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Beginners Gaming Build. Does It Seem Ok?

Hi guys, just wondering what you think of this build. A friend put it together for me, he knows his stuff and I don't. His last build for me was going on 7 years ago and the thing has run 24/7 …

Moto G5 Plus XT1685 32GB 4G Dual Sim: Best Price Question

Need a new ph pronto and have a motoG4plus which is going strong but the camera takes cloudy pics is basically useless. I don't know why it went that way but I can't put up with only using …


Hi guys, excuse the topic heading but I was on a couple of sites over the weekend and I mentioned how I'd got some really great deals on fresh roasted coffee beans delivered monthly at really …

Shopping Square

iPad 3 64GB WiFi $629.95 @ ShoppingSquare - what's wrong with it?

Just wondering what members think of this deal at after watching the deal expire here on the same thing for a dea