Ale Blazer » user profile

Member Since 08/12/2023
Last Seen 11/06/2024

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Yep. 2 main differences are the passport is not always a free beer and it’s $65.
08/06/2024 - 17:08
You haven’t been out drinking with me, always safer to wear brown pants when out on the beers 🤣
08/06/2024 - 08:36
Thanks for the heads up there! It’s rife in the industry unfortunately and what we are aiming to help breweries overcome before it’s…
08/06/2024 - 08:35
Hi Pete - it is up to the brewery on the beer and the size. Minimum is a pot but most don't even have pots these days so that means min is…
08/06/2024 - 08:11
[VIC] AleBlazer Craft Beer Membership - $40 for 52 Beers (1 Per Week Per Brewery) @ Various Breweries via AleBlazer
Since we launched over 6 months ago, hundreds of Victorians have been out enjoying their first beer FREE when visiting new craft breweries.…
08/06/2024 - 06:27
SEQ is definitely next. We hear Gold Coast is actually one of the spots in Oz for craft breweries? Need to tidy up 30 or so more here in…
08/12/2023 - 10:02
Apologies. Updated title. Thanks for feedback. Newbie here.
08/12/2023 - 09:06
[VIC] AleBlazer Craft Beer Membership - $40 for 52 Beers (1 Per Week Per Brewery) @ Various Breweries via AleBlazer
Ale Blazer has the objective of supporting the local craft beer scene (Victoria only thus far) by stimulating in-person visitation of…
08/12/2023 - 08:27
Ale Blazer joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
08/12/2023 - 07:50