its a nice case for you to put all those spare HDDs you have lying around in delivered to your door pretty sure you can chuck SSD in it, too nabbed one, thought id chuck it up in case it helps …
hi need a new drive for movie/tv storage and Seagate/WD 3TB seems to be sweet spot these days at $130 I remember seeing somewhere ages ago , maybe when they first became available, they fail more …
nabbed one of the recent sandisk ones - want to clone OS without having to trim video etc so need ability to exclude folders. only ever done one before, it was intel and came with own instructions …
decent prices, I got enough BR lately but thought id throw up in case anyone wants create new account to get 10% off code - shipping is only like $2 some others include Godfather Trilogy $27, Lord …
hi guys, I found this and thought id sign up to share. thank to JB hifi and their ridculus price that made me look elsewhere NB - you need to create a burner account if u have ordered before as …