ezarc » deal and competition votes
found the deal on catchoftheday,
40 numbers of Duracell alkaline batteries, either AA or AAA, pretty sure can't mix.
The batteries are good until March 2018.
I'm moving to a house with some lawn which will eventually need to be mowed. It's only a very small area and can't really justify spending around $400 on a mower.
This deal is not published.
Wii Console, Mario Cart & Wheel $99 plus $9.95 Delivery at DSE
TheHut's Jacket page says: *"**Jackets**, Be prepared for the great British weather"*, although I think those of us Down Under need it more here.
Alexander McQueen shirt from the hut for ~ $9.60 shipped. Only medium sizes left, but an incredible price for an Alexander McQueen shirt!
I heard about this on the radio today.
Pretty sure its South Australia only.
Few people headed to stores for myer sale but the online sale starts 9pm tonight
This deal is not published.
Oral-B CrossAction Power - 50% off $7.69 @ Woolworths
Saw this at Woolies today, runs on 1 AAA included.
Koss Porta Pro headphones are arguably the best headphones you can buy for under $80.
MyMemory has 24% off on them right now
You can get a further 5% off with this code: VE5AW12
This appears to be a every day price so please excuse if this is not allowed, but its one hell of a deal.
Speed Rating 10 MB/s (read) 4 MB/s (write)
Interface Specification Compliance USB 2.0.
Cheap Eneloops at Dickies again!
No click and collect, online only.