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Olympus FL-600R M4/3 Flash $289.91 Delivered @ Ted's eBay

expired Olympus FL-600R M4/3 Flash $289.91 Delivered @ Ted's eBay


Good deal for a good flash with TTL and Wireless RC mode for the Micro 4/3 system… Original eBay 20% off CXMASTECH deal

Fitbit Charge HR Large @ Dick Smith eBay $154.70 (Pick up) and $161.65 (Delivered)

expired Fitbit Charge HR Large @ Dick Smith eBay $154.70 (Pick up) and $161.65 (Delivered)

I think this is the cheapest Fitbit Charge HR Large at the moment. Feel free to use this in conjunction with the Hump Month voucher if you spend over $200 on Dicksmith Ebay

Tenant-Landlord Dispute: Who Pays for The Oven?

Hi guys, I have a few questions about a broken oven in the town house that we're renting. The electric oven which sits below the gas cook top has stopped working. If I turn it on, it will …

Olympus M.Zuiko 45mm f1.8 $275 + Shipping + Surcharge (<$300) @ Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse

expired Olympus M.Zuiko 45mm f1.8 $275 + Shipping + Surcharge (<$300) @ Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse

Not sure if anyone has seen this deal. I saw this when I was checking out the EM5 battery grip holder deal: Cheapest ever for a brand new lens with …

Physio Appointment, Not Confirmed, Then Charged for No Show [UPDATED]

Hi guys, I would like to know what your view is on this. I made an appointment with a physio over the phone. I then had a couple of visit to them in which I was quite happy with the service. …

Costumes? Rent or Buy?

Hi all, I got an upcoming Superhero-themed party and was just wondering whether it's worth it to buy instead of rent. I can see here that a lot costume rental places charge per night around …

Recommendation for NON in-ear earphones?

Hi guys, I just broke my earphones and am looking to replace it with a set of new earphones which are not the in-ear type.

Laser Bluetooth Headset

I just saw this on BigW for $39 and OW for $37. Is this any good? Has anyone tried it? I tried to find a review but so far only one user in Whirlpool mentioned it.

Free Account for 7 Days - New Members Only

expired Free Account for 7 Days - New Members Only

Just like the title says. Free for 7 days. Just click the link to the Facebook page and follow the instructions. New members only or sign up from another email address.

NetLoad Free for 2 Days

I was going to post this in the deals section but chose to post this in forum instead as it's for an upcoming deal. I was trying to register using an outdated voucher and I got this message.

Harddisk... Is this a good deal or not?

What do you guys think of this?