Hoofee » user profile

Member Since | 16/07/2017 |
Last Seen | 28/02/2025 |
Badges | 2 1 |
Location | Sunshine Coast |
Recent Activities

Make sure it's to Australia and not Austria.

Hoofee commented on Breville Barista Touch Impress (All Colours) $1285 (via Price-Beat Button) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ The Good Guys
Unfortunately I missed this deal 😕, we only just decided today that we should upgrade from a small cheapo Lor Barista pod machine. Can…

Hoofee replied to
Ruddaga on Free Gaza Solidarity Sticker Delivered after Contact from Amnesty International Australia

I don't think Oct 7th is when it started either, which is why say both sides have been terrible. But we can't unsee what I have seen in…

Hoofee replied to
Ruddaga on Free Gaza Solidarity Sticker Delivered after Contact from Amnesty International Australia

I'm kind of curious, what would you actually do? How would you go about getting the hostages back and stopping it from happening again in…

I have a similarish setup and there are known stability issues that are resolved by disabling Global C-State Control in the bios. In my…

There are jobs like the one below, but like SlickMick said, your location could affect your options: https://www.seek.com.au/job/70726236…

Hoofee replied to
moar bargains on Need a Career Change - Feeling a Little Lost - Advice Appreciated!

Sorry, I said it was a degree but I just checked with her and it's actually a post-graduate diploma. University of Sunshine Coast, course…

No, she doesn't already have a cyber job lined up. We're also not in a major city and we don't really want to move to one either, so we'll…

My wife is a nurse and she is about to start on a university cyber security degree next month. I think the primary course requirement was…

Hoofee replied to
HardQuiz on Real Estate Company Is Showing My Property While Selling Adjacent Land

Freddo frog

Hoofee commented on What to Buy While I'm in America?

In a scenario where interest rates goes up by 0.25% and rent by 5%. Some rough math with hypothetical figures: 600,000 mortgage. 0.25%…

Hoofee replied to
ihfree on Looking to Buy a $6k Machine from NZ, eBay Seller Told Me I Wont Have to Pay Extra GST. Is This True or Is He Bluffing Me?

Every Kiwi guy's dream.... VR sheep.

10% inflation on $50 would be $55. We're not talking about $50 an hour, we're talking $50 for possibly 15 minutes ($200 per hour) unless…

I personally would have no problem with paying for his time to look at it, but $100 to tell you that he can't see the location of the leak.…

Hoofee was awarded a badge.

Hoofee commented on Is This What Y'all Have Been Doing in Secret in VR?! Kind of Regret Not Buying The Oculus VR Headset before The Price Hike
Is the HTC Vive dead these days?

or lose and loose.

The bonus with this method is that if there's a bit that is stubborn to remove, people often leave those tiny little brushes in a cup by…

It was a bum deal?

I have seen something similar myself. When I was younger, a bunch of us used to hang out at a mates place. Down at the garage one of my…

Scorptec also has the wrong picture with theirs. The picture shows a tall Enter key but they are actually selling the wide Enter key.…

Or maybe a Vindaloo?

Hoofee replied to
MontyMacaw on Upcoming Change - Make Sure Your Email Address Is Valid, as Email-Based 2 Factor Authentication Will Be Enforced

Or it could just be your VPN provider's Australian servers. Maybe contact their support?

What kind of problems did you have with them? I have two ASUS Strix 3090's (built PCs for my son and myself) and haven't had any problems…

Nope, it still there, you probably just missed it. [https://imgur.com/a/47djimx](https://imgur.com/a/47djimx) You'll need to zoom in on the…

Just a word of caution seeing as you're new. If you ever make your way to any of the coin's official crypto Discord / Telegram chats etc…

Good points. A small FYI for clarification, you can still use a hardware wallet and stake your crypto for crypto that allows staking and…

If the Affiliate Network / Brand rejects the order, do they have to provide a reason and include details? E.g. "It was not affiliated with…

CT - Crypto Twitter (people who discuss crypto on Twitter) 200MA - 200 day Moving Average (A technical indicator on a price chart that…