afah0447 » posts

Carl's Jr

Carls Jr in Oz is just Burger King/Hungry Jacks

Well just tried Carls Jr thinking it would be a burger feast like in the USA and even Bangkok. No. It's clear Burger King/Hungry Jacks has bought them out and just transplanted everything …

Looking for Decent Place That Sells Carpet - Brisbane

Hello, Just moved into a new place and it has pretty ratty carpet. Looking for decent place that sells carpet in Brisbane that will not cost an arm and a leg. Cheers.

RM Williams Adelaide and Craftsman Boots (with Additional Boot Polish), $535 Shipped @ Everything Australian

expired RM Williams Adelaide and Craftsman Boots (with Additional Boot Polish), $535 Shipped @ Everything Australian

RM Williams Adelaide and Craftsman Boots (with Additional Boot Polish), $535 and Free Shipping.

Buying new carpet in Canberra

Hello all, I am looking to buy some new carpet for my apartment (66m2). Can anyone recommend a vendor who won't rip me off in the Canberra region?

Starting off home brew beer - which is the best kit to buy?

Hello all, I am going to start making homebrew beer and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions which is the best kit to purchase?? cheers Andy

One Full Day in Seoul, South Korea

Hello all, I have a 15hr stop over in Seoul, South Korea, and was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for cool things to do and see? I arrive at 5am and leave at 8pm. cheers afah0447