Hotross » user profile

Member Since | 23/12/2019 |
Last Seen | 24/06/2023 |
Badges | 1 |
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Hotross commented on Stomach Bloating I Need Help Please
So I had mad bloating and stomach issues over the past two months. Something's to relieve the bloating from the chemist is iberogast. It…

Hotross commented on RBA Rises Rates for The 9th Time in a Row
i bought my house end of 2021 The bank would have given me up to 700K by myself i didnt take it, i bought a small townhouse in a less…

Hotross replied to
Series4Episode10 on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

Actually, Dyson batteries are current limited because they are series only, whereas power tool batteries are typically designed to be both…

Hotross replied to
andresampras on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

im not suggesting the third party batteries are better per se just the official batteries also have a glaring flaw that isnt present in…

Hotross replied to
andresampras on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

i wouldnt be so sure. this github pages suggest they cheap out and it causes premature battery failure…

Hotross replied to
andresampras on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

WHich is fair but the batteries are a common failure point and i cant go to Bunnings and buy a replacement battery if it fails. ive gone…

Hotross replied to
Series4Episode10 on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

i have no idea what you are trying to say. the batteries are supplying current dependent on what the load is. the load being a motor on a…

Hotross replied to
Clear on Uoni X1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner 28kPa $151.99 Delivered @ Uoni Amazon AU

Bucket sizes for me just make it slightly impractical as it runs for 20 minutes and its full and needs to be cleaned out everyday basically…

here is the thing i love the ergonomics of these stick type vacuums but they are impractical for a whole house clean. i like cordless,…

I have used this for a year and honestly i use it for rice about 3-4 nights a week and it works great, wonderful rice thats never stuck to…

Hotross replied to
FoxJump on GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 Mango Mini Travel Router $32.00 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ GL.iNet via Amazon AU

The convexa lineup that does meshing would be a good choice for your povo raid 1 they are like $90 each though. if you need access point…

Hotross replied to
FoxJump on GL.iNet GL-MT300N-V2 Mango Mini Travel Router $32.00 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ GL.iNet via Amazon AU

You can definitely do that. It would be pretty easy to do with the luci package version of r-sync. I setup a similar thing for my father in…

Hotross commented on Having People over
Guys, the guy has a learning disability. I am not being mean, he literally states it in a different thread. All he wants to do is fit in…

Hotross replied to
[Deactivated] on TerraMaster F5-221 NAS 5-Bay $431.99 Delivered @ TerraMaster Amazon AU

Thanks man, I have read a few thinks that agree with you about open media vault and honestly my nas right now is just straight up debian…

Hotross replied to
[Deactivated] on TerraMaster F5-221 NAS 5-Bay $431.99 Delivered @ TerraMaster Amazon AU

i bought one of these a few days ago with the plan to run open media vault on it with a mergefs and snapraid addons, a few questions, do…

Hotross replied to
johnmelb on Smart WiFi Power Strip, 5-Feet 4-Outlet 4 USB $31.18 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Jinvoo Smart Amazon AU

the awnser is a resounding Maybe the firmware on these devices is usually from a brand called "tuya" and there is a software called tuya…

Hotross replied to
Tacooo on Smart WiFi Power Strip, 5-Feet 4-Outlet 4 USB $31.18 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Jinvoo Smart Amazon AU

ESPurna has been a little unmainted for a while, tasmota or esphome is much easier to use, control and program.

Hotross replied to
kazzman on Smart WiFi Power Strip, 5-Feet 4-Outlet 4 USB $31.18 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Jinvoo Smart Amazon AU

Yes but the usb outlets are controlled as a single relay which means they all go off or on together. The 4 other outlets are all…

Hotross posted a deal Smart WiFi Power Strip, 5-Feet 4-Outlet 4 USB $31.18 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Jinvoo Smart Amazon AU
Usually $40 for this but $31 for the black friday sale. I ahve one of these and are able to be flashed with tasmota and has a template…

Hotross replied to
Sainter Dad on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

thats going to be a expensive endeavour friend

Hotross replied to
nedski on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

My go too generic plugs have been these from amazon $14 ish dollars each and still flashable with tuya convert i even hooked one up to a…

Hotross replied to
nedski on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Yeah using finding a plug on that list and flashing with tasmota is way easier than backdooring the…

Hotross replied to
The Quote Train on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

Yep you can but your likely to need home assistant or some other automation hub software since the local API isnt useful anymore.

Hotross replied to
Sainter Dad on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

I have a bunch of xiaomi temp sensors hooked up to a automation system but if you want something with local control this would work for you…

Hotross commented on TP-Link HS110 Smart Plug with Energy Monitoring $20 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU
These plugs are okay for the non technical but for people who can wield a soldering iron or a RPI and want to use them with Home assistant…

Hotross commented on Ducky One 2 Horizon PBT Brown Cherry MX Mechanical Keyboard $167.81 Delivered (HK) @ TobyDeals
I have a ducky one rainbow with brown switches at work and a ducky sakura at home with blue switches and i will tell you now that you…

Hotross commented on $29 for Any Puppies, Dogs, Kittens, Cats, Horses, Sheep and Rabbits @ RSPCA (Excludes TAS)
For the love of gosh, dont let your cats outside unsupervised. You dont have to trap them inside, lots of cats are capable of being leash…

Hotross replied to
schquid on Western 12TB Digital Elements Desktop HDD, USB 3.0 $329.68 + Shipping (Free with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

Okay but why is it great? The tools I've suggested do the exact same thing but allow you to add disks, something a home user will most…

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Hotross replied to
Zorlin on Western 12TB Digital Elements Desktop HDD, USB 3.0 $329.68 + Shipping (Free with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

So does snapraid which has little to no overhead unlike ZFS which requires ungodly amounts of RAM and it lacks the ability to easily add…