Nokia's First Android phone X Dual Sim

OK, so Nokia finally moving to the Android platform. Wonder why they are starting out very minimalistic with a 3mp camera, but anyways, here's the intro. How do you guys see them performing? are …


Should I buy this Battery for my Nokia 5800 phone?

I've got an old Nokia 5800 phone sitting around , apparently i think the battery's dead, but I'm not too sure on that! so I've looked up the net to buy a battery and see if I can …

External Blu-Ray Burner

what's the cheapest external Blu-Ray burner around? i found one on quickbuy pioneer copy brand for around $80. but can't find any cheaper than that? unless you're looking at the …

Problem internal lighting system of car at night

Hey guys, My car has an electrical problem i think. At night time, the headlights work fine but what the problem is that the inside lights i.e. lights showing the odometer/speedometer sometimes …

'Touchpad' vs 'Mouse' or Gaming Mouse

i don't know about you , but i find the 'touchpad on a laptop so hard to use and it's no wonder people are buying 'wireless mice' and other input devices e.g. trackball. …


McDonalds' "Drive Thru" to Win Competition?

Anyone entered this competition? how many times are you allowed to enter? so I've entered but is it worth driving through Macca's that many times just to win a Starcard for Caltex??

Battery Saver Apps for Android phones?

Anyone know of any free or paid battery saver apps that are really good? DO you think it's worth paying for a 'Battery Saver Apps for Android phone? or are they just a waste of time!?

Can Audiosonic DVD 5.1 player 'record' to USB?

I'm unsure whether it can because on the Kmart site this is what it says: "record and play multimedia files vis USB" i don't know but I don't think it can record. here's an image:

Boost Mobile

Boost Mobile 'jump smart' Android Phone?

I'm thinking of getting this phone as my contract will expire soon, but its just funny that on the catalogue they spell it 'Jump start' instead of 'jump smart' .

Binary trading - is it worth it? with Youtube video

this guy shows how to make $593 in 60 minutes by binary trading - he's kind of got a spanish accent.

JB Hi-Fi

JB Hi-Fi's shifty tactics

On Tuesday i was looking to buy a portable speaker at JBHIFi's factory scoop site and it costed $30 something.

Clickn$ave - is this a trustworthy website

Hi , i came across this online store site that i want to buy something from them, but it appears they don't have a contact details or phone number or location? is it trustworthy? please help thanks

4G Mobile phone that does not have 'touchscreen"?

I want to buy a 4G phone but it seems the only ones that are available in 4G network are basically almost all 'Touchscreen' phones. I hate touchscreen because i'm not used to it.