sofasty » posts

Wanted to Recommend an Aluminium Shower Caddy I've Been Using for a Year Now

I've gone through multiple stainless steel and plastic shower caddies over the years and the problem is that eventually the water penetrates the finish and results in rust which just spreads …

2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant Sale $37 (RRP $45) + $10 Delivery (Free Shipping for $60 Order) @ Paula's Choice

expired 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant Sale $37 (RRP $45) + $10 Delivery (Free Shipping for $60 Order) @ Paula's Choice

I've had this brand recommended to me so I'm gonna give it a try, I was able to buy 3 to qualify for free shipping for 3 different users. I'm ready to up my skincare game and …

Experience with warranty returns

I have a set of headphones from Kingston that has the jack slightly bent, it is not immediately noticeable but you can see it when you rotate the jack. I'm willing to gamble a shipping cost to …