I did a test on a telstra one for about 36 hours and got 170gb out of it before I quit. A couple of months later, I loaned another one to a mate who broke his fibre, he had it for a week, no downloading or anything like that, just facebook etc. Now i have it back, it seems to be shaped to 256kbit. Both routers were sent to me by telstra but I haven't been with them for at least two months. Are these just sims that anyone can used but get blocked if you run them continuously? I'm guessing their system isn't able to cut you off if you download a lot in a short time, like I did? Essentially free, portable internet intrigues me and I want to know how it all works, e.g whether they even know if a certain sim card belongs to a certain users' account, how to avoid being shaped, etc. I was just going to use one for a few hours a week.
Second Hand Routers with 4g Backup, How Long Does The 4g Last before You're Shaped or Disconnected?

Vodafone, optus and telstra have upped the download limit to 25 down now. The one my friend used for a week got further shaped to .3.
Do you have an active Telstra service? If you do, it's likely they know it's connected to your account, and it won't be capped so easily. In my case, I have tested one and had it capped twice. Both times at exactly 20GB. I got it from Telstra, but never hooked it up while I was with them.
Both times it uncapped was when Telstra changed the speed. From 6/1 to 25/2. Then again from 25/2 to the current 25/5. Since then I have babied it, and tried not to download too much. I am using it now while I am between providers.
So no idea how much I've used since the last uncapping, but as little as possible. Usually only a day or two, and no downloading or streaming. Just text websites and email checking.
I had a telstra service at the time. But like I mentioned above, you seem to be able to do a lot of data in a short amount of time no problem, it's running it for over a couple of days at a time that wrecks it. The one I didn't loan to my friend is still going full speed even though I don't have an account with them anymore. But that has been packed away since I got it/was on telstra.
I've got some, but I've not pushed them as hard as you have! They're supposed to be shaped regardless (12Mbit down I think?) But I was getting about 20 last time I tested it. Since they're not anything more than a favour from Telstra to the possessor of the SIM card they owe you no details on how it works or if you'll get shaped.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.