Stevetheadventurer » posts

Best value drones for ~$35

I want to buy 3 drones for some friends so we can smash them into eachother.. Can anyone recommend me best value best suited for such applications thanks


Lightinthebox has anyone ever actually received anything?

Particularly stuff that isn't 25c rubbish because there is allot of bad reviews on the internet's…

Qatar Airways 45,000 Qmiles Perth to Munich / London Various Dates around Early October Normally 90,000

expired Qatar Airways 45,000 Qmiles Perth to Munich / London Various Dates around Early October Normally 90,000

Obviously not for everyone but if you have some Qmiles with Qatar I just noticed it's half the usual price on a selection of dates to get to Munich/London and possibly other spots in Europe. It …

Buying My Dog a Smart Phone

So I have decided to buy my dog a phone. because she has tendencies to chase rabbits then Runoff and I figure if a attach it to the harness I can both track her and call the neighbors who end up …

Soda Stream Which One?

Our Family demolishes soda water like its going out of fashion and our recycle bin is always full but I don't know which soda stream I should get and can anyone answer the question are they cost …

When I Lick My Plate That Has Been Cleaned in The Dish Washer Its Very Bitter Tasting

Thoughts? reckon its not cleaning the soap off correctly? or perhaps its the brand of soap? anyone else have this?

20% off SurfStitch Full Priced and 30% off Sale Items

expired 20% off SurfStitch Full Priced and 30% off Sale Items


Surfstitch stuffed up my order and didn't answer my emails for ages … only got a refund because of paypal… so now they're saying sorry … looks generic if anyone wants to …

poll Travel Seems Legit? Buy? or Wait?

Hey looking at booking flights Perth > Munich one way in mid may and travel frame seems to come up as cheapest.. from what they show they are a Perth based company and seem pretty legit as far as …

poll Best way to sell a Catapult

Hey, So I am trying to sell my catapult which I built myself (not really trying to make money just seeing if I can recover some costs of building it) and since I have no use for it anymore… …

I Have to Buy a Phone Please Help Me

long story short had a moto G i have a tendency to wash it allot because its mostly water proof.. after 1.5 years it died (not sure if it was water)( been using an old rubbish lg now i seem to have …