game.
The site isn't working…
Just thought i'd let everyone know cdkeyport is cheaper @ $39US for the limited edition.
Urgent news for 3D Fans
This game runs great in 3D regardless of nvidia just use the following…Works with many games that nvidia refuses to optimize
I'm just guessing here, but I think this game is better played on a console? or at least with a controller?
I've played both console and PC of Dead Space 3, the PC version is alot better and easier to control and play for me. It all boils down to personal preference and if your mainly a PC gamer or a console gamer.
i use x360 controller which gives me a aiming disadvantage but im getting better visuals, 3d and smoother framerates
You should have posted this deal earlier. I pre-ordered mine days ago for $40, I definitely would have gone for this if you didn't wait until a day after it launched.
May be helpful, Deal of the day from Amazon US as at 19/2/13 of the Day
Dead Space 3
"Dead Space 3" is a third-person shooter with survival-horror gameplay elements, challenging players to work alone or with a friend to stop a viral/monster Necromorph outbreak. The game features the return of franchise hero Isaac Clarke, forced to put his weapon-making and precision battle skills to work against enemies.
List Price: $59.99
Yesterday's Price: $59.96
Today's Discount: - $19.97
Gold Box Price: $39.99 (33% off)
Hmmm. It's only a teeny tiny bit cheaper than the other sites.
Also, the list of day one DLC packages is astounding. So far here is the package list, all of which adds up to $50 (worth more than the bloody game itself)
Really, EA Games? You expect consumers to pay all that for that kind of stuff on release date?