nancywake2000 » user profile

Member Since | 20/10/2021 |
Last Seen | 09/01/2022 |
Recent Activities

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic How to Find out The ETH in MetaMask Account Is ERC20?
How to find out the ETH in MetaMask account is ERC20? Why do they create two type of ETH? They just want to make troubles.

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Why Is So Hard to Trade New Crypto Coins?
I wish we can trade new coins as we buy coins in CoinSpot. If you want to buy new coin, you need metamask+swap, it is shxt and nothing is…

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Is pancakeSwap better than UniSwap?
The trading is far high in pancake. Anyway pancake even does not have customer service, if pancake steals your money, you get no way to get…


Thanks for replay, But look at the long DOC! you need to be an expert to do it....... It is sucks.

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic How to send BNB from CoinSpot to MetaMask?
How to send BNB from CoinSpot to MetaMask? Anyone knows? Thanks.

I like this, people can make money from virtual things now.

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic How to buy a crypto not listed by exchanges?
A ctypto is not listed by crypto exchanges. If you have a coinbase account. And the new crypto is listed by pancakeswap. 1) How to connect…

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Can My Mobile Telstra Plan Call Canada for Free?
It says standard call. Then is this a standard call to Canada -"0011 1 506-864-2275". Should I dial 00 or not?

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic What Is The Best Ambulance Cover in Australia
It should cover in All Australia, not only the state you live.

The number is 4 -2 -3.

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Can You Still Withdraw Your Super - Corona Pandemic
Can you still withdraw your super using corona pandemic as the reason?

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Do you need to pay tax when you sell a house in Australia?
Do you need to pay tax when you sell a house in Australia? I am NOT live in the house in the last 5 years.

I wish you find the answer and tell me.

possibly English as a second language --------------------- It sound like you think My English is quite good. hahahhahahahahhahahahhahah…

Thanks, this is only useful answer.

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic How to Sell a House in Australia?
You need an agent. You need a contract. What does the conveyancer do? I do not think you need a solicitor, since you already get a…

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic Do Crypto Exchanges Provide Bank Style Statement for Customers?
For example, can you download a pdf file which list how many crypto coins you have? It is like you receive a bank statement which lists how…

What if I do not tell them my ax file number?

nancywake2000 posted a forum topic A Basic Question - How Do You Receive Share Dividends?
If you have shares of a company when the company issues dividends. The company first send the money to the brokers. Then you just receive…

nancywake2000 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!