milesaway » user profile

Member Since 03/03/2017
Last Seen 24/12/2017
Location Perth

Recent Activities

Not really... I'm saving more money than I would if I was to live in Fitztroy. Thats how i'm justifying it. My grammar may not reflect that…
02/10/2017 - 22:48
I want some r&r when i'm at home...
02/10/2017 - 21:16
There must be some strong 'single', girl-less vibes in this thread. I haven't mentioned my relationship status, but it gets bought up…
02/10/2017 - 21:14
But if I move out, i'll be at the mercy of my landlords. 1yr here, 6months there. And it'd cost. $230/wk for rent. $60/wk for food (living…
02/10/2017 - 21:10
A bit coy with my info... I have lived away - during uni, working overseas, and working interstate. I was defiantly 'living it', alas…
02/10/2017 - 21:06
[@thevofa](/comment/5133494/redir): Yea, it gets discussed. They appreciate how expensive houses are (they were 'lucky' to purchase a…
02/10/2017 - 21:05
But doesn't it do your head in? You're only 23 once...
02/10/2017 - 19:22
I work fly in & out. I'm usually home probably 16 out of 28 nights.
02/10/2017 - 19:20
The 40min commute into the city to catch up with mates, watch footy games, etc. They're a bit old fashioned - pretty boring conversations.…
02/10/2017 - 19:18
It is quicker to save money while living with you parents. This is at the detrement of my mental health (jks, not jks)... At which point is…
02/10/2017 - 18:47
Just trying to get an array of opinions. I can easily search how to spend my points, but it may not necessarily be the most efficient way.
05/03/2017 - 11:22
Yep, That's a good point. I'll get more "bang for my bucks" using them on flights. I think i'll just save them for flights :)
05/03/2017 - 11:21
Looks like it'd be worth ~$300... minus the hassle for the other person. I am tempted to cash it in for a Bose Soundlink II
05/03/2017 - 10:33
Omg. ive got a motorbike which uses little fuel :D
05/03/2017 - 10:32
If I purchase $11 of fuel.. Does that mean I can only pay $1?
05/03/2017 - 10:31
Hi, My company has decided that we'll be flying QANTAS from now onwards. Any ideas what I can do with my points? ie. what's the most money…
05/03/2017 - 10:11
milesaway joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
03/03/2017 - 22:14