bluejeans » posts

Can You Really Return a Used Laptop to Officeworks? (Not Suited for Purpose)

Store told me yes, and I mentioned that I couldn't try the display model because it required admin access to do so (Install directx and visual c that some games need). But their policy online …

EB Games Australia

EB Games - Rough Idea on PS5 Slim Trade Value? Plus Download Question

Thinking of getting a ps5 and three games that will never make it to pc, then trade it in when I'm done to hopefully get about half my money back (I'll never use it for non-exclusives). I …

EB Games Australia

EB Games Trade-in Value of a PS4 Pro at the moment?

Seeing they never are prepared to give a rough estimate over the phone. Want to get a ps5. I usually keep the controllers with trade-ins because I look after them well and you just can't find …


How much overlap is there between Foxtel basic and Fetch premium?

I have the legacy $30 a month foxtel pack that's going up to $50 at some stage. I tried doing a list of channels I had on each but it got really confusing when determining fetch only, foxtel …

Amazon AU

Amazon Returns, How Can My Scummy Mate Get Away with This?

Buys a $150 fibre hdmi cable and "returns" it with an equal length copper cable in the packet instead. Or an expensive hdmi 2.1 cable and returns a 1.4. Or… you get the idea. I …

Second Hand Routers with 4g Backup, How Long Does The 4g Last before You're Shaped or Disconnected?

I did a test on a telstra one for about 36 hours and got 170gb out of it before I quit. A couple of months later, I loaned another one to a mate who broke his fibre, he had it for a week, no …


PSA: You Can Get Infinite Foxtel Now Trials with The Same Credit Card

I must have done at least 8 by now, just use a disposable email service like 10minutemail and cancel the trial as soon as you join up.