Bjingo » user profile

Member Since | 16/04/2020 |
Last Seen | 10/02/2025 |
Badges | 1 |
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Bjingo replied to
TanyaDD on ATO Data Shows 66 Millionaires Paid No Income Tax in 2020-21, with Eastern Sydney Postcodes Home to The Richest People

- 'Gift' money to a family trust your children are beneficiaries of. - Get a large loan from said trust to buy a rental property in your…

Bjingo commented on Adult ADHD Diagnosis- High Specialist Fee
That does seem pretty steep, I went to a private psychiatrist for my initial consultation and that was was $450.00 with a $231.65 medicare…

That's more a display of income disparity than anything else. In 2018/19 the ATO released released a breakdown going by single percentiles…

Bjingo commented on Company's Fascination over Large Leave Balances
The issue is that it is expensed when the work is done not when it is taken. So when you journal annual leave the journal will look like;…

ah of course, my highschool had everyone do MYP and then you got to pick IB or WACE. Personal Project was awful.

the personal project they do in year 10 at the end of the middle years program.

Bjingo commented on How Do You Send Your Kid to Uni Overseas?
More important you need to look at what degree they want to do and use that as the basis for university selection. Some Australian…

What did he do for his personal project?

>Atheists and Agnostics (which likely includes yourself) continuously blame the world's problems on religion, it's like an affirmation of…

>You're either a male or female. The way you act or feel doesn't change that. I get that biologically someone is almost always one of the…

>Honestly I don't care if anyone has SSA, and I doubt any school would. But that position likely changes when the student acts on those…

I was more referring to expelling them for being homosexual. For gender identity it is tough as it is an ongoing issue, a lot of people…

I feel a portion of them are fine to remove, but certain parts like allowing them to hire specific genders for gender specific roles is…

Based on your response it seems rather than being manipulative you just weren't referring to a literal baby but instead the colloquial term…

I don't think anyone has asked a doctor to kill a baby, could you imagine that, popping by the doctors, handing them the baby and asking…

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 The the Age Discrimination act 2004 The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 The Racial Discrimination Act…

Situations where someone sells a house that was previously a main residence is annoying, there is a few ways to approach it but it requires…

Regional climate is the weather conditions over a period of time in a particular region. I do not see how that's some impossible to…

Regarding the Little Ice Age (LIA) & the Mediæval Warm Period (MWP), they differ significantly from the current climate change issue. This…

Bjingo replied to
Seraphin7 on Is this a good time to end negative gearing and taxpayer subsidised speculation in housing?

Yeah I understand where you are coming from but personally as someone who has never benefitted from this, I don't care at all if someone…

Bjingo replied to
Seraphin7 on Is this a good time to end negative gearing and taxpayer subsidised speculation in housing?

This statement seems fallacious, just because someone has done something wrong in the past that does not mean they cannot later say that…

Bjingo replied to
CheapWrangler on ABC Article on "Long-Term Renters" and Home Ownership - Ridiculous

ah when I looked at that I was assuming it was the costs in there as the costs of living and the rest as savings. I typically add an…

Going to the zoo or on a date is not exactly expensive. > If going to KFC for dinner makes you miserable, consider what types of messaging…

Honestly this article just looks like its just trying to make the readers defend the housing market. If they just show gross income and…

Bjingo commented on Tax Write off - Motor vehicle - value greater than business income but less than PAYE tax
You will be able to write it off instantly but I don't know if you will be able to offset your income. There are a few boxes you need to…

My concern is "The Employee shall give the Company full written details of all Inventions and of all works embodying Intellectual Property…

So I think it is the difference between general advice and specific advice. I was allowed to give general advice but not specific advice.…

You need an AFS license to offer specific financial advice to someone. It is a criminal offence to offer specific financial advice without…

fair market value is not so much the issue, you can pretty easily lower the value of a property temporarily. but you're right it is not…

Bjingo replied to
Donaldhump on Tax Question - Are single income families being penalised financially?

>"yes, i have to pay cgt based on this same unrelated income hence the hypocrissy you answer is retarded. So you want to sell an asset and…