reckon its not cleaning the soap off correctly?
or perhaps its the brand of soap?
anyone else have this?
reckon its not cleaning the soap off correctly?
or perhaps its the brand of soap?
anyone else have this?
You sure you havent been licking toads?
or windows?
nah, OP only licks Apples
I prefer to lick other things. Nearly all of them edible things.
Taste is relative and depends on what you have licked before hand in the kitchen,
Are you a dog? How did you learn to type!
Use Steradent or Polident to clean your Plate and put dishes in a Dishwasher.
It doesn't really matter what type of dishwasher tablets you use in your dishwasher as it will all get rinsed off (in terms of leaving a bad taste) but I have an issue with rinse aid considering that the purpose of it is to break the surface tension so that the dishes can dry easily and a significant amount of rinse aid will therefore remain on the plates after they have dried and you are effectively eating this rinse aid when you eat off your "clean" plates.
I've come across some studies from the US and there are only a couple of brands that get an acceptable score whereas most of the mainstream brands get a pretty bad score when you look at the ingredients and health implications.
We've used Ecover Rinse Aid but it is very hard to get hold of so we've started using Ecostore rinse aid instead.
I haven't tried to lick our plates (they could quite possibly taste bitter) but at least I am pretty confident that the rinse aid that is left on our clean plates is not bad for my family.
have you tried using vinegar instead? does pretty much the same thing.
cheaper 1ltr $1.09 at aldi.
i also throw in a cup of bicarb with a good splash of vinegar to freshen up my dishwasher every 6 months.
I've read that vinegar is bad for seals, and that was from an 'alternative living' type website, the type that lists 1001 uses for vinegar etc.
Maybe wipe your seals with a clean cloth after their vinegar splash?
bicarb + vinegar = water plus Sodium Acetate plus Carbon Dioxide..
Hooray for washing your dishwasher with dilute sodium acetate solution!
Mixing Bicarb with Vinegar is a fun Year 8 Science experiment… It is not an effective cleaning mixture.
Vinegar might be a good cleaning chemical, Bicarb might also be a good cleaning chemical, but mixing them results in essentially just water.
I would be checking the following things first:
1/ Are the spray arms clean and free to rotate.
2/ Does the dishwasher drain completely between cycles.
Other than that there are many things that can make a dishwasher inefficient It would help to know
what dishwasher,
what detergent (brand & format),
if tablets are they straight detergent/2in1/3in1 etc.
What rinse aid (if needed).
Are you under or over dosing? (If using tablets you are probably overdosing)
If your dishwasher has a sensor or auto wash program you should use that, otherwise normal or universal at around 60C. Eco or quick wash is not designed for everyday use and is usually on present on a dishwasher to improve the star ratings.
If it is a good quality dishwasher ( ie. made in Europe - excluding Italy ) and good quality detergent start by reducing the detergent quantity to around half what is recommended on the box and see how that goes
Have you checked Dr Google whether you have Twentieth-Century Disease?
Have you tried licking the plates BEFORE you put them in the dishwasher? This may even prevent the need to place them in the dishwaher thereby eliminating the bitter taste.
When our dishwasher was malfunctioning and not rinsing, we could notice the detergent residue on the dishes. Have you checked on the dishwasher during the cycle to see if there is a normal amount of water going in to the machine for the wash and the rinse cycles?
I'm pretty sure it's the rinse aid. There's a dial in my machine that governs how much rinse aid is released and it had been knocked to a higher number. I started tasting bitter on the cups. Took me a bit of time to track down what was happening, and yes, I'm admitting to licking everything! :D I tasted the rinse aid out of the bottle and that's the culprit. (spit spit splutter, wash my mouth out!). I've changed the dial back to the minimum and it's not an obvious taste anymore but it is still there if you continue licking the dishes. (I could be developing an OCD but don't tell anyone). What gets me is I don't know what this damned chemical is that I've been ingesting. I'm going to start running the machine without the rinse aid at all and try to find out more. I found this thread while I was trying to find a solution.
There is no need to explain yourself on here, especially when you get to know this mob.
oh thank you nautic. I'd just like to let you know I'm now over my plate licking phase (unless dinner has a particularly lovely sauce!)
Rinse aid is effectively a water thinner - it makes the water run of the dishes better. The machine dispenses about 3ml of this into 6-10 litres of water (depending on dishwasher) so it shouldn't be enough to cause a problem.
I have heard of people substituting lemon juice in place of rinse aid, just make sure you filter it to get all the pulp out as it has been known to block up the dispensers.
It could be a problem with the brand I was using but it's definitely the rinse aid and definitely enough to leave a bitter residue. I don't really need a rinse aid - I don't use the sort of glassware that needs to be perfect very often and when I do I usually hand wash them anyway, so I'm just not using any.
You are tasting a compound called denatonium, the most bitter substance known. It is added to all sorts of things that are not intented to be ingested, like rinse aid, detergents and pesticides. The idea is to prevent accidental poisoning. Some bigger companies are pretty liberal adding it to everything they make - I have tasted it in some shampoos.
The bitter sense is the body's natural poison detector, which triggers vomiting. Denatonium is so bitter that compounds containing it can't be swallowed without gagging and vomiting.
It's added to pure alcohol so you can buy it for cleaning things, but can't drink it.
10ppm is intolerable, and 0.05ppm is still tasted as bitter. That's 1mL in 20,000 Litres.
Rinse aid is in the final rinse water to prepare for drying (it helps dishes dry properly). The amount of denatonium left on the plate by the rinse aid might have been calculated to be undetectable - if they assumed a dishwasher uses more water in the rinse cycle than your dishwasher. You might have a very low water usage dishwasher that is leaving a more concentrated amount on your plates.
It could also be a dishwasher tablet that isn't getting dissolved completely. Try placing the dishwasher tablet in the base of the dishwasher instead of the dispenser.
Thanks for the awesome info first time ive been back to see this ..
Try food it tastes better
True ozbargainers get maximum value why leave good sauce on a plate to goto waste ?
I've just got no idea why people lick plates that are clean
Do they wash them again after or just put them in the cupboard or out for people to use
Or is this some new fad I'll see on the news people on Instagram posting pictures of them licking clean plates in the selfies
I hope they don't work anywhere I eat out.
Why are you licking an empty plate? It would obviously not taste good but also it will never taste bitter. I guess, it's not your dish washer's fault. You should try changing the brand of soap…
Everyone has assumed im licking an empty plate i never actually said the plate was empty . I just said it has been cleaned in the dish washer … read the other comments they're actually useful and contribute to the thread
[QUOTE] When I Lick My Plate That Has Been Cleaned in The Dish Washer [QUOTE]
Lol, who licks a plate full of food then? I think the word Lick does not suit over here or you have misworded the actual problem you are facing. Anyways, I have already mentioned in my first comment that the problem is definitely not with the dishwasher and you should think of changing the brand of soap.
I'm not sure the plate is the one with the problem here.