zephyrfox » user profile

Member Since | 06/11/2018 |
Last Seen | 02/04/2024 |
Location | Brisbane |
Recent Activities

This makes a lot of sense. Parent choice is pretty critical. I don't want to have to move houses to get into a different state school…

I get that. Funding isn't infinite. If they are allocating $15M to Netball Australia from the Visit Victoria budget to make up for the fact…

It also doesn't help when private companies sponsor them and the players then complain these are not the 'right' companies. You would think…

This is on the basis that everyone can do every job given the opportunity and education. Fact is people aren't created equal. Some jobs…

If it was so easy why doesn't everyone do it...

Don't know why you were neg'd for this. Why is there a view that the 1% somehow owning more than the bottom 60% is because they have taken…

Everything in life has risks... :D Also have you ever actually tried to identify someone from a home CCTV? Virtually impossible unless they…

zephyrfox replied to
Dack Smith on Would You Support an Increase in The Medicare Levy (for New Services or to Maintain Full Bulk Billing GPs)?

Might be a different outcome if it was a qualified poll, eg if this wont cost you any more personally then you don't get a vote... Love…

zephyrfox commented on Trailer Left outside My Property for 3 Years
Go out one night, take the plates off and bin them. Then you have lots of choices! 1) Report it as abandoned since it's no longer…

But the majority of unemployed or low income earners it is largely THEIR CHOICES that have caused the situation. The crappy strawman…

Australia has a progressive tax system which is meant to make it more 'fair'. And before we go to the old argument of the rich don't pay…

For how much suck netflix puts out the Witcher is surprisingly great. Have to think Henry Cavil had a lot to do with that though...

It's still a free country and not socialist Russia (Labour just got back in so give it a bit of time). Start a company and you can make the…

zephyrfox commented on Dogs in The Office, Ok or Not?
Love it, very 2022. Joins company where people bring dogs to work. Acknowledges this brings most employees happiness and likely they own…

You would be crazy not to have landlord insurance. The main feature you want from the policy is the public liability insurance. Eg a floor…


zephyrfox replied to
CrushJelly on ABC Article on "Long-Term Renters" and Home Ownership - Ridiculous

$50 a night doesn't buy many of those fancy colourful cocktails...

Lazy chocolate border collie in mine :D I would have got a 2nd, ended up having a kid instead. Should have got the dog.

zephyrfox replied to
CrushJelly on ABC Article on "Long-Term Renters" and Home Ownership - Ridiculous

Can't let facts get in the way of a good old ABC sob story. It's everyone's fault except mine that I can barely save 10% of my take home…

I like you. Dogs do rule

Thanks for the response. It's a generalisation. Yes there is likely people who buy coffee but not tvs or other expense, but covering all…

Everyone is quick to dismiss the whole going without the daily takeout coffee or avo on toast won't make a difference in saving for a…

zephyrfox commented on Reducing Traffic Noise in Home
Generally the lowest performer for sound insulation is your windows as general aus windows are just cheap 4mm glass, which performs worse…

zephyrfox commented on Why Is KFC So Inefficient?
Maybe it's because they can get away with poor service because their food tastes good. Say what you want but I'll wait 20 minutes for…

Can't tell if this is sarcasm, but if it's not I hope you're not trying to compare the way people were treated historically to today...…

It should be a numbers game for an investor so they should be easier to push out and have firmer limits. They are also looking for a return…

zephyrfox replied to
Boogerman on Negative Gearing and Capital Gains Tax Discount Should Be Abolished

I try to forget they exist...

zephyrfox replied to
Dack Smith on Negative Gearing and Capital Gains Tax Discount Should Be Abolished

Good luck with that. We can barely provide our pensioners enough to live on but you want the government to provide everyone enough money…

zephyrfox replied to
cameldownunder on Negative Gearing and Capital Gains Tax Discount Should Be Abolished

I don't think that is entirely fair either. If interest rates go down you shouldn't need to offer reduced rental. You are forgetting about…

Lots of these types of posts lately. Unpopular opinion: This has nothing to do with Negative gearing and CGT and all to do with rising…