Shirty Grizzly » posts


expired Dungeons & Dragons 5e Players Handbook $35.97 + Delivery (Free Prime Delivery over $49 Spend) Amazon US (via Amazon AU)

Saw this, Thought it was a good deal. Not sure when it ends. Dungeons & Dragons Player Handbook: $35.97 Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual: $33.42 Dungeons & Dragons DM's Guide: …

Podiatry Consultations - Campbelltown NSW 2560

Hey Guys, Just wanted to let people know. (In case they didn't know already) The Campbelltown UWS campus has a Clinic where undergrads and post grads have to deal with patients. If you have …

Free Christmas Tags - Print at home

Hey Guys, My sister in-law made these Christmas tags for printing out. Thought it could be shared here? Not real sure where in the forums it should …


expired Castle Crashers (PC) $3.75 USD on Amazon (US Address Required)

During the steam sale I've been hanging out for Castle Crashers to drop in price. It did by 50% but that was still $7-ish per game. Just checked Amazon and they are selling it at $3.75.

Mighty Ape Australia

Mighty Ape Easter Hunt 2013 -Win a Wii U

Mighty Ape are doing an Easter Egg hunt. Find all 7 and go into the draw to win a Wii U.


expired Ni No Kuni (PS3) $58.99 Free Shipping

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the white witch is on sale. This price just beats the american PSN store (and saves the download cost) With free shipping!

Tropico 4 Complete (Inc Modern Times) US$9.99 Steam

expired Tropico 4 Complete (Inc Modern Times) US$9.99 Steam

Tropico 4 Complete collection on Steam for US$9.99 Inc: Tropico 4 Steam Special edition Junta Military DLC Megalopolis DLC Modern Times DLC Pirate Heaven DLC Plantador DLC

Looking for a Monitor for my new PC

Ok, So basically I built a PC the other day. Now I'm looking into monitors for it.


Steam 75% Portal Discount

Hey Guys, So I've got a 75% off portal 2 voucher on my steam account. Let me know if you want it. Valid until Aug 30th makes the game cost $5.00 US First in gets it I guess..


Ozforex Travel Card

Hey Heading to the US of A in November. Looking to see what I can do to reduce costs of foreign exchange rates and stuff like that. Gizmodo had a story on Ozforex travel card that looks good? lol

15% OFF VSCO Film Pack 01 Was US $79 Now $67.15 (For Adobe LR and Adobe Camera Raw)

expired 15% OFF VSCO Film Pack 01 Was US $79 Now $67.15 (For Adobe LR and Adobe Camera Raw)


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