Problem internal lighting system of car at night

Hey guys,

My car has an electrical problem i think. At night time, the headlights work fine but what the problem is that the inside lights i.e. lights showing the odometer/speedometer sometimes works but sometimes takes a long time to come on. Can anyone suggest what the problem for my car is? how much would it cost to fix something like this. Much appreciate your help in advance.



  • I have same thing. Its a loose wire in mine. When I put the indicator on that kicks it back on temporarily.

    I got a stick on led light in case it goes out and put it on the steering wheel base

  • thanks dude, i'll try that, where did you get the LED stick on light from anyways?

    • EBay for $1. Any variety store would sell them. Kmart sell them. Bunnings and camping stores probably have them too.

  • +1

    connection issue, pull your cluster out and make sure the contact for the globes isn't corroded/loose

    I had a really old POS when I got my P's that did something like this, I could flick it with my finger and it would come on

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